Policy Repository

Policy Repository

Xerocraft has created this repository as a single source for communicating our policies. Updates will be made periodically.

Xerocraft Volunteer Policy


There is much to be done around Xerocraft! Our volunteers keep the space alive and functional. They are an integral part of a hard-working community of people dedicated to helping Xerocraft and our maker community thrive!

This policy was finalized and ratified by the Xerocraft Board of Directors on Nov 12, 2023.

Section I: Purpose

The purpose of this Volunteer policy is to describe and delineate various roles and job duties, and to establish requirements for performance for those members that receive free or discounted memberships.

Section II: Volunteer Roles

Volunteer Roles  

1. Volunteer Members (fka Work Trader)  

Volunteer Member is the term we use for people who perform beneficial activities for Xerocraft but are not paid employees, vendors, or contractors. This role was formerly known as a Work Trader. A Volunteer Member should support our mission and be committed to making Xerocraft a better place while helping people.  

Volunteers donate at least a specified minimum amount of time and effort to Xerocraft in return for discounted or free membership dues. No other compensation is provided to Volunteer Members. Specific requirements for earning and retaining Volunteer status are described in subsequent sections of this document. Volunteer Members are required to track and report their staffing hours.2. Shop Staffer

A qualified Volunteer Member or paying member that has the necessary skills and training to safely and effectively train and assist Xerocraft members or guests in a specific shop. Shop Staffers typically work one or more scheduled shifts each week. Shop Staffers are appointed and managed by the appropriate Shop Managers, with the approval of the Volunteer Coordinator. Shop Staffers are often Volunteer Members but are not required to be. Volunteer Members who are staffers are required to track and report their staffing hours.

3. Shop Manager

An individual that manages, maintains, and operates a specific Xerocraft shop. Shop Managers have a variety of responsibilities which are not fully described in this document. Shop Managers are not Volunteer Members. Shop Managers are confirmed by the Board of Directors. Shop Managers earn a free Inherent Membership (IM) and are exempt from tracking their hours and activities.

4. Special Managers and Coordinators

Similar to a Shop Manager, Special Managers and Coordinators lead valuable organizational, operational, or strategic activities. These activities are typically not tied to a specific shop. Some examples are: Community Manager, Volunteer Coordinator, or Fire and Safety Manager. In this role, the person works mostly autonomously and usually reports to a Board Member or the General Manager, rather than a shop manager. Special Managers and Coordinators may earn a free Inherent Membership (IM) and are exempt from tracking their hours and activities.

Special Note on Class Instructors 

An Instructor is someone who teaches a class or similar activity for the purpose of educating Xerocraft Members and Guests. An Instructor may or may not be a Volunteer Member and may not even be a Xerocraft Member. Class Instructors are paid for teaching classes, unless they choose to defer that compensation. The Program Director manages the class schedule and may negotiate this compensation where appropriate. Hours spent on classes are NOT eligible for Volunteer Member tracking. Instructors who are also Volunteer Members will need to track and complete the minimum hours necessary outside of classes.

Section III: Volunteer Member Process and Procedure Responsibilities

Volunteer Member Process and Procedure Responsibilities

Specific procedures for managing Volunteer Members that align with this Policy shall be documented and maintained by the Volunteer Coordinator, if that role is staffed. Otherwise the Board or other designee may define those processes and procedures.

Day-to-day operational recruiting, accepting, and on-boarding of prospective Volunteer Members is the responsibility of the Volunteer Coordinator. If no Volunteer Coordinator is in place, the responsibility for managing volunteers will fall to the General Manager.

To minimize an underutilized surplus of volunteers, the number of Volunteer Members will be limited to those roles defined for each area/shop as outlined by the Volunteer Coordinator and the Board. The Board has authority to allow exceptions.

Section IV: Requirements for Volunteer Member Status

 Requirements for Volunteer Member Status 

1. Application as a Volunteer Member

A formal application process is required for all volunteers. An individual expressing interest in being a volunteer will provide relevant information before being accepted. This includes, but is not limited to: verification of full legal name, contact information (phone and email), and estimated time availability to volunteer.

2. Applicable Skills 

An individual desiring Volunteer Member status should possess skills beneficial to Xerocraft. The Volunteer Coordinator may determine what skills and talents are valuable and relevant at any given time. The Volunteer Coordinator may decline to offer volunteer status to a candidate whose skills are not well aligned with current organizational needs and opportunities.

3. Minimum Hours Contribution

A Volunteer Member will be required to work a minimum of twelve (12) hours per month. Hours shall be tracked on the Xerocraft Kiosk or website. Up to twelve (12) hours logged over the minimum will be carried over by the system. The Volunteer Member is responsible for logging their own hours in the system.

4. Working Location

Depending on the role, some activities may be performed outside of the Xerocraft building. When a Volunteer Member is authorized to work remotely, another designated leader or manager will coordinate with and supervise them.  

5. Supervision 

A volunteer will be supervised by a Shop Manager, Board Member or other Special Manager or Coordinator. The Volunteer Coordinator will collaborate with these and other Xerocraft leadership to assign an appropriate supervisor.

6. Probationary Period

A candidate accepted as a Volunteer Member will be expected to aid in general areas for a minimum of two work sessions of three hours each (or equivalent). This might include working the front desk for Open Hacks, giving tours, general cleaning, organizing, and similar duties. This is intended to give the volunteer an overall view of the organization and connection to our members. In some cases, specific roles may have different responsibilities during the probationary period as determined by the Volunteer Coordinator.

7. Declining a Volunteer Member Application

The Volunteer Coordinator may, at their sole discretion, respectfully decline a Volunteer Member application if they determine the individual is not a good fit for Xerocraft at this time.

Section V: Lapsed Volunteer Member Status and Recovery

Lapsed Volunteer Member Status and Recovery

If a volunteer fails to log the minimum number of hours for a month, the Xerocraft system will automatically deactivate that Volunteer Member and disable any RFID fob assigned to them. Volunteer Members who repeatedly lapse may be ineligible to return to Volunteer Member status.

Seasonal Volunteer Members who leave for the summer should notify the Volunteer Coordinator of their anticipated departure date, and return date if known. They will need to have their fob reactivated when they return. This is normal and expected for our seasonal volunteers.

Section VI: Termination of Work Trade Status

Termination of Work Trade Status 

Volunteer Members who wish to discontinue their participation should notify the Volunteer Coordinator or General Manager and return their RFID fob, if applicable.

Xerocraft may choose to terminate a Volunteer Member for inappropriate behavior or other policy violation. The Volunteer Coordinator, General Manager, or Board of Directors may dismiss a Volunteer Member at their discretion.

Section VII: Behavioral Standards for All Volunteer Roles

Behavioral Standards for All Volunteer Roles

Volunteers are the public face of Xerocraft. As such, they are expected to be trustworthy, positive, and helpful to members and guests, while respecting the security and safety of the space. Volunteers set a constructive example for others. They must comply with the Anti-Harassment Policy at all times, and abide by all safety and security procedures. 

Volunteers must be respectful of members, leaders and other volunteers. Conflicts and concerns must be addressed in discreet conversations with the appropriate leadership and should never be publicly aired in a divisive or disruptive manner.

Anti-Harassment Policy

You can read our entire Anti-Harassment Policy here.

Guest and Tour Policy

Tours and introductions to the maker space:

Any member may bring non-members into the makerspace in order to show them the makerspace and/or give them a tour. The member will not be doing substantive work in any shop during this time but rather showing non-members the maker space. 

After hours policy:

For members with 24-hour access: 
Tours must be given during Xerocraft’s regular hours (from 8 am to 10 pm). No after-hours tours or guests are permitted.

Guest Policy

Any active member may invite up to two guests at a time to work with them on a project. The member is responsible for the guests’ behavior. Because of this, the member must actively supervise the guests at all times. To be clear: actively supervising means that the member is in the same shop as the guest at all times and does not let the guest independently work on any machine. All guests must check in at the front kiosk and sign the waiver either online on the kiosk or hard-copy. Guests under 18 years of age must have a waiver signed by a parent or legal guardian before being permitted to work in the shop.

Also included is the responsibility of the member to enforce Xerocraft policies, including but not limited to, policies on smoking, drugs and alcohol use. Please do not bring non-members into the facility who are unable or unwilling to comply with Xerocraft safety and behavioral policies.

After hours policy:

For members with 24-hour access: 

Tours must be given during Xerocraft’s regular hours (from 8 am to 10 pm). No non-members, or members without 24-hour access are allowed to be in the Xerocraft building after hours. No guests are permitted after hours. Allowing others who don’t have 24-hour access to accompany you into Xerocraft after hours will result in the suspension of your 24-hour access to the building.

Xerocraft Donation and Cash Transaction Policy

This policy ensures that Xerocraft maintains transparency, efficiency, and legal compliance in all donation and cash-handling matters.


Introduction This policy establishes clear guidelines for handling cash transactions and material donations at Xerocraft. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, Xerocraft upholds strict transparency in all transactions. Volunteers, staff, and board members must act in the best interest of the organization. Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary action or legal consequences.

Section I: Definitions of Donations Donations of funds, tools, equipment, and supplies are essential to Xerocraft’s operations. To maintain clarity and efficiency, the following principles apply:

  • Ownership: All accepted donations become the property of Xerocraft.
  • Directed Donations: Donations specified for a particular shop or activity are honored as intended.
  • Non-Directed Donations: Unspecified donations support Xerocraft’s general operations.

Role of the Tool Sales Manager The Tool Sales Manager has broad authority to assess, manage, and sell non-monetary donations, as approved by the Board.

Trivial Donation Exceptions Small, low-value items such as miscellaneous computer parts, scrap materials, and small tools do not require documentation. These may be distributed to shop managers or placed on the free shelf for member use. Small cash donations under $50 can be deposited into the front desk donation box without additional processing.

Section II: Donation Processing

Acknowledging Donors Always ask donors if they require a receipt. Xerocraft cannot legally assign a monetary value to donations for tax purposes; donors should consult a tax professional.

Disposition of Donated Items Shop managers determine if donations are useful. Options include keeping, selling, or disposing of items. The General Manager and Tool Sales Manager may provide guidance as needed.

Declining Donations Xerocraft reserves the right to refuse donations that are hazardous, broken beyond repair, or otherwise burdensome. Items that should not be accepted include:

  • Toxic chemicals, solvents, or partial cans of paint.
  • Broken tools or equipment that cannot be repaired.
  • E-waste, such as CRT monitors, that require special disposal.

Determining the Value of Equipment

  • Nominal donations (e.g., small tools, general supplies) do not require valuation or tracking.
  • Items with an estimated value of $100 or more must be documented.
  • Relevant shop managers should assess the value of tools and equipment. The Tool Sales Manager can assist with pricing guidance.
  • High-value items must be added to the Xerocraft Asset Inventory.

Selling Donated Items

  • If a donated item is deemed unnecessary, it may be sold via online marketplaces (e.g., Craigslist, eBay, Facebook Marketplace).
  • The shop manager, General Manager, or Tool Sales Manager determines a fair asking price.
  • Proceeds from sales must be deposited into Xerocraft accounts; cash can be placed in the donation box or processed as a credit card transaction.
  • Any expenses related to selling items are reimbursable through the normal expense process.

Earmarking Funds from Donation Sales Proceeds from general sales support Xerocraft’s operational expenses. However, shop managers may request to earmark specific sales for designated purposes, pending Treasurer approval.

Section III: Handling Cash Donations and Transactions

  • Cash payments for classes or memberships are accepted but must be processed correctly.
  • All received cash should be placed in a clearly marked envelope with the recipient’s name, date, and purpose (e.g., donation, class fee, membership payment).
  • Envelopes should be deposited into the secure “ammo box” behind the front desk.
  • At no time may an individual retain, redirect, or distribute Xerocraft funds outside of official channels.

Equipment Loans

Section IV: Equipment Loans Xerocraft does not accept loaned equipment due to risks of loss or damage. Donations are welcome with the understanding that Xerocraft may use or sell them at its discretion. Exceptions require Board approval.

This policy ensures that Xerocraft maintains transparency, efficiency, and legal compliance in all donation and cash-handling matters.