Steering Committee Meeting 2024-01-15

Steering Committee Meeting 2024-01-15

Monday, January 15, 2024 from 7:00pm to 8:06pm

Table of Contents
  1.  Present
  2.  Agenda
  3.  Minutes


Don C, Bob D, Adrian B, Steve W, Lisa G, Katherine K, John N, Harvey B, Velma M, Anna M, Tom W, Bob F, Patrick C, Geoff S, Tim, Jeremy B, Mark M


  1. Steve W: Dust collector update
  2. Lisa G: Open Hack
  3. Tom W: Bridgeport update
  4. Patrick C: Volunteer hours less than 12?
  5. Geoff S, Jeremy B: Casual party on Sat, Jan 20 4:30pm-6pm start time


  1. Steve W: Dust collector update
  2. Basement work is mostly done. Bag excluder will be added soon but is not required to use it now. 
  3. Soon the bag excluder will be added and we’ll be able to use garbage bags.
  4. Bin full sensor installed.
  5. Remaining work: upstairs work on connecting jointer and planer to duct gates. 
  6. Eventually: Glue and tape the joints. 
  7. More work tomorrow.
  8. Don: Drum sander?
  9. Steve W: That will go on a local shop vac due to all the fine dust.
  10. Don: vacuum hose is disconnecting from drum sander (at the drum sander end)!
  11. Don: Router table may need some work.
  12. Don: SawStop was so clogged that it was backed up into the tube. It looks like dust collection was not used.
  13. Tom W: Bridgeport update
  14. Two new gears ordered. Should arrive by Friday. He’ll attempt to install it on Sunday. 
  15. Bit Buckets will kick in some money for it. 
  16. Bridgeport is non-operational until further notice. 
  17. Geoff S, Jeremy B: Casual party on Sat, Jan 20, with 5pm start time, with Zoom starting at 6:30pm
  18. Jeremy will handle the Zoom component
  19. Don C: Members are preferred over just any attendee. Possibly use the weekly update list, voting list?
  20. Jeremy will talk to Don about weekly update access.
  21. Velma has a background in email and data systems. 
  22. Jeremy will connect Velma to Kyle.
  23. Don C: Encourage other BoD members to be there.
  24. Patrick C: Volunteer hours less than 12?
  25. Members who fear they’re on the margin of less than 12 hours per month can come to us to work it out.  
  26. Lisa G: Case by case basis that is defensible. 
  27. John N: Do Steering Committee Meetings count as work-trade?
  28. Yes: Lisa G, Don C
  29. Harvey would be more comfortable with reducing hours per month rather than including attending a SCM as work-trade hours.
  30. Velma: There’s value in getting people to attend and handing them tasks.
  31. Lisa G: Concerns regarding Open Hack
  32. Lisa wants to express her concerns regarding safety and staffing. She wants the front desk staffed at open hack and around classes. Sometimes there’s no one at the front desk. Attendees could go into unstaffed shops. 
  33. Harvey is also nervous. He’s spoken with Bob about it. During the weekends is when we sustain significant tool damage. Certification is required for unsupervised access!
  34. Steve W: Anyone staffing on open hacks can ask people for certifications, like an ID card prepared by management that shows their certifications. RFID tool lockout. 
  35. Velma: There is a pattern of people coming in during open hacks in order to use tools more. She’s been kicked off a tool before. 
  36. Geoff would like to see mandatory staffing in certain areas. 
  37. Katherine hasn’t been coming on open hack days because she doesn’t know who is certified in welding. 
  38. Jeremy will talk to Katherine more about it.
  39. Anna M screens people at front desk during open hacks. Rebecca and other staffers nearby assist and keep an eye on front desk as well. Recruit for more volunteers at same time. More volunteers needed to help keep an eye on safety.
  40. Lisa G: There are times during Open Hacks when no one is at the front desk. Not realistic to kick everyone out when the front desk staffer leaves. Who tells a person they have to leave?
  41. Steve W: Can’t tell who’s a member
  42. Steve W: Explains tool certification during tours.
  43. John N: If someone is waiting for your tool, you have one hour.
  44. John’s seen older members “bully” newer members out of using the laser cutter.
  45. Bob D is concerned for people downstairs who need to be able to evacuate easily during emergencies. We need to be careful when we have people in three who are not familiar with our layout. 
  46. Steve W: Open Hack as a ticket system? People should have to reserve space so we know ahead of time.