January 21, 2024 Meeting Minutes [APPROVED]
Xerocraft Board of Directors
Monthly Meeting
Sunday, January 21, 2024 in person at Xerocraft
Meeting called to order at 1:02pm
In attendance: Mike R, Dusty R, Don C, Robbie L, Geoff S, Lisa G, Jeremy B (guest). (Alexis L, Ben W absent)
- Approve Meeting Minutes Dec 3rd Board Meeting
- Motion by Dusty, 2nd by Lisa to approve minutes as written.
- Unanimous approval
- President’s Report by Dusty
- Dusty will send link to a database to be used for volunteer positions and tool management.
- Tools can be updated and sorted by shop as part of asset management plan.
- Volunteer list can be updated to check for vacant spots.
- XC needs to start working on a Capital Expenditure plan for the next 10 years. This will include how to fund the account and what will be covered.
- XC needs to get a definite list of shops for accounting and donors.
- Jeremy will send a list by email.
- We will try to set more classes to generate revenue and sell memberships.
- Annual meeting will be on a Saturday in April per by-laws.
- Would like to try a potluck.
- We have to set rules for Board election.
- Election will be held online, open for 14 days, vote online after the annual meeting.
- Treasurer Report (Ben sent notes via Dusty)
- Finished 2023 showing a small profit, 2022 was a big loss.
- Taxes are being prepared by our accountant.
- AZ Arts Grant is still in the pipeline, haven’t seen the money yet.
- 2023 Corporate donations are down from 2022.
- We will start separating repairs from maintenance in our accounting.
- We add a line in QuickBooks for Marketing and Advertising.
- Secretary Report by Mike
- Mike will change username and password at AZ Corp website and give to Jeremy to add to his list of UN’s and PW’s.
- Mike will create a profile on the Benevity website so that donations can be matched by large corporations like Apple and others. See benevity.com
- Operations report by Mike
- Our liability insurance from Hartford will go up by $116/year. Mike to renew through our agent.
- Jim Glock from WAMO has gifted XC a used down draft MasterCool. Mike will pick up and store until spring. We may be able to use as replacement.
- Reminder to the BOD that XC rent will be going up in June.
- Fundraising Report
- We have no one working on this. Looking for someone to help with fundraising and grant writing.
- Public Relations Report by Don
- KGUN Channel 9 is coming to shoot a short profile piece soon.
- Velma is now helping with Weekly Updates.
- Pima Advanced Manuf Club has expressed interest in looking for a club membership. Need to get back with them with pricing.
- Some volunteers are questioning the amount of time XC work traders spend on social media trying to spread the word. Is there a better way to get more bang? Is there a way to measure the results?
- Table until next month when we can come back with a more focused plan.
- Programming Report by Geoff
- New jewelry classes coming online soon.
- XC will try to negotiate some class fees for some specific classes after 1st round is complete. There are some classes that cost several hundreds of dollars and are several sessions long. XC is only getting a $15 fee.
- Bill May wants to be shop manager for Casting. Follow procedure that Don has generated for approval. Bring up at next Steering Comm meeting. Approved to spend up to $150 to get this shop started.
- Geoff wants to revamp wood shop to have more classes but need to find more people and get approval from existing wood shop managers.
- Membership Report by Lisa
- 3 new work traders have signed up to work front desk and other locations.
- Some work traders want to reduce the number of hours necessary from 12 to 10 per month. Board says NO but there are several options available:
- Work with a Shop Manager to over-ride the system to get hours.
- Use a “roll-over” system to help bank hours when you’re short.
- Talk to Lisa if you’re going to be short hours so key fob doesn’t get shut off. They can work on “make-up” hours for next month.
- Need to remind any staffing people to let “Members Only” in the building.
- Work on some type of system with a photo ID so we can identify members after Open Hack has closed. Non-members should be asked to leave after Open Hack by staffers.
- Membership goal is to have a staff person at front desk for all Open Hacks. Means that we need more staffers.
- Tabled until next month.
- Other Business
- Members have asked if BOD meeting minutes can be made public?
- Yes, starting in 2024 minutes will be public. Jeremy will post on XC Wiki page. We may redact private info or some financial info.
- Bob Dinias safety report says that basement door needs work or replacement. Needs panic hardware and must open outward per code.
- Mike will contact WAMO to see if WAMO could help pay for this.
- Repair Cafe
- They are willing to pay to use XC space or become Group member.
- They want some on-site storage in exchange for paying.
- If this happens they will need XC training.
- Don and Jeremy will meet with them to get a specific ask and work on a number.
- We will put this in a proposal.
- Tabled until next month.
- Vending machines
- XC will contact Canteen or Tomdra for a quote.
- Vendor taking 100% of profit is not acceptable.
- Need to have machines that work with a phone app or cash.
- Tabled until we get more info.
- A member asked if we would reconsider discount for Vets again.
- Tabled
Meeting adjourned at 3:42 pm. Next meeting Sunday, Feb 18, 2024, 1pm at XC in person.