Steering Committee Meeting 2022-10-03

Steering Committee Meeting 2022-10-03

Monday, October 3, 2022: Began at 7:01pm

Table of Contents
  1.  Agenda
  2.  Minutes


  1. SawStop
  2. Electrical issue
  3. Crafts Cleanup tomorrow


  1. SawStop
  2. Bob F and Ethan repaired belts
  3. Lifting and lowering gears are worn out. Metal shavings found in the gears. We bought spares about 9 months ago.
  4. Steve K has experience with working on SawStops
  5. We need volunteers to turn the SawStop upside down when cable arrives
  6. Electrical issue
  7. 220V circuit in wood shop went out. Harvey repaired the plug on the planar.
  8. Steve W noted some improvements we should make.
  9. We should get together and plan repairs.
  10. Steve W back in town Oct 5.
  11. Bob F spoke to Adrian B and Mike R
  12. Crafts Cleanup tomorrow