Steering Committee Meeting 2025-01-06

Steering Committee Meeting 2025-01-06

Monday, January 6, 2025 from 7:02pm to 7:16pm

Table of Contents
  1.  Present
  2.  Agenda
  3.  Minutes


Adrian B, Harvey B, John N, Mark M, Tom W, Bob F, Geoff S, Jeremy B


  1. Terry G: new Bulletin Board
  2. Adrian B: About the Monoprice mini printers
  3. Mark M: Air compressor for laser cutter


  • Geoff S: New metal lathe is functional. It still needs some repair. 

1..Terry G: new Bulletin Board. 

  • The Jewelry Managers recommended the addition of the bulletin board and donated more than half the bulletin board cost. The board of directors has granted 1/2 the bulletin board space for Jewelry and Glass current events and classes. The remaining space is for other Xerocraft shops use.
  • Suggested Bulletin board Guidelines:
  • The bulletin board is for Xerocraft events or activities only. (No outside business cards or advertising.)
  • Only current month activity items. The board will be updated monthly and all bulletins covering previous/future month activity bulletins will be removed.
  • the use of QR codes

2. Adrian B: About the Monoprice mini printers

  1. At a previous meeting, we discussed what to do with the old Monoprice mini 3D printers. We gave 9 of them away to a local instructor. We have a couple more donations that will be going to the instructor as well. 
  2. We’re also cleaning up the Electronics Dept.

3. Mark M: Air compressor for blue laser cutter

  1. Don has chosen a compressor that will be dedicated to the blue laser cutter. Adrian sent Jeremy the link. Jeremy will order it. 
  2. There’s a plan to get it installed on the north loft with some noise abatement (e.g. it will be set on a sheet of foam to prevent vibration).
  3. Geoff: Why another compressor just for the blue laser cutter? 
  4. To take some of the load off the large compressor. Sometimes the large compressor fails. 
  5. Tom W is still working on the large white air compressor.