April 21, 2024 Meeting Minutes [APPROVED]
Xerocraft Board of Directors
Monthly Meeting
Sunday, April 21, 2024 in person at Xerocraft
Meeting called to order at 1:01pm
In attendance: Mike Runde, Dusty Reyes, Don Cue, Geoff Shafer, Lisa Grenier, Ben Winkler, (Alexis Lincicome, Robbie Laity absent)
- Approve Meeting Minutes March Board Meeting
- Motion by Dusty, 2nd by Geoff to approve as written
- Unanimous approval
- President’s Report by Dusty
- Notion is a database software for admin purposes. XC would like to buy 3 seats to see if it will work for us. Motion by Dusty, 2nd by Lisa to get a 6 month subscription for $6/seat/person. We would start w/ 3 seats (Dusty, Lisa, and Jeremy). Unanimous approval.
- Angela Murphy would like to bring a proposal to the Board to improve 1st Sat. She is getting feedback from the artists. Will present next month
- New marketing volunteer/work trader (Grace) is working to help market XC to increase membership and sell more classes
- New grant writer volunteer/work trader (Rose) is on board to search for grants
- Dusty is investigating Benevity to determine if any donations are matched, or only the donations from corporate employees. Report back next month.
- A valuable member/teacher sent a request regarding the teacher pay policy and the price of tickets for the classes. The Board informed him that we were unable to accommodate his request at this time because the policy must be uniform for all teachers. He currently has a membership that ends in July. He has informed the Board that he will be leaving XC when his membership expires. We certainly thank him for his service. We will miss him because he was a valuable member of the XC community. XC is currently short on admin staff and his request would increase the admin hours required.
- Jeremy is requesting $320 for new NVR and cameras. Motion by Dusty, 2nd by Lisa to approve up to $320 for this setup. Unanimous approval.
- Bob Foster (wood shop manager) has thrown his hat in the ring to be a potential Board member. The Board approved and he will be on the ballot.
- Discussion about a new Executive Director tabled until further notice.
- Treasurer Report by Ben
- Accounts are holding steady. Membership and classes are matching expenses.
- The grant money of approx $9,800 has been deposited in the XC account.
- Motion by Ben, 2nd by Don to move $25,000 from savings account into interest bearing CD for approx 7 months. Unanimous approval. Mike will handle this at the credit union.
- Radio Station needs discussion about fees. Consider stopping the station when the fees run out.
- Jeremy is working to find a shop manager.
- Mike will talk to someone to see if the license has any value to anyone else.
- Secretary Report by Mike
- Nothing to report at this time
- Operations Report by Mike
- Mike is working with WAMO to finish the courtyard grading, new water line to welding area, buried conduit to blacksmithing for internet, new rear and basement doors, front sign installation. Things are moving but at a slow pace.
- Fundraising Report by Dusty
- Creative Capacity Grant has been submitted for another year.
- Mike will contact Jim Wilcox at WAMO about some more grant opportunities and send to Dusty.
- Public Relations Report by Don
- Jewelry had an event that involved laser and 3D print
- Weekly emails/newsletter continue to be sent out.
- Programming Report by Geoff
- Still working on getting wood shop classes
- Bryant will take over for Tom as machine shop manager through the summer months. He will go through the steering committee process.
- Blacksmithing is slowly moving, but there are classes.
- Looking into painting as another class.
- Membership Report by Lisa
- Membership has been holding steady. We have new names as some folks don’t renew for various reasons.
- Looking to set up a “Hack your Hackerspace”. Need more time.
- 1 member has been suspended from wood shop for unsafe use of tools.
- Some work traders have been turned away because they are not a good fit.
- Lisa is going on vacation for 2 weeks, Don will take her place temporarily.
- Other business
- We will have election results for May meeting. We will talk transition then.
- Like to add a VP, fundraiser chair, and public relations point person.
Next meeting Sunday, May 19, 2024, 1pm at Xerocraft.
Meeting adjourned at 3:11 pm.