Treadmill desk and ergonomic observations

100% complete

I set up a workstation on the arms of a used treadmill I bought via Craigslist.

The treadmill had arms. I put a shelf board across the arms. I put my computer's keyboard and mouse on the shelf board.

I faced the treadmill toward my workbench, which was meant for use standing up.

I walked on the treadmill while I worked.

-I found that walking was distracting to me, that I had trouble maintaining the very intense concentration on which my work depends.

+The treadmill was nice to stand on. Its surface was flexible and easy on the feet.

+I took brief running-breaks very often. I think that, perhaps, if exercise is done often enough, one might get by with fewer total minutes of it, if "a stitch in time saves nine" holds in this case.

+Moving a treadmill by oneself can be very invigorating.

-Moving a treadmill by oneself can result in injuries such as knee ligament damage.

I can't find a photo of mine right now. Functionally it was set up similar to the one in the cover photo.