Laser Shop Donation

Please help fund the Laser Shop!

Help Fund Our New Laser!

You can help put a shiny new laser in our shop!

The Shop Managers, Board of Directors and Steering Committee Members are all working together to upgrade our laser capabilities and reduce wait times by acquiring a second laser cutter/engraver. Please add your tax-deductible contribution to our fund and help us get this done!

Thank You for Your Support!

NOTE: Please add "Laser Shop Fundraiser" to the notes box on your donation! Thanks!

Gifts for Donors!

For a $25 donation, get a personalized "5 Things" black metal card with the 5 key steps for operating the laser. Super Handy!

For a $50 donation (or more) get the 5 Things card, AND a free Advanced Lightburn Class! (Schedule TBD.)

Your contribution also helps keep the lasers running at peak performance!

Running our Co2 Lasers is an expensive part of Xerocraft's operations. It's our goal to continue to offer laser shop access at no additional cost to members. Your contributions can help us!

For instance:

  • A new lens is needed three or four times a year. Each one is about $27
  • A 60-watt replacement tube is about $300 and they have been lasting about a year.
  • Power consumption for the lasers, chillers, air assist and exhaust fans is part of our substantial monthly electric bill