Bob F: Formal consequences/penalties for breaking things in the woodshop. Requirements for notification of shop managers.
Are there formal requirements in our guidelines? We need to make it explicitly clear.
Drum sander and bandsaw were damaged over the weekend. Bandsaw was left in an unsafe state.
People need to be reminded to be safe with the tools. Sign with a QR that spells out your responsibility to use it safely. If you damage it or find it damaged , fill our form with pertinent info (dates and time, etc, so we don’t have to rely on video). If we do have to rely on video to find out who did it, the consequences are more severe. Spell it out at kiosk. Fill out “tool broken” form.
Harvey and Jeremy will talk.
Bob D: “How to report damage” document for orientation
Lisa G: We want to incentivize people to self-report breaking things. If we mandate a “you break it, you buy it” policy, we’ll incentivize people not to report.
Jeremy: We have surveillance footage.
John N: Report “unsafe users” to dept staff
Bob D: Fire safety update
We got rid of some excess extension cords in the upstairs classroom.
Installed additional extinguisher in the welding and blacksmith area.
A large metal table was moved in front of an extinguisher but Bob moved it.
Basement exit light requires new backup battery
John N: More fire extinguisher wall flags?
Katherine K: Fire blankets?
Jeremy: I think we have one in the new first aid kit, which still needs to be installed
Bob D doesn’t think they would be useful in welding/blacksmith area.
Bod D: Show fire extinguisher locations as part of orientation.
Todd E: Update on back basement door access?
Bod D spoke to a few people who work near the basement door. Door requires upgrades. Door access issues need to be addressed soon.
Geoff S: Mill update and downtime
Bridgeport mill appears to have failing bearings. They need to be replaced. It’s gotten worse in the last two weeks when run at the highest two speeds. It could become unusable a month or two. The head can be rebuilt, but should it? The mill is pretty worn out. Tom W will be back in early November to supervise it. The mill will likely be down for 2 to 4 weeks. But even after that repair it’s still very worn down, but still sellable ($1500-2000).
$1500 to $2000 just to move it. They weigh 2-4k pounds. Built 1951-1954. Most used equipment in the Machine Shop.
Geoff and Tom will discuss an expenditure proposal.
Geoff asks that users be very delicate with high-speed operation. Geoff can give advice on how to use it gently.
Jeremy can make a sign
Patrick C: Plasma cutter donation
Don C is speaking with someone about a donation.
“Large plasma cutter”, deep in storage. More info soon!