Light Up Skull Halloween Decoration

100% complete

This year I plan on creating a distance-triggered light-up skull. The final plan is to have a sound play and the eyes light up when people approach it to get candy on Halloween. Everything will be controlled by a Raspberry Pi Pico.

Oct 1st, 2023 @ 12:00 pm Light Up Skull

For the first part of this project, I went to Target and bought one of the decorative skulls. I then drilled out holes for the pins of an RGB LED into both eye sockets and then soldered some wires and resistors to the Red, Green, and Blue pins.

Afterward, I wrote a quick script to pick random colors for the eyes and to change them every couple of seconds.


Materials (So Far):

  • Skull
  • Raspberry Pi Pico
  •  220 Ohm Resistors (6)
  • Wires (8)
  • Breadboard
Oct 15th, 2023 @ 12:00 pm Bad To The Bone

This week I added a sound module and a distance sensor to play the opening riff of Bad to the Bone.


All that's left is to make a case for the components and try it out on Halloween.

Skull Connected to Pico, sound module, and distance sensor.

Link to video (can't embed the short clips.)

Oct 31st, 2023 @ 7:00 pm The Big Day

Today I put the skeleton outside to provide both a trick and treat for anyone who comes by. I finished cases for the speaker and ultrasonic sensor to make it harder to see (the added gauze helped too).

Anyway, the project has now come to an end, and here is a final video showing what I did.

Happy Halloween!