We’re considering requiring leashes during Open Hacks or possibly disallowing pets (except service animals). Staffers can have pets removed if they’re unsafe. Also, restrictions from the Machine Shop (metal shavings can harm them).
Harvey: No pets in the Wood Shop or Machine Shop because they can be harmed or cause people to be harmed. Tom agrees with Harvey.
John N: Exclude them from Welding and Blacksmithing Depts too.
Mark M: What about downstairs?
Adrian: Jewelry can have broken glass on the floor.
Katherine K: There needs to be a grace period before implementing changes to existing policy. Katherine sees no problem with having pets downstairs.
John N sees no harm with pets in CNC Dept.
Bob F: Safety waiver for pets?
Lisa G: Consult a lawyer. The owner of “property” (i.e. pets) can sue us for damage. Lisa knows a lawyer she can ask. We need good signage to remind people to keep pets with them (or someone who can watch), on a leash. Don’t leave pets unattended!
Don C: Emotional support animals are not service animals. We can ask what service the animal provides.
Don C will take this back to the Board to come up with policy.
Don C: limiting open hacks
Shop Managers and staffers have to deal with the Sunday/Monday repair routines of fixing tools damaged during Saturday Open Hack. We don’t have enough staffers right now. The Board is considering reducing the number of Open Hacks in a month. Tuesday night Open Hacks have been poorly attended. We don’t get much for donations from Open Hacks.
Bob F: Open Hacks are limited in value. Tours, however, have some value.
Harvey B: Harvey agrees that there is little to no financial benefit. We should try limiting the number of Open Hacks per month. We should track who becomes members based on attendance to Open Hacks, etc. We need data.
Katherine K: Only open shops that have well-trained staffers?
Jeremy B: That is our current policy.
Katherine K: How does this impact our mission statement? What about requiring “buddies” to watch others? Katherine can assist attendees provided they make an appointment with her.
Lisa G: Not many new attendees come in. It’s mostly familiar faces. Lisa would rather hold them less frequently and advertise them ahead of time.
Katherine, several others agree.
Adrian B: PA system [7:30pm]
Challenge on Saturday: The speaker at an event had an inadequate sound system. General rule of thumb for wattage output: one watt per attendee. Plus we have lots of tool noise to overcome. Then the sound system failed 15 minutes in. We need some patio speakers and a 20W amplifier.
Adrian B and Jeremy will discuss getting PAs and lapel mics for each classroom. Either two fixed solutions or one portable one.
Patrick’s friend bought a karaoke machine as a PA. It worked for a room with about 100 people. It was $100-$150.
We need to remind speakers to test their equipment the night before.
Patrick C: Camera in Welding Dept [7:37pm]
There was some damage to the TIG welder in the Welding Dept.
Jeremy B: Cameras in the welding dept are coming soon.