Patrick C: Terry is taking off July and August for the TIG class. Can we get an announcement out so that people interested in taking it are aware and can get in this month or next?
Geoff S: The electrical voltage issues we're having at Xerocraft and whether anyone has any suggested solutions? Some motors may be working inefficiently as per Steve Wilson's opinion when evaluating our electrical supply some months ago.
Geoff S is unsure of his repair job on the dust collector
The free personal license has some new restrictions. It’s great software. Still useable but very restrictive. Does Xerocraft have a license? Apparently not. Tom said the educational license is not an option. Full license for 3 computers (one seat at a time) is $550/year. Do we use Fusion 360 enough to buy it? Tom is asking around to CNC users.
Adrian: The next viable option is FreeCAD. It has most of the functionality of Fusion360. It also does CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing).
Tom will look at FreeCAD. Post processors might be available for our CNC mill.
Patrick C: Terry is taking off July and August for the TIG class. Can we get an announcement out so that people interested in taking it are aware and can get in this month or next?
Get your class in now or wait until the Fall!
May and June classes are good to go.
Don will announce it.
Jeremy will look for backup instructors.
Geoff S: The electrical voltage issues we're having at Xerocraft and whether anyone has any suggested solutions? Some motors may be working inefficiently as per Steve Wilson's opinion when evaluating our electrical supply some months ago.
There might be voltage issues affecting the dust collector motor and the planar motor, possibly the horizontal bandsaw.
We have two of three phases in the basement (208VAC), not 240V.
A 240V motor running on 208V runs hotter and less powerful.
We should evaluate each tool and see if they are/can run on 208V. If they run on more than 208V, we have to decide what to do.
Or we can get transformers that convert 208V to 240V for individual tools or possibly several tools. Then rewire the tools downstairs. A subcommittee needs to make these decisions.
Robbie concurs with everything Steve said.
Robbie would like to look into bringing a third leg into the building.
Robbie will look for some cheap available transformers. VFD controllers have also gotten very cheap.
Robbie: Reach out to local supply houses to see if they have cheap transformers.
Adrian: More of these devices means more maintenance points. We can get motors rewound to match our needs.
Bob: We could replace all of the cutters on the machines so they work more efficiently. But before we do that, we should find out about the electrical issue.
Bob could squeeze a volt into the motor by reducing the cord length and making the wire thicker.
Bob: Priority #1 should be to get the planar running again.
Steve will research the motors for each relevant tool. Once that’s done, we’ll have a subcmte meeting to come up with a plan: Steve W, Robbie L, Geoff S will form the subcmte.
Steve: Anyone with a particular tool they’re invested in should also attend to make sure their tools are working to their liking.
What tools are in the scope of this? Steve will research it and get back to us at the next steering committee meeting (May 15). Then we’ll pass it to the subcmte.
Geoff S is unsure of his repair job on the dust collector
The exhaust on the dust collector broke off on Saturday. Geoff sealed it. It’s not leaking now but that might not last long.
Robbie: We should replace the current duct as soon as possible.
Do we replace the Grizzly motor?
Adrian: Replace the ducting with sheet metal ducting.
Jeremy will look for a volunteer to reinforce the current duct.
Don, Steve volunteered to help reinstall the Grizzly.
Robbie L: Swamp cooler update
Classroom swamp’s bearings are starting to go out. A volunteer to replace them would be nice.
Let’s use the classroom swamp cooler for overnight cooling.
Robbie’s going to experiment with a thermostat.
Jeremy: Main room swamp cooling is making noise. Keep it on low speed for now. Probably the bearings.
Steve: Replace one swamp cooler at a time for the next three years. Robbie agrees.
Steve volunteers to help maintenance the swamp coolers.
Mornings are the best to do this work but Robbie will be unavailable.
Harvey: Make sure people are shutting them off in accordance with the closing procedure. Jeremy will look into it.