New wall switches will allow us to stop using circuit breakers as light switches.
Steve has installed two light switches: one at the front door and one at the Machine Shop door.
We need to run some extra conduit wire in order to run the lights above the Machine Shop independent from the north loft lights.
When work is done, some breakers will have to be turned off for a while which will affect the first floor and loft lights. When is a good time to do this?
Ladder?: There are A-frame ladders next door
Robbie has his own ideas for remote lighting.
Bob: Friday is least-visited day. Sunday is also very quiet.
Adrian B: 3D printing update
Sidewinders 3D printers bought at half price. Great deal. Very robust printers in great shape. He’s bringing them in tomorrow.
Anna M: Update on publicity. A marketing manager who reports to the BoD? Table/boothing at conventions. We need more exposure.
Don is the Public Relations and Marketing Manager. He’s always looking for more help.