Steering Committee Meeting 2023-06-19

Steering Committee Meeting 2023-06-19

Monday, June 19, 2023 from 7:01pm to 7:50pm

Table of Contents
  1.  Present
  2.  Agenda
  3.  Minutes


Jeremy B, Adrian B, John N, Katherine K, Harvey B, Bob F, Geoff S, Patrick C, Ethan W, Steve W


  1. Geoff: Machine Shop policy changes
  2. John N: Red laser cutter status
  3. John N: Compressor donation
  4. Jeremy: Several space-related announcements
  5. John N: Accumulated junk in space in basement
  6. Patrick C: Oxyacetylene torch


  1. Geoff: Machine Shop policy changes
  2. Signup sheets for tools, particularly lathe and mill
  3. Notice in Discord, email group (Jeremy will help)
  4. Asked to divide aluminum and steel waste for recycling and metalcasting
  5. Messes left behind. Geoff wants to monitor. He will make forms, share with Jeremy.
  6. John N: Red laser cutter status
  7. Annette was using red laser cutter. Pump appears to be down. 
  8. Jeremy: 6/21/23: red laser air pump replaced and blue laser tube replaced. Both laser cutters are running.
  9. John N: Compressor donation
  10. Katherine K donated a portable air compressor. It’s under the south loft staircase. 
  11. It’s handy to have a spare portable air compressor when we need it.
  12. Steve W offered to buy it.
  13. We’re going to keep Katherine’s donated air compressor. Jeremy will label it.
  14. Jeremy: Several space-related announcements
  15. Swamp cooler in the Welding/Blacksmithing and Metalcasting Dept. 
  16. We have a swamp cooler running out there. 
  17. Right now the water tray has to be filled manually with the garden hose. There are attachments and a spare hose out there to connect the swamp to the garden hose. 
  18. We’ll probably rewire it to just one power cable at some point. 
  19. Mike will have the 4-wheel base ready soon.
  20. Basement air evacuator next to Jewelry
  21. It’s making a repetitive clicking sound. Mike or Robbie will look into it. 
  22. The machine can still be used in the meantime.
  23. The front docks
  24. Concrete to be poured Thursday June 22.
  25. The roof cleaning
  26. We took care of it Tuesday morning. Next comes painting.
  27. The supplies shelf and the deep sink
  28. The deep sink next to the kitchenette has been repaired.
  29. Next to the deep sink is the new supplies shelf for holding regular consumables like paper towels, hand soap, soda, etc.
  30. Wood Shop blades dulling too fast
  31. John N: We need to be careful with being too restrictive.
  32. Bob F: Just stop bringing in old, dirty, curved stuff. You can use the router table, CNC router. Not a blanket ban on the Mesquite in particular yet. Mesquite dust is dangerous though. We need adequate dust collection.
  33. Harvey B: Stop bringing old wood out of your back yard. At least clean it first, make sure it’s free of metal, embedded rocks.
  34. John N: We have another smaller planar downstairs. Use a shop vac for ventilation.
  35. Bob F: CNC routing or a large router sled for big pieces.
  36. Harvey B: There are good router bits for this application. No questionable wod on our tools. He will discuss it further with Bob.
  37. Bob F: It only takes one person a moment to break a tool.
  38. Bob F: Remind members that restrictions are for their own good. 
  39. They can also do it by hand. But they probably won’t finish the project. 
  40. There’s also Woodworker’s Source. $25 min. They do milling. Check their website. Planar, mill, jointer.
  41. Adrian B restricts the filament to protect his tools. It’s not unreasonable. 
  42. Dust collector 
  43. John N: Accumulated junk in space in basement
  44. THe dead zone in the basement where the floor is the most uneven is overwhelmed with random stuff and old members projects. 
  45. John was authorized to clear the area out, attempt to contact project owners.
  46. Patrick C: Oxyacetylene torch
  47. Can we return it? Someone was seen using it who shouldn’t have been. 
  48. Jeremy spoke to Mike R about it. Mike will take the oxy torch away. 
  49. Jeremy is aware of the person who misused it and will attend to the matter.
  50. Plasma cutter: Mike has the new parts and will get it repaired soon.