Steering Committee Meeting 2023-07-17

Steering Committee Meeting 2023-07-17

Monday, July 17, 2023 from 7:01pm to 7:36pm

Table of Contents
  1.  Present
  2.  Agenda
  3.  Minutes


John N, Lisa G, Don C, Alexis L, Bob F, Jeremy B


  1. Lisa G: How many work-traders?
  2. John N: Hand saws
  3. Don C: Laser chiller


  1. Lisa G: How many work-traders?
  2. How many work-traders should we have? As many as possible? 
  3. Alexis: You don’t have to specifically manage Wood Shop classes. Get them started then pass them off to Shop Managers. Keep up with them to make sure they’re needs are being addressed. Work-traders ask Shop Managers for tasks.
  4. Alexis: We need consistent staffers for Open Hacks. 
  5. Alexis recommends a workflow where work-traders only come to you when they need it. “Buckets” to staff a certain dept, fix a machine, etc. 
  6. Jeremy: Automation on website, tutorial videos, manuals
  7. Bob F: We need skilled woodworkers as staffers. Before you accept someone as a staffer of the Wood Shop and introduce you to the Shop Manager, staffers have the permission of “first refusal”. Consult at least one Shop Manager before telling the prospect that they can staff the shop. 
  8. Lisa G would prefer we keep the maximum number tentative for now, specific number TBA. We want people we know will stick around before we put in the effort of training them on more advanced things, tools, etc. 
  9. John N requests more grant writing. Hans might do it? Offers to test companies’ new machines?
  10. Lisa G has some staffers for the front desk.
  11. John N: Hand saws
  12. A box of hand saws were donated. They’re not selling. They’re too big to sell on eBay. They’er very nice but few people use hand saws these days. John is looking for a place that uses hand saws to ornate them to. 
  13. Shipping would make them too expensive. Antique saws do look too different from modern store-bought saws. There’s not much of a market. 
  14. Bob F: Separate the handles from the blades and use them in welding dept. Handles can be used for lots of things. 
  15. Alexis will take the ammo box. She’ll move them to another box. 
  16. John N: JTED might want them. 
  17. Jeremy recommends the Wood Shop email discussion list to request some options. Every department has its own email group. It’s meant to be a resource for members to pick the brains of other woodworkers in the community. 
  18. Laser chiller
  19. Don is writing up documentation to warn people about the blue laser cutter overheating. Running it too hot kills the tube. 
  20. The Board of Directors approved purchase of a new refrigerated chiller. 
  21. A new member would like to donate the cost of the chiller!
  22. John N requests a video tutorial on maintaining the chiller. Don will wait until the new chiller is in place and document cleaning schedule, etc.