
Monport 80 Watt C02 Laser Cutter Certification: Maintenance


Little Red Laser Cutter Certification: Basic

Operate Little Red

Blue Laser Rotary Attachment Certification: Operations

Operating the rotary attachment on the Blue Laser

US Cutter Vinyl Cutter Certification: Basic


Wood Shop Certification: Basic

Basic Operations in the Woodshop including safety training

Laser Cutter Staff Certification: Certified Laser Staffer

Qualified to operate support and teach operations for the Laser cutters.

RETIRED-Trotec Speedy 300 Laser Cutter (Red): Maintenance

Be able to operate and do basic maintenance on the Trotec.

Blue (Shenhui) Laser Certification: Maintenance

Operate and clean the Blue laser

Blue (Shenhui) Laser Certification: Operations

Certified to operate the Blue laser solo

Laser Cutter Shop Manager
Website Content Team
Board Of Directors
Public Relations Director
& Administrator
