1.) Harvey: One day pass
- Not working. Not enough staff to handle it. Get rid of it?
- Matt: They must arrange with a shop manager or staffer prior to showing up.
- John N: Stop calling it a day pass, maybe “shop time”?
- Matt is for eliminating it.
- General consensus is to get rid of it. BoD will discuss it.
2.) Harvey, Bob: discuss status of Saw stop table saw
- Matt brought us up to speed on the SawStop status.
- Matt shipped the activated cartridges on Friday. They have received them. All cartridges found to have fired due to a fault will be replaced at no cost. We’ll know more next week.
3.) Harvey: discuss the need to clear others that come to the door before letting them into the building
- Anyone with a fob may let people in through the front door without knowing who they are. Attitude toward letting anyone in is too lax for members who don’t know better.
- Matt: Someone assumed some people who came by were with the Pima group and let them in.
- Matt: Sign at front door? Matt will make a draft sign.
4.) Back yard update
- Matt: three parts: right now, rear entrance off of Perry. Second phase is to add new stairs to north bay basement and ADA-compliant ramp. Phase three is other improvements in the back yard (not yet scheduled). First two phases should be finished in about a month.
5.) Jeremy: South parking lot locks cut and gates left open. Some cars were parked inside the lot. The owner came by Sunday morning and replaced the locks, locking some cars inside.
- Only Ace of Escape has permission to park in the lot!
- Should we put up weatherproof signs?
- Jeremy will call Town West about putting up their own signs.
6.) Jeremy: Wood Shop pencil sharpener
- Triple-T says the pencil sharpener isn’t working very well
- Can we fix it? Should we replace it?
- Harvey will take a look at it.
7.) Jeremy: August electric bill
- August: $747.47
- July: $805.00
- June: $871.99