Xerocraft Member Projects

Liam  Profile Picture

Building in 'paper adobe,' straw bale, and concrete

Progress: 10%

I helped to:1. Build two small domes of "paper adobe" (with newsprint as the fiber) in Cochise County. One received an occupancy permit and was used a...
Liam  Profile Picture

Thought experiment: Regional, local, hyperlocal and/or just-in-time vaccine production

Progress: 1%

Warning & disclaimer: Please do imagine that you really are going to do this, but please do not actually try this, at least not unless you are a h...
Liam  Profile Picture

Trailer from kit

Progress: 100%

I bought and assembled a folding 4x8' flatbed trailer (Harbor Freight item # 90154), to move to Tucson. The trailer cost about the same as a one-way t...
Liam  Profile Picture

Ostensibly Edible Hackerspace

Progress: 5%

I used our Trotec Speedy 300 to engrave the Xerocraft logo on the door. It's just the front wall of a house so far but I thought I might put some peop...
Liam  Profile Picture

Laser-cut stencil and EXIT sign

Progress: 100%

Making this stencil, to spray paint an EXIT sign on Xerocraft's rear door, was a task that motivated me to learn some Adobe Illustrator and practice u...
Liam  Profile Picture

Explorations with an EEG device, on humans and plants

Progress: 5%

I assembled an EEG. First I bought a "modeeg" analog board and digital board from Olimex. These are based on the "ModularEEG" design from the open-sou...