KMKR 99.9FM: Underwriting

About Underwriting

Xerocraft’s Low Power radio station is on the air and broadcasting music 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. KMKR is striving to be a showcase for local and Southern Arizona talent in music, programming, and ideas.

Our broadcast area includes all of downtown Tucson, the University of Arizona campus, the Tucson Arts District, and both the Downtown and West Campuses of Pima Community College. Our signal extends north to Prince Road and south to the I-19 split. 285,000 Tucsonans live, work and school in the downtown area. And they're all within reach of KMKR's signal.

We intend to cover every genre in our community's rich heritage of eclectic music with a nonstop mix of Tucson and Southern Arizona artists (both contemporary gems and local legends), live DJs and original content creators who bring the creative spark of Tucson to the airwaves.

In order to cover our operating costs, we are looking for underwriters who can provide support for our vision. Underwriting provides you an opportunity to show your support for grass-roots community radio, Tucson’s thriving arts and music community and our creative programming. In return, your organization's name and a descriptive message will be read on our air. We are a nonprofit station and not eligible to run advertising. However, we can thank our underwriters and provide information about your business along with a method for contacting you, like a website or phone number.

We have a number of low-cost options for underwriting that will get your message to our listeners and help us sustain and grow our station and studio facilities.

KMKR Underwriting Rates

Underwriting spots are provided on the following availability schedule:

Daytime Blocks: Our daytime schedule is broken into three blocks for general listening: 9am to 4pm and 6pm to 11pm Monday through Friday and 7am to midnight on weekends.

Drivetime Blocks: The Drivetime schedule is 7am to 9am and 4pm to 6pm Monday through Friday.

Many underwriting packages are available:

One month packages:  

Basic Daytime Package – 14 spots per week (2 per day): $55/mo

Basic Drivetime Package – 10 spots per week (2 per weekday): $80/mo

Extended Daytime Package – 28 spots per week (4 per day): $110/mo

Extended Drivetime Package – 20 spots per week (4 per weekday): $150/mo

Recurring packages (10% discount with recurring payment, min. 3 mo commitment):  

Basic Daytime Package – 14 spots per week (2 per day): $50/mo

Basic Drivetime Package – 10 spots per week (2 per weekday): $72/mo

Extended Daytime Package – 28 spots per week (4 per day): $100/mo

Extended Drivetime Package – 20 spots per week (4 per weekday): $135/mo

Optional: Targeted marketing for sponsoring a show:  

Your spot will air a maximum of twice per hour for the show you sponsor. All remaining spots will air at other times during daytime or drivetime hours.

Custom packages: $55/mo minimum  

For short-term runs on specific dates, we offer a customized package of individual 30 second underwriting spots. This package is designed to promote a business event or activity that is open to the public and not commercial in nature.

Daytime shows cost $4

Drivetime shows cost $5

Terms & Conditions

  • During live programming, the DJ will read the scripted underwriting message aloud as part of his or her show. When there is no live DJ, a pre-recorded message will air automatically.
  • All underwriting announcements are for the sole purpose of sponsoring KMKR programming, not to promote or advertise businesses or specific concerts.
  • KMKR is a noncommercial station and must adhere to regulations as governed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
  • All underwriting announcements must be produced without music or sound effects.
  • Payment must be made to KMKR before the announcements can air.
  • Announcements can be produced for free by KMKR. An outside production house can also be used provided announcements are produced in accordance with KMKR policy.
  • Announcements produced outside of KMKR must be paid for by the sponsor.
  • Underwriting announcements will consist of the organization's name, a brief neutral description, location and a method of contact only.
  • No calls to action or comparative statements, prices or inducements to buy are allowed.
  • Announcements must remain the same throughout the contract date. No changes except in the case of a new address or method of contact.
  • Only one spot is produced per package

Are You Interested In Underwriting?

If you are interested in underwriting KMKR or have any questions, please contact us below

Contact Us: I want to underwrite for KMKR