Steering Committee Meetings

Learn about our steering committee, and read our steering committee meeting minutes!

About our Steering Committee Meetings

Our Steering Committee Meetings are where our members (and other interested people) can come together to make decisions about the organization and share ideas for projects and outreach. These meetings are open to the public and provide a glimpse into the inner workings of Xerocraft!

Steering Committee Meetings take place on the first and third Monday of every month at 7pm. Check our calendar to see when the next Steering Committee is scheduled. Everyone is welcome to attend the meetings!

To be notified of upcoming Steering Committee Meetings, please join our Discussion Email List or contact us using the form below.

Contact us to join the next Steering Committee Meeting

Meetings are held on Zoom. To get the link to our online meetings, use the contact form.

Contact Us

Past Meeting Minutes

The minutes from the most recent meeting are listed first. Minutes are written when a minutes taker is available.

March 17, 2025 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

March 3, 2025 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

February 17, 2025 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

February 3, 2025 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

January 20, 2025 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

January 6, 2025 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

December 16, 2024 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

December 2, 2024 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

November 18, 2024 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

November 4, 2024 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

October 21, 2024 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

October 7, 2024 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

September 16, 2024 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

August 19, 2024 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

August 5, 2024 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

July 15, 2024 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

June 17, 2024 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

June 3, 2024 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

May 20, 2024 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

May 6, 2024 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

April 15, 2024 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

April 1, 2024 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

March 18, 2024 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

March 4, 2024 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

February 5, 2024 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

January 15, 2024 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

December 18, 2023 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

December 4, 2023 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

November 20, 2023 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

November 6, 2023 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

October 16, 2023 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

October 2, 2023 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

September 18, 2023 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

September 4, 2023 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

August 21, 2023 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

August 7, 2023 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

July 17, 2023 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

July 3, 2023 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

June 19, 2023 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

June 5, 2023 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

May 15, 2023 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

May 1, 2023 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

April 17, 2023 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

April 3, 2023 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

March 20, 2023 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

March 6, 2023 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

February 6, 2023 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

January 16, 2023 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

January 2, 2023 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

December 19, 2022 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

December 5, 2022 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

November 21, 2022 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

November 7, 2022 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

October 17, 2022 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

October 3, 2022 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

September 19, 2022 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

September 5, 2022 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

August 15, 2022 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

August 1, 2022 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

July 18, 2022 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

December 13, 2021 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes  

Xerocraft Steering Committee 

Monday, December 13, 2021 7:05-7:46pm

Present: Connor Barickman, Jeremy Briddle, Harvey Brown, Candi Carrell, Guy Link, John Nicholson, Terry Nordbrock, Vashti Raymond.

Anti-Harassment Policy (Jeremy)

Xerocraft has an Anti-Harassment policy online at this link:

Xerocraft has a Box mounted on the wall near the mural with a sign about our policy, encouraging people to let us know of any concerns.  

Xerocraft is a place where people should feel safe. Xerocraft users should not feel pushed around by anyone in any way.  If there are issues please let us know and we will work to communicate our rules.

Xerocraft Holiday Party & Maketopolis event (Terry)

Last Saturday’s potluck was well attended and pleasant.  The Repair Cafe had 5 people come with broken appliances.  Dana Poverman demonstrated the wood lathe.  Lisa Waite Bunker from the library led a wand-making class (her fan group was sued by JK Rowling’s publisher when their Harry Potter encyclopedia project became too lucrative).  Lucie delaBruere taught “glow ties” using conductive thread, LEDs and ribbon.  We had live music in the courtyard by Aztral Folk.  Neal Pearson brought his telescope and let people admire the moon and stars. Attendees included Bruce Bayly of the Physics Factory, Karen Falkerstrom of Tucson Taiko japanese drumming troupe, lots of old and new friends, and 6 people dressed as Santa.

Masks (Vashti)

Users have been under the impression that mask-wearing is optional.  The Steering Committee discussed current policy requiring mask-wearing, a recent incident in which a Xerocraft user learned later they have COVID, and the high rates of transmission in our community. We agreed to strongly communicate that mask wearing inside Xerocraft is required.  Vashti will draft a reminder email and send it to the Executive Management Team (EMT).  Jeremy will install PPE stations.

Class procedures (Terry)

Terry: I serve as Classroom Shop Manager and seek assistance clarifying our procedure when we have people who volunteer to teach a class who are not Xerocraft members, keyfob holders, or people with publishing access to our Calendar. For instance, we have a person interested in teaching a weaving class.  This volunteer needs a host, someone to help them navigate a good date, get their class listed on our Calendar, coach them on how to market their class via our Discuss email group and Facebook page, ensure they have access to the building on their class date, etc.  Guy volunteered to help this weaving teacher get this event off the ground.  Terry and Guy will discuss a procedure and will let Jeremy know what they come up with.

Website (John)

John shared his screen and demonstrated that he no longer has access to the Administrative Dashboard that would allow him to give a keyfob to a member or check a member’s shop privileges.  If Xerocraft wants him to continue to assist members he should be reinstated with access to the Administrative Dashboard.  Jeremy agreed and will follow up with Kyle.

Hack Your Hackerspace (Vashti)

This Thursday from 5-8pm volunteers will organize the North Mezzanine to make space for the laser cutter ventilation system to create a new path to the roof.  It would help if KMKR volunteers could clear some space beforehand. KMKR General Manager Terry Nordbrock will check with available volunteers to see who is available.

Shop Manager Orientation (Jeremy)

Wednesday, December 15th we will review essential information such as fire safety protocols, RFID tags, certifications, budgets, etc. 

Bit Buckets Robotics build season

The 6-week build season begins after kickoff on January 8, 2022.

Laser cutter move (Guy)

The laser cutter will go offline this Friday at noon for its move to the north side of the room.  It is expected to return to service by Monday. 

KMKR & Scott Kerr Stage update (Terry)

The station continues to have the majority of its DJs record shows at home and upload via the web.  We have been holding monthly concerts on the Scott Kerr Stage.  We participated in the welding project courtyard cleanup earlier this month to clean weeds and debris and the area is looking great. WAMO has a draft proposal to rent the courtyard and stage for $250; $100 for in-house users such as Xerocraft and KMKR.  We are going to be meeting with WAMO board members to negotiate price, hoping to be allowed to use the stage at no cost as we built the stage.  Details to come.

November 15, 2021 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes  

7:04pm to ~8pm


Adrian B, Alexis L, Candi C, Don C, Harvey B, John N, Jeremy B, David L, Bob F, Michelle F


1.) Adrian B: Out for 2 weeks
2.) David L is moving to San Diego
3.) Don C: missing wood shop tools?
4.) Harvey B: email for membership expiration
5.) Harvey B: Inexperienced new member given a fob after only a tour in the wood shop was using a tool unsafely
6.) Harvey B: PPE face masks?
7.) Hack Your Hackerspace on Thursday!
8.) John: Who owns the old lathe downstairs?


1.) Adrian will be out for 2 weeks

  • Adrian is having cataract surgery on Tuesday and will need two weeks off.
  • Adrian has a new volunteer replacing him on Wednesday morning and Saturday afternoon to staff the 3D Printing Dept.

2.) David is moving to San Diego

  • David has been offered a job at UC San Diego to run their makerspace labs. It’s an incredible opportunity and we wish him the best. David is the current President of the Board of Directors of Xerocraft. David is the last of the founding members of Xerocraft wh is still a board member. His constant presence will be sorely missed, but there is some good news: David will travel between Sand Diego and Tucson often for several more months and will still be around at Xerocraft to help out when he can. He will also continue to attend Zoom meetings like the Steering Committee Meetings. David will be sorely missed. We wish him the best of luck!

3.) Don C: missing wood shop tools?

  • Don C: Clamps next to the drill press are missing
  • David thinks clamps tend to get “borrowed” without permission
  • Jeremy found one sliding quick vise that was broken and Adrian is attempting to repair it.
  • 2 or 3 planes have disappeared
  • It’s David’s. He took it back. David will be removing several tools as he moves but he’s not sure which ones yet. David will announce other moves in the future so as not to cause alarm.
  • David wants to take the big vice in the corner of the metal shop bench. Possibly the CNC mill, possibly some other electronics that we already have duplicates of.

4.) Harvey B: email for membership expiration

  • Work-Traders lose access if they fall below a number of hours.
  • Harvey: Is there an email that warns people?
  • Alexis: That should be happening with Kye’s new code. Work-traders under the threshold for work-hours get a warning email that MIGHT BE GOING TO SPAM. Members also get renewal reminders. Emails are sent 10 days before RFID is turned off.
  • Harvey: A member had trouble paying. Harvey suggests a 1-day grace period.
  • David: There is a “Force Open Door” button on the website on each RFID holder’s account to use in case thor fob won’t open the door.

5.) Harvey: Inexperienced new member was given a fob after only a tour was using a wood shop tool unsafely

  •  David: Confirm with new members that they have been vetted and not just given a tour.
  • John: A member was told she doesn’t have to check-in. Make sure they do then confirm their name on the screen.
  • David: Users are listed by most recent login on the “View Users” page on the website.
  • Harvey: People who check-in think that makes them a member and should be granted
  • Alexis and Jeremy are putting the finishing touches on the syllabus of the first Shop Manager meeting. More details soon.
  • Jeremy: Members can login more easily at the kiosk by swiping their fobs on the RFID reader immediately.

6.) Harvey B: PPE face masks?

  • Harvey B: A member forgot to bring a face mask and we were out of disposables. We couldn’t enter until he got one.
  • Jeremy: Terry G brought in some disposable face masks and put them at the front desk.
  • Jeremy has ordered new masks.
  • Jeremy will attempt to keep us constantly stocked with disposable face masks.
  • Several people liked the idea of a dispenser (and masks will still be free)

7.) Hack Your Hackerspace on Thursday!

  • David: Due to a technical error, Vashti could not attend. She will hold another Hack Your Hackerspace volunteer effort to clean up the space on Thursday, November 18 from 5pm to 8pm.
  • Jeremy will post it to social media.

8.) John: Who owns the old lathe downstairs?

  • David will talk to Matt R about taking it.

November 1, 2021 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes  

7:01pm to 8:30pm

Present: David L, Adrian B, Candi C, Don C, John N, Alexis L, Connor B, Harvey B, Jeremy B, Michael B, Rodney K, Terry G


  1. Rodney K: Operation Plan presentation
  2. David L: Membership involvement with undergrads


1.) Rodney K: Operation Plan presentation

Rodney presented input from many core Xerocraft volunteers and members regarding our operations going forward. His PowerPoint presentation can be found here.

Input from “leadership members”, core members of Xerocraft who volunteer and use the space the most.

Rodney: Checklists for tool use, maintenance.

Kyle has created new tools on the website: Action items assigned to volunteers are emailed to them automatically. He can tweak the software to serve Rodney’s purpose.

Rodney: To draw in membership, try a “bring a friend” program for our members. Members social events, as well

2.) David L: Membership involvement with undergrads

UA programs have senior projects. David is speaking to a student group that will meet at Xerocraft.

This year, we do a pilot with 3-4 teams and offer a lump sum of money. In return the students become members. We offer support with mentoring and some materials. Storage of roughly one shelf unit (space is tight!).

October 18, 2021 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes  


Adrian B, Terry G, David L, Guy L, John N, Don C, Michelle F, Bob F, Candi C, Vashti R


1. Terry G: Drop-in Fee and 2022 Dues Structure Status Announcement
2. John N.: Laser Shop move
3. Don C.: Class Promotion
4. Vashti R. : Hack Your Hacker Space
5. Michelle F: North Mezzanine
6. Terry G.: Membership Shop Monitoring Support


  1. Terry G: Drop-in Fee and 2022 Dues Structure Status Announcement:
  2. Drop-In Fee Policy has been approved by the Leadership Members and is now in process of being approved by the Board. The Policy will go into effect after it is posted on the Xerocraft Website
  3. The 2022 Dues Structure is currently out for membership review. The new dues structure will go into effect on 1 January 2022.
  4. Laser Shop Move: the project has stalled due to lack of funding. The wiring for the laser shop area is completed. The duct work move is next. Guy has a goal of getting it done by the end of the year
  5. Class Promotion: Don is interested in getting more social media participation so that Xerocraft Classes will have a better attendance. He checked the Instagram account and noticed that some of the postings were old. Terry noted that the most new members heard about Xerocraft through word or mouth as reported bt Kyle from the new member Kiosk sign-in. The consensus of the SC discussion was that we needed more current social media. Guy Link agreed to send out an email to the membership and set up a new social media group.
  6. Hack Your Hacker Space: Vashti announced that this weeks HYHS will focus on cleaning up the wood storage area, John suggested moving the turning wood onto a shelf he and Adrian recently built, He also suggested using a rolling cart under the wood shelf to allow for better access to wood placed on the floor.
  7. North Mezzanine: Michelle announced that the restroom is almost done and that she will be working with Jeremy and Terry Nordbrock on cleaning up the north mezzanine,
  8. Shop Monitoring Support: New members have been requesting Shop Monitors be available on weeknights and weekends. We are also short of staffing during the Saturday Open Hack. If anyone is available, please talk to the manager in charge of the shop that you would like to monitor. Then sign up for the agreed to time on the staffing calendar, Contact Terry Glover if you need more information.

October 4, 2021 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes  

Present: Adrian B, Harvey, Terry G, Pat G, Jeremy B, David L, Alexis L, Guy L, John N, Matt R, Rocky B, Stephen M, Don C, Michelle F, Bob F, Kirian, Candi C


  1. Rocky & Stephen: Repair Cafe
  2. Harvey: Drop-in fees/charges?
  3. Terry G: Work-trade
  4. Pat G: Poss Rogers workshop this weekend
  5. Jeremy B: Tool sale
  6. David L: CNC loan/donation
  7. Michelle F: Bathroom update


1.) Rocky & Stephen: Repair Cafe

  • Reached out to more people interested in doing repair work.
  • How do we train them? Number caps (due to Covid)? Anyone interested in helping
  • A ticketed event. They can use EventBrite.
  • They’re getting a business license so they can accept donations. They will eventually have a donation portal.
  • They’re a non-profit LLC with an EIN but they’re awaiting full 501c3 status. 
  • How do they handle liability insurance? Is Repair Cafe covered by Xerocraf’s liability insurance?
  • David: We have insurance that covers our staff, volunteers, and attendees. It’s possible that we can fit them under our umbrella as staff/volunteers, but more research must be done.
  • They’re thinking about doing their first event on Saturday, October 23 in the basement classroom and using the electronics area.
  • David offered to assist them.
  • Jeremy offered to get answers from our insurance company and get Rocky and Stephen access our account when they need it.
  • John N: What time on October 23?
  • Rocky: 12pm to 4pm?
  • Rocky would like to bring in their volunteers to view the space this Saturday.
  • Terry G agrees but Saturdays on Open Hacks may not be a great idea due to crowding.
  • Consensus: Saturday, October 23 from 12pm to 4pm

2.) Harvey: Drop-in fees/charges?

  • Harvey: Someone came in and paid a “drop-in” fee of $10 to use the laser cutter. Harvey was surprised to hear about the fee. Does it exist? How do we make sure people are being vetted?
  • Terry G spoke to his person and they’re going to convert to a work-trader. They were under the impression that pre-Covid drop-in fee policy was still in place.
  • There is no official drop-in fee policy currently.
  • John N: We discussed a similar policy at the previous steering committee meeting. 
  • Harvey: We need to work on more consistent, explicit policies.
  • David: Former members need no supervision.
  • Guy: A $15 fee that’s set up on the spot with the staffer.
  • Alexis: The staffer tells the dop-in attendee how long they’re staying before they have to go and can decline. Also post availability of such staffers and times on the website calendar.
  • Terry G: Promptly 1. post on the website, 2. that they can only work in shops in which the staffer is vetted 3. Shop monitor decides whether they can do it at that time. 4. Appointment system.
  • Don C: Make it clear to the attendee that this is not an arrangement in which the staffer does the work. Also, the staffer has the authority to say no.
  • Alexis is working on website tracking tools that can support this.
  • Alexis: Make it clear to attendees that we will supervise you with tools but not teach you in-depth. If you’re unsafe, we kick you out. Can we vet them on a tool while they’re there?
  • Jeremy: Should we give the staffer the option to haggle down from $15 to get the attendee in?
  • Harvey: too complicated
  • Terry G: Let’s keep it simple. Staffers vet attendees in good faith. 
  • Michelle proposed Terry G write a proposal and email it to the group. Terry accepted.

3.) Terry G: Work-trade

  • Shonna wants to be a Shop Monitor for the Laser Cutter. Terry G needs to get her setup up as a staffer. 
  • Alexis: Staffers are vetted through the Shop Managers. There is a form on the work-trade page. Email the CMs to get the new staffer trained with the Shop Manager. 

4.) Pat G: Poss Rogers workshop this weekend

  • On Saturday, October 9, 8am-6pm there’s a professional workshop. Xerocraft will make 

5.) Tool Sale for Dale

  • Terry G: Woodcraft has a “buy your tools” sale

6.) David L: CNC loan/donation

  • David is speaking to a former member about potentially loaning or donating a high-end CNC machine. 
  • The donor is interested in building a climate-controlled room around it. Possibly where the basement lumber storage is, or next to the laser cutter area. 
  • Terry G: Do we move the CNC mill in there too?
  • David: Perhaps.
  • Harvey: West end of basement
  • Jeremy: Is basement a good idea if the floor turns damp every monsoon?
  • David: Humidity from the concrete floor shouldn’t be that big a problem. 
  • Terry G: What about our possible move? How quick can we get this machine?
  • David: We could receive the machine within weeks.
  • Don: Is it still applicable to our mission?
  • David: Yes, it’s a great improvement over the hobbyist machine we have now. 
  • Terry G: It’s very important to get people trained on it so it gets popular. People need to get trained and vetted. David and the donor volunteer.

7.) Michelle F: Bathroom update

  • Michelle and David did some bathroom renovation over the weekend. They added new FRP to the walls. 
  • This weekend they hope to add trim.

September 20, 2021 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes  

Started at 7:01pm

Adjourned at 7:53pm

Present: Terry G, Pat G, Jeremy B, Kevin F, Candi C, David L, Bob F, John N, Guy L, Vashti, Michelle F, Kirian


  1. Bob: Feedback on classes
  2. Kevin: How does Bit Buckets fit in at Xc this year?
  3. Pat: jewelry dept contracts
  4. Pat: cleaning bathroom
  5. Michelle: EMT


1.) Bob: Feedback on classes

  • Class for steel utensil/tool sharpening system. Scissors and knife sharpening classes.
  • Class to intro people to the Oliver lathe.
  • Terry G suggests Saturday morning
  • A video might be a better way to start. There are some great tutorials online (Danish company, in English).

2.) Kevin: How does Bit Buckets fit in at Xc this year?

  • Bit Buckets is back at Xerocraft.
  • They’re looking for a 3-hour block on Sundays, 2pm to 5. Approved!
  • They’ll be in-person but smaller groups for a smaller amount of time with specific tasks. This is a Covid protocol but it will also help with space access and cleanliness.
  • There are16 students this year. 
  • All in-person attendees will be vaccinated and wear masks. They will also attempt to sanitize the tools used. 
  • Bit Buckets lost their storage space in the north bay basement, Their backup storage space also fell through.
  • Items have been moved up to the west end of the south loft (Bit Buckets space). They had to put more things in the storage area behind the bathroom (not Bit Buckets space). A lot of what is in the bathroom can go on the loft but they need to sort through it first.
  • Bit Buckets’ contract does allow for storage of a robot and a toolbox on the first floor.
  • Terry G requests Bit Buckets clear space around the deep sink. Kevin will take care of it. 

3.) Pat: jewelry dept contracts

  • Due to overflow, Parks and Rec would like to use Xerocraft in October.
  • Designer Craftsman is also interested.

4.) Pat: cleaning bathroom

  • Kirian will clean the bathroom on Mondays. Michelle will get Kirian the needed supplies. 

5.) Michelle: EMT

  • The Executive Management Team is a small group of board members who oversee the day-to-day functions.
  • Terry G: Meet and greet with the Board/EMT for volunteers and members. 
  • David would like to do a barbecue but Covid is preventing that. It’s also still pretty hot.
  • Guy would like to see it be a quarterly event and open house.

September 6, 2021 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes  


7:03am to 8:05pm

In Attendance

David L, Jeremy B, Don C, John N, Matt R, Terry G, Pat G, Dusty, Alexis L 


  1. Pat G: Membership due structure
  2. Pat G: Membership due discount rate
  3. John N: Drop-in fees?
  4. Terry G: EMT: Bit Buckets
  5. Terry G: sanitation   


1.) Pat G: Membership dues structure proposal

  • Pat gave a presentation on some options for closing our monthly shortfall. She proposed a monthly dues schedule based on the belief that everyone should pay something. Board members pay $50, EMT members pay $10, Shop Managers pay $10, Shop Monitors pay $10, and Work-Traders pay $20.
  • Alexis: proposed that Work-Traders fee be reduced to $10.
  • Matt does not like the idea of deriving funds from current members instead of getting new members. 
  • Pat will bring a modified proposal to the next Board of Directors meeting on September 19.
  • Terry G proposed that the Pat’s proposal be added to David’s upcoming membership poll.

2.) Pat G: Membership dues discount rate proposal

  • Pat gave a presentation on her proposal to fill our monthly shortfall by increasing the dues discount rate: 

1 mo     $50     (0% discount)

**Remove the 2 mo discount: $90 (10% discount)**

3 mo    $142.50 from $132.50    (from 10% to 5% discount)

6 mo    $270 from $225 (from 25% to 10% discount)

9 mo    $380.50 from $306 (15% from 32% discount)

12 mo    $480 from $360 (20% from 40% discount)

  • Matt: Why have discounts here but not for membership dues structure (previous agenda item)?
  • Matt: Automated email reminder system for memberships?
  • Terry G:  proposed that this proposal be added to David’s upcoming membership poll

3.) John N: Drop-in fees

  • John: $10 ( or $15?) for a full day pass
  • Don: How do we monitor them, vet them?
  • Terry G: Many passes will go to people who have already been vetted. They can come in only when it’s monitored. They should check the calendar first. 
  • Terry G: Add this question to David’s poll as well

4.) Terry G: EMT: Bit Buckets status?

  • David has spoken to them. They’re still working it out. They want to do something in-person this year. They’re aiming for a similar setup (Sunday morning/afternoon but with a smaller group).

5.) Sanitation

  • Terry G: Employ someone to clean the bathroom, clean the floor?
  • Alexis is working on directing tasks to volunteers. 
  • Alexis wants a task completion verification system. She has a rough idea she wants to discuss with Kyle.
  • Don: Work to set expectations for people to clean up after themselves. 
  • Alexis can put up a sign in the bathroom to remind people to be courteous, clean up after themselves.

August 23, 2021 - Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes  


7:02pm to 8:25pm

In Attendance

Jeremy B, David L, Adrian B, Vashti, Don C, Alexis L, Terry G, Guy L, Harvey B, Jason P, John N, Matt R, Michelle F, Rocky B, Stephen M, Andy B


  1. Repair Cafe
  2. Mask requirement at Xerocraft
  3. Hack Your Hackerspace
  4. The classroom swamp cooler


1.) Repair Cafe

  • Repair Cafe (, A place for people have their things repaired. They’re looking for a place to host.
  • Rocky got a tour from Gryffin. Stephen’s interest is in using donations to build new things. Recycling and reuse stops these things from ending up in a landfill.
  • Vashti loves the idea and wants to help.
  • Alexis likes the idea. But he wants to see Repair Cafe offer their own volunteers.
  • What about training Repair Cafe volunteers? David: we run on an honor system for most tools except for a few like the table saw or the laser cutter.
  • Terry G: We'll require clearance in a department by a Shop Manager.
  • Terry G: We don’t have a lot of space.
  • Terry G: Your business model? What is the structure?
  • The Repair Cafe model requires a separate business with a specific site.
  • Rocky would like to offer food to people waiting to have their thing repaired.
  • Michelle: Repair Cafe could rent out classroom space.
  • David: Associate the items to be repaired with a certain dept (e.g. bring your wooden chairs today to use the Wood Shop).
  • Vashti is concerned about having the person present during the repair due to Covid. Rocky says that transferring the knowledge from one person to another is a vital part of Repair Cafe.
  • Michelle: Smaller meetings (like our current classes) with video recorded how-to’s to post online.
  • General consensus: Approved.
  • Rocky and Stephen will come back with a proposal.

2.) Mask requirement at Xerocraft

  • Masks are “required” again. If you’re in a pod of people (i.e. your own group) you may go maskless if you’re by yourselves.
  • Don: We have not made it clear that masks are back
  • Alexis is in charge of signage and website changes. If there are any changes needed, please let her know.
  • Vashti: the signs are inconsistent. Vashti made a sign: “It’s ok to ask unmasked people to mask up. Report unresponsive people to Xerocraft.”
  • Don: How do we know when to back away from the masking policy? Alexis suggests a 3% positivity rate.
  • David hasn’t seen anything on the CDC site regarding what to do when the rate reaches 3%.
  • Alexis will keep an eye on Pima County suggestions page and give us updates.

3.) Hack Your Hackerspace

Hack Your Hackerspace is a monthly space improvement event when volunteers come in and work together on a project to make Xerocraft better.

  • Previous HYH: David and Vashti did some more work on the kitchenette.
  • Draw volunteers with food and set up some tables in the backyard?
  • Next Hack Your Hackerspce: September 16, 5pm to 8pm
  • HYH events take place on the third Thursday of every month
  • Jeremy and Alexis will help advertise.

4.) Classroom swamp cooler

  • The classroom swamp cooler is blowing hot air again. Jeremy will take a look on Wednesday. Hopefully it's just a clogged spider.
  • David is looking into adding air conditioning to Xerocraft. A unit to partially cool Xerocraft would cost around $4000 and would cost roughly the same amount to operate as swamps. David is also looking into installing solar panels on the roof to help cover the cost of operation of AC.

Minutes Archive

May 11th, 2020 - Steering Committee Minutes  

Present:David L, Michelle F., Terry N. Terry G., Pat G., Jonathan., John N., Adrian B., Guy L.

Discussion Items: Face shields

Xerocrafts renovations

Xerocraft soft reopen

CNC event

Face shields:

David gave a status report on the partnership with the county health department to make face shields.

Xerocraft Soft Reopen:

Although the state is slowly reopening, the consensus at the meeting was to err on the side of caution and remain closed at least until the end of the month.

Xerocraft Renovations:

We discussed taking steps to renovate xerocraft, both for coronavirus precautions and general improvement.  Guy discussed his effort to paint and clean up the 3d printing area, David discussed his thoughts on improving the front desk area, and Terry G (and others) discussed working on the woodshop.

CNC event:

Terry G and John N will be doing a virtual training workshop on the laser cutter on Saturday.  

September 14th, 2020 - Steering Committee Minutes  

Present (12) - David L. Terry N., Terry G., Pat G., John N., Adrian B., Harvey B., Jeremy B., Kyle, Candi C., Chris (chd), Guy L.

Moderator – David Lesser


XC Renovations update. – We discussed 2 Xerocraft renovation projects. First, the main Steinfeld Warehouse sacrificial floors from the Xerocraft front door to the Wood and Metal Shop entries are being replaced with 3/4” T&G fir plywood. Guy link is supervising a small team to complete the main floor work. The second renovation is the north mezzanine stairs and railings will be upgraded to metal. The stairs are being moved to the front desk area and the north mezzanine sacrificial floor is also being replaced with 3/4” T&G fir plywood. Mike Runde has been contracted to do the metal upgrades and lay the plywood, Terry Glover, John Nicolson David Koenig and Michelle Ferman cleared the mezzanine and also removed the old flooring/railings. A roll-off dumpster has been placed outside the back door for construction debris. Some members are taking advantage of this roll-off to clean out excess Xerocraft materials. No hazardous materials, electronics or furniture is to be placed in the roll-off. The first roll-off is nearly full so it will be replaced next week. 

The north mezzanine is limited to storage only by Tucson building code ADA rules. Members were requested to think about co-usage for the space. Some examples or suggestions are member storage lockers, small non-ADA compliant meeting area, Xerocraft library location and/or a KMKR interview area. Contact Guy Link or Terry Glover for more details on the status of the renovation projects.

New Xerocraft Website – The new website has been launched. Although the website updates are not 100% complete, the website is functional. Website page maintenance has been delegated to the shop or area managers.  Kyle Fritz and David Lesser are making up a web page assignment list. Kyle is still performing general website management. 

Terry Nordbrock and Jeremy have found the website easy to use and they have updated the KMKR pages. Please contact Kyle if you need training on how to place information onto the Xerocraft website. He is developing an instruction list for how to update the website pages. The previous Xerocraft website can be found at Steering Committee minutes will be located under the More Links dropdown menu on the home page.

Xerocraft Email Status 

We discussed some problems with the Xerocraft Google connections. The Announcement List is filtered by one person before it is sent out to the general public who have signed into Xerocraft. It has some password problems. Jeremy, David and Kyle are working on it. The information email link was lost and needs to be restored. is a member discussion Google Group that can be used for general information items. is a Google Group that goes to staff members. Direct email addresses     to each of the shop managers that can be found on the website. Contact Kyle or Jeremy if you have Xerocraft emails issues.

Entry Kiosk - David and Kyle reported the entry Kiosk is ready to go forward. The sign in still has some intermittent issues, David Lessor is attempting to get if fixed prior to opening Xerocraft. 

Community Manager (CM) We are advertising and have been collecting applications for this paid position. This will be a contractor position not a direct employee. See the new website (scroll down on the CM discussion page) for details. It is better for Xerocraft to contract out this part time position for administration reasons. Nine people have already applied through Facebook.

Electronics Donation – David has accepted a large donation of electronics items. He will be moving them into the Electronics Shop hanging Bins. Adrian has moved the material to the downstairs conference area.

Abandoned Projects – John Nicholson asked permission to remove everything in the abandoned project projects area next to the KMKR studio. Jeremy volunteered to help since he has prior knowledge of things that were stored in that space. 

Soft Reopening – A soft Xerocraft reopening was discussed. This would entail limiting shop access to one person or one Bubble/Quaranteam per shop. No more than 2-3 people in a shop at a time. Masks and social distancing requirement still apply until the Pima CHD Covid Status chart is green. Terry Nordbrock suggested we also keep an eye on the University of AZ shelter in place status. We are located close to the university and the covid-19 infection could easily spread to Xerocraft. Staffing would be very limited because we do not want to have volunteers go outside or their comfort zone. David volunteered to set up an electronic reservation system so that members could then be guaranteed a workspace prior to arriving at Xerocraft. Due to the ongoing floor and mezzanine upgrade work, Guy Link would like to wait at least until the middle of October before rolling out a soft reopening. This would allow time for his team to complete the main floor remodeling work. The mezzanine remodel could also use more time to complete their work. It will also give us time to get the reservation system and kiosk systems working. 

Consensus: the consensus at the meeting was to err on the side of caution and remain closed to the public at least until after the October Steering Committee. Ongoing renovations will continue as well as other essential work. David will continue working on the reservation system. He hopes to get the reservation system running by next steering committee. Kyle and David will create a Covid Status page for the web site. We are hoping to increase the Xerocraft shops availability by the end of October. 

KMKR/WTF Updates – Terry N announced that there will be an Online ZOOM Fundraiser. Details to be announced on the website.  WTF is continuing to have weekly meeting.

12 October, 2020 Steering Committee Minutes  

Attendees (15)

David Lessor – Xerocraft President, Board Member, Woodshop Manager, CNC Manager

Terry Glover – Staffer, Board Member

Pat Glover – Jewelry Studio Manager, Board Member, 

Jeremy Briddle – Board Member

Guy Link – Laser Print Shop Manager

Andrew McGill- Member

Michelle Ferman – Treasurer, Board Member

Mike Runde - Board Member, General Contractor

Candi Carrell, Craft Area Manager

John Nicholson – Staffer, Used Tools Sales Manager

Matt Rios, Member

Badley Sanders, member

Annette Sostarich,- Member

Terry Nordbrock- Board Member, WTF Manager, KMKR Manger and WTF Lead

Marcos Alessandro Esparza – Member, CAD instructor

Zoom Meeting Started at 07:00 PM and was monitored by David Lessor. 

Agenda and discussions:

Update on Renovation- We previously decided to get some of the Xerocraft space refurbished while we were closed for the pandemic. The north mezzanine and main floors have been renovated with ¾” T&G Fir. David Koenig is testing the floor paint this week. We would like to start painting this weekend. During the next week or two the mezzanine and main floors will be painted. During that time, Xerocraft will be completely closed for a day or two to let the paint dry.  

The old mezzanine stairs have been removed. Mike Runde will be installing new steel mezzanine stairs and railings the week of 26 October on the east side of the north mezzanine. There will be 2 steps going north to a landing and then the remaining stairs will go west to the top of the mezzanine. Mike plans to have the stairs and railings completed by Halloween.  

We then plan to set up the entire Xerocraft space for social distancing. The mini conference space next to the basement stairs will become the Laser Shop space to relieve traffic jams next to the basement stairs pony wall.  The mezzanine will house one or more of the following:

-        Xerocraft Library – it must be on the north wall of the mezzanine due to structural issues.

-        Member Storage Lockers – any heavy items must be stored on the north wall.

-        Craft Storage Area

-        KMKR interview area 

-        Small meeting area including a computer and a projector

We will need an area manager to maintain this space due to weight distribution concerns and general cleanliness. The final configuration will be decided at the next Steering Committee.

Entry Area - Bradley requested information on the outside entrance way. He uses a mobility chair and is looking for a space to park it once he gets to Xerocraft. The entry area is still in the being planning stage. W+e should have more information by the next Steering Committee.

Xerocraft Reopening - We are planning a soft reopen to members only in November as long as the Pima County web site is green (see the following website for criteria -

David is getting a reservation system to reserve time slots in each shop. Only member in good standing will be allowed in. No specific details were discussed on tailgater or people just showing up at the door wanting to come in. Therefore, members would like a list of members in good standing so that they know who to let in the building. There are also individuals that would like to join Xerocraft. Kyle’s new website has the capability to collect dues for new or returning members. When members use their fob to enter the front door the entry time and name is logged, and you can look up their status on XIS. There will also be a Kiosk to sign in. Right now, the proposed reservation system does not interface to the door. David Lesser will look into how to display a reservation list. Keyholders will have 24-hour access. Non-keyholders will be able to come in during specified times. 

If anyone comes to Xerocraft and then contracts Covid-19 please notify us? We may need to coordinate or support contact tracing. 

The timeline to open is no sooner than the 1st of November and after all the floor renovations are done. Also, we want to rearrange the equipment so that people can work at a safe distance. Hours are to be announced by the shop managers. Staffers will be not be assigned to minimize Covid-19 exposure. Shop managers will determine who may use specialty tools. Shop managers will also craft any safety monitor rules such as 2 persons required in the shop when using certain machines. We are trusting that people will follow the individual shop rules.

Laser Cutter- The Trotec is still being repaired. The tube was recharged and returned. However, it was shipped with poor packing. It is dented and does not work. In addition, Saroosh’s laser will no longer be available at Xerocraft. Another donated laser cutter may be made available or we may purchase a second laser machine. Do not plan on any Xerocraft laser being available for at least a month. 

CAD ZOOM Class Marcos held a CAD class last weekend with 4 attendees. The class was advertised on Facebook and the Xerocraft Website. The normal 2 class sessions were held back to back. There was better student retention than the normal one-week separation between classes. Marcos plans on holding monthly classes.

Jewelry Studio – Pat Glover will clean the Jewelry Studio after the floor and mezzanine renovations are complete. Pat also announced that the Jewelry Studio has received a large donation of enameling supplies and a kiln with a muti-cycle controller. Once KMKR vacates their present studio and moves to the office area, Pat would like to dedicate that space to enameling and a small fused glass workshops space.  

Community Manager (CM) Hiring – We are hiring at CM manger to fill the position Josh Banno held until March of 2020. The position was created to assure member dues and receipts for supply payments are made, a member in good standing list is current and to assist the Executive Management Team (EMT) as required. It is expected that the CM will work about 10 hours a week. This position was advertising on Facebook and the Xerocraft Website last month. All applicants were rated, and the top 6 were interviewed.  An announcement will be made next week after the Board is notified on the 18th. The new CM will start work as soon as the week of 26 October.

KMKR Terry N announced that KMKR now has a twitch channel (twitch.TV).  She also announced that KMKR is organizing a fund raiser. Jeremy Briddle and Scott (DJ) have started a project to soundproof the office in anticipation of moving the radio station in November. 

6’ Ladder – John N. asked if anyone knows where the 6’ Ladder is? Jeremy found the ladder next door (North Bay) and returned it to Xerocraft. John asked everyone to return borrowed tools back to Xerocraft as soon as they are done with them.

Xerocraft Board Minutes location: Minutes are posted to the Xerocraft Website under the More Links drop down (Steering Committee)

 Submitted by.

Terry Glover

Xerocraft Board Member

9 November 2020 Steering Committee Minutes  

Attendees (18)

1.     David Lessor - Xerocraft President, Board Member, Woodshop Manager, CNC Manager. Welding Manager

2.     Terry Glover - Board Member

3.     Pat Glover – Jewelry Studio Manager, Board Member, 

4.     Guy Link - Laser Print Shop Manager

5.     Mike Runde - Board Member, General Contractor

6.     John Nicholson -  member, Tools Sales Manager

7.     Candi Carrell - Craft Area Manager

8.     Matt Rios - Member, Community Manager

9.     Terry Nordbrock - Board Member, WTF Manager, KMKR Manger and WTF Lead

10.  Bob Foster - Member, Oliver Lathe maintenance manager

11.  Don Gest - KMKR DJ

12.  Adrian Barton - 3D Print Shop manager

13.  Victor Caballos - Manager, Work-Trade Runner

14.  Alexis Lincicome - member, Community Manager

15.  Bud Bencic - 3D Print Assistant

16.  Harvey Brown - Woodshop Assistant

17.  Cindy Quinn – Professor Stitches Sewing class

18.  Wayne (Quinn?) – Member, Woodworker

Zoom Meeting Started at 07:00 PM and was monitored by David Lessor. 

Agenda and discussions:

Community Manager Introductions – Alexis Lincicome and Matt Rios. 

·       Matt ( was a member of the Maker Space which was located near Xerocraft.  

·       Alexis ( is the owner of Crooked Feather.  She started her business at Xerocraft and it is located next to Xerocraft. Both of them are excited to be on the team.  

·       There responsibilities include accounting and being the members main point of contacts. Both will be reporting to EMT member Jeremy Brittle. 

Xerocraft Renovations update

·       The floors are done except for some threshold work and the front area 2nd coat painting. There is also baseboard paint touchup. The painting will be completed after the N. Mezzanine railings and stairs are installed. This should be completed next week. 

·       The north mezzanine staircase and railing are being installed this week. Mike is anticipating completion by Friday.  The main floor space is not available to members from 7AM to 4 PM from Tuesday through Friday this week to minimize personnel for Covid-19 and general welding safety reasons.

Road Construction and Parking. 

·       Work is being performed on 9th avenue. Entry is east bound on 6th to 9th. However, street parking on 9th is gone. 

·       David L is trying to get parking next door. 

·       During weekdays, we have a limited number or parking permits in city lot across 9th street. They are near the front door. Please use them only when needed and then return them. 

·       David intends to have a website front page parking discussion as soon as an agreement on next door parking has been reached.

·       After the road construction is completed, 9th street entrance will be from the south off of Franklyn Street. 

Xerocraft Reopening Timeline,  [We have been planning a soft reopen to members only in November as long as the Pima County web site is green (see the following website for criteria -]

·       Currently Xerocraft is open for essential work only. 

·       The plan is to stage the Xerocraft reopening.

Stage 1 – Soft Reopeing

·       Next week or as early as renovations are mostly completed, existing members in good standing are allowed into Xerocraft. These existing members do not need help and staff support is not required. This is the slow reopening David Lesser has been talking about. We are not open to general public for now nor are we scheduling in person Xerocraft classes. David is okay with these types of members coming to Xerocraft regardless of the state of the facility. He plans to broadcast this slow reopening to existing members and previous members. 

·       A shop booking system will be beta testing next week. This system will allow members to reserve shop time prior to traveling to Xerocraft. It does not mean you must book shop time to work at Xerocraft. However, members who have booked shop time will have preference over members who come in without a reservation. That is, if a shop is at max Covid-19 capacity, priority in the shop goes to the member with a reservation.

·       As discussed at the last Steering Committee managers have final say on how their space is populated. Alexis will meet with the Shop Managers to determine their COVID-19 shop rules. 

·       The Kiosk is running under a new software upgrade which includes the ability to “pay for membership”. 

·       Pat Glover is concerned about personal safety. Pat will not hold training in Jewelry Studio unless there are other know members in the building. Pat would like to schedule Jewelry studio training times when other 24-hour members are present. Guy believes the list servers can be used to find a safety person if required. Pat prefers to schedule the Jewelry studio around fixed times. 

·       Cindy would like to start Sewing Classes on Wednesday evenings. She does not think virtual classes would work for her students as the CMs have recommended.

·       Harvey expressed a concern that the Shop Booking Software may be used to monopolize space. CMs are to monitor the system to see that this does not happen. 

·       If anyone comes to Xerocraft and then contracts Covid-19 please notify us? We may need to support contact tracing. 

            Next stage Xerocraft opening preparations-

·       The Community Managers (CMs) will be working with members to volunteer to work on “get set” to open activities. Alexis and Matt plan on contacting existing members for this work.

·       Public awareness. Matt Rios will develop a press release. Initially he will use the internal list of members and the discussion list. Then he will have a Xerocraft top page top notice. When we are ready for the public he will send press releases to public media.

·       The CMs would also like to expand our internet reach to attract more members. During Covid-19 the CMs would like to push more Xerocraft items virtually. They would like to develop tutorials on Xerocraft tools and place them on the website or stream them. Examples are “How you book time at Xerocraft”, “How to Join Xerocraft”, etc. 

·       The CMs recognize the benefits being and presence of sharing projects with other members. However, virtual tutorials versus in person classes are preferred during the pandemic. 


Xerocraft Facility Shop Status

·       Laser Area (Guy Link)- The Trotec is temporarily installed in the old location until an exhaust pipe is installed in the new location. 

·       The Craft Area (Candi Carol) is still a work in process.

·       The 3D Print Shop (Adrian Barton) is set up and Adrian is working on getting 3D printer repairs completed this week.  The Flash Forge will be ready this week. One padded shipping container is missing. The 3D printer computer is set up as a standalone. There is a laptop in the red trolley if you wish to work at another location in Xerocraft. Occupancy in 3D Print lab during the Covid-19 pandemic is limited to 1. 

·       Sowing Classes (Cindy Quinn) – Cindy will start sewing classes started again. Wed nights is her preferred time. These will be structured classes of 3 plus one. Camera on Cindi and the machine? Sowing machine check out. Hard to do virtually. Online teaching. ZOOM?. 


            Sowing Machines need repair.  Cindy will identify repairs needed and contact sewing       machine repair volunteers. David Lesser authorized repair funding from the Craft Area          budget.

·       Mezzanine (notes from previous Steering committee)

            [The mezzanine will house one or more of the following:

-        Xerocraft Library – it must be on the north wall of the mezzanine due to structural issues.

-        Member Storage Lockers – any heavy items must be stored on the north wall.

-        Craft Storage Area

-        KMKR interview area 

-        Small meeting area including a computer and a projector

            We will need an area manager to maintain this space due to weight distribution   concerns and general cleanliness. The final configuration will be decided at the next      Steering Committee.]

Community Service Workers

Victor Ceballos knows of some community service workers who would like to work off their required time at Xerocraft. Victor will contact Alexis and Matt for volunteer work times.

At risk set aside time

Adrian would like to set aside 1-3 hours a week for “At risk members”. Matt will work out how to block out that time after the Xerocraft safety meeting is held. 


·       DJs are using the current construction period to work on moving the KMKR studio to the office. In the meantime, the DJs are broadcasting remotely. The DJ’s will not be allowed to enter the old studio space due to the pandemic. 

·       KMKR DJs are also creating videos for a Twitch.TV channel. The link is Twitch.TV/KMKR Tucson. Twitch.TV is a huge web site broadcasting homemade TV. KMKR may or, may not use Twitch.TV in the long run. However, Matt and Alexis would like to create Xerocraft content for Twitch.TV. 

·       On Dec.5th there will be a KMKR telecon to entice tax credit donations.

Next Steering Committee Meeting: Zooom meeting at 7PM on Monday 14 December 2020

Xerocraft Board Minutes location: Minutes are posted to the Xerocraft Website under the More Links drop down (Steering Committee)

Terry Glover

Xerocraft Board Member

(520) 907-0404 (Text or Voice)

14 December 2020 Steering Committee Minutes  

Attendees (12)

1.     David Lessor - Xerocraft President, Board Member, Woodshop Manager, CNC Manager. Welding Manager

2.     Terry Glover - Board Member

3.     Pat Glover – Jewelry Studio Manager, Board Member, 

4.     Guy Link - Laser Print Shop Manager

5.     John Nicholson - Member, Tools Sales Manager

6.     Candi Carrell - Craft Area Manager

7.     Terry Nordbrock - Board Member, WTF Manager, KMKR Manger and WTF Lead

8.     Adrian Barton - 3D Print Shop manager

9.     Alexis Lincicome - Member, Community Manager

10.  Harvey Brown - Woodshop Assistant

11.  Marcos – Member, CAD Instructor

12.  Jeremy Briddle – Board Member, KMKR Member

Zoom Meeting Started at 07:00 PM and was monitored by David Lessor. 

Agenda and discussions:


·       Existing members in good standing are allowed into Xerocraft. 

·       These existing members do not need help and staff support is not required.

·       We are not soliciting new members this month.

·       Steering Committee Consensus – open to existing members only.

Kiosk Status

·       The Kiosk is up and running. The RFI Fob function is not working and volunteer hours cannot be logged yet. David will both items fixed.

Volunteer Hours

·       No staffing hours assignments in December

·       When Kiosk allows volunteers will log their hours when they log out.

·       Individual Volunteer status is displayed on the website under each individual’s account

·       Contact the CMs to be added to the volunteer list. 

·       A list of Volunteers is not available to the managers yet. Matt and Alexis will work with Kyle to facilitate this list.


·       During weekdays, we have a limited number or parking permits in city lot across 9th street. Please use them only when needed and then return them. 

·       David is in discussion with WAMO to see if we can get dedicated parking spaces in the Franklin Parking lot that do not require parking permits,

CM Goals Status

·       Audio Visual Building a by January. 

·       A volunteer has been recruited to set up Xerocraft Audio Visual guidelines Some members can accomplish this from their homes.


Shop Reservation System

·       The reservation system is up and running

·       John brought up tan we cannot make same day reservations – Matt will fix this.

·       Clarification, reservations are not required to enter a shop. However, members who have booked shop time have preference over members who come in without a reservation. That is, if a shop is at max Covid-19 capacity, member with a reservation have priority.

·       Volunteers working in a shop for more than a short time should make a reservation.

·       The CMs would like to integrate the Reservation System with Digital Class Reservations.

·       Matt will work on a viewing available shop reservation space. Currently this is not available.


Xerocraft Facility Shop Status

·       The Craft Area - Candi Carol thanked everyone for returning everything to the Craft Area after the floor renovation. She will organize the craft area when she has time. 

·       Woodshop – David and Harvey will do some rearrangement in the woodshop to accommodate a large Grizzly lathe and perhaps purchase a used drum sander and a band saw. The DC sensor is not functioning properly. In the meanwhile, check the dust bin prior to using the saw.

·       Note that sanitizing work areas is up to the user. Xerocraft provides sanitation wipes and sprays. It is up to the user to sanitize the work area prior to and after use of the equipment.



·       Scott Kerr, a former KMKR DJ, passed away suddenly. The KMKR team is holding a sale on eBay this week benefitting his family and KMKR. There is also a remembrance ceremony being held. Please contact Terry Nordbrock or Alexis Lincicome for details. The stage in the Steinfeld courtyard will also be named in his honor.

Next Steering Committee Meeting: ZOOM meeting at 7PM on Monday 11 January 2021

Xerocraft Board Minutes location: Minutes are posted to the Xerocraft Website under the More Links drop down (Steering Committee)

Terry Glover

Xerocraft Board Member

(520) 907-0404 (Text or Voice)

11 January 2021 Sterring Committee Minutes  

11 January Attendees:

1.     David Lessor - Xerocraft President, Board Member, Woodshop Manager, CNC Manager. Welding Manager, Executive Management Team (EMT)

2.     Terry Glover - Board Member

3.     Pat Glover – Jewelry Studio Manager, Board Member

4.     John Nicholson - Member, Tools Sales Manager

5.     Candi Carrell - Craft Area Manager

6.     Adrian Barton - 3D Print Shop manager

7.     Alexis Lincicome - Member, Community Manager

8.     Harvey Brown - Woodshop Assistant

9.     Jeremy Briddle – Board Member, EMT, KMKR Member

Zoom Meeting Started at 07:00 PM and was monitored by David Lessor. 

Agenda and discussions:

David Reopening & Membership

·       Existing members in good standing are allowed into Xerocraft. Existing (2020) members do not need help and staff support is not required.

·       All members have the same obligations to pay or volunteer as before. A grace period will be granted to those who could not take advantage of 2020 paid memberships.

·       Matt and Alexis are managing a few new members with off-site volunteer tasks.  

·       CMs and shop managers are to vet new members for FOBS. New members are not be 24-hour members. General entry time is 8 AM to 8PM (Note that the Tucson curfew is 10pm to 6am)

·       The data base does not display 24-hour members. David and Kyle are working to get the member list displayed either on the kiosk or on-line. Steve Bowtie and Jeremy are also willing to help with the programming.

Website update

·       Alexis and Matt will work with Kyle to see if he can work with the managers to update the shop web pages.

·       The CMs will send an Email to each Shop Manager.

Twitch TV Content Creation

·       Alexis and Matt are forming a volunteer media creations group.

·       They are hosting Zoom meetings to discuss creating video content for the Twitch TV channel. 

·       Harvey Brown, John Nicholson and Jeremy asked to be put on the list. 

·       Harvey and John are already creating wood shop videos and working with Kyle.

3D Print Shop Update

·       Adrian Barton is receiving Inquires on access for kids. He referred them to the library maker space. His shop is not staffed to support training children.

·       SD card readers are not now included on the 3 computers. 

Fire Sprinkler Riser Manifold Access

·       Access to the main valve near the maintenance bench is blocked

·       Adrian will work on removing the storage shelf in front of the main vale on Wednesday or Thursday.

·       Jeremy will write and distribute Instructions on accidental sprinkler activation  

·       Cages for the sprinkler heads will be purchased.

General status – John Nicholson (Tool sales manager)

·       The Kiosk and the Reservation system are working. 

·       Florescent tube fixtures being stored downstairs may be disposed of.

·       David is purchasing LED fixtures with motion detectors from Costco

Priority Task List Request – Terry Glover

·       It would be nice to have a prioritized list of items to be completed prior to any public opening.

·       If you know of facility improvements you would like completed, please inform the EMTs or CMs.

·       Terry Glover suggest – Laser Printer move, KMKR Move, Glass Studio Build and Website updates.


·       A WAMO executive stated that parking tickets will not be issued for cars parked west of the docks near 9th street in the Franklin City Parking lot. 

Next Steering Committee Meeting: ZOOM meeting at 7PM on Monday 8 February 2021

Action Items

1.     The data base does not display 24-hour members – David L., Kyle, Jeremy Steve Bowtie

2.     Clear access to the Fire Sprinkler Riser – Adrian Barton

3.     Write and distribute Instructions on accidental sprinkler activation  - Jeremy

4.     Cages for the sprinkler heads will be purchased. - Jeremy

5.     Update the shop web pages. CMs and Shop Managers

6.     Florescent tube fixtures disposal. John Nicholson

7.     Priority Task List Request – All EMTs to monitor status.

Steering Commitee Minutes location: Minutes are posted to the Xerocraft Website under the More Links drop down (Steering Committee)

Submitted by Terry Glover

Xerocraft Board Member

(520) 907-0404 (Text or Voice)

8 February 2021 Steering Committee Minutes  


1.    Terry Glover - Board Member

2.     Pat Glover – Jewelry Studio Manager, Board Member

3.     John Nicholson - Member, Tools Sales Manager

4.     Candi Carrell - Craft Area Manager

5.     Adrian Barton - 3D Print Shop Manager

6.     Harvey Brown - Woodshop Assistant Manager

7.     Jeremy Briddle – Board Member, Executive Managent Team(EMT), KMKR Member

8.     Terry Nordbrock – KMKR Lead and Board Member

Zoom Meeting Started at 07:00 PM and was monitored by Jeremy Briddle. 

Agenda and discussions:

Return to Twice a Month Steering Committee Meetings In preparing for continuing process of opening should we go back to bimonthly Steering Committees? This was accepted as a good idea by David Lesser and all present at the meeting.  Since the meetings are held via Zoom there is no concern about Covid-19 spread and attendance is easier for members living far away from Xerocraft. There being no objections the next Steering Committee Meeting will be held on 22 February. Jeremy will contact Kyle to update the website calendar. 

Communication between Members Community Managers (CMs) and Shop Managers Harvey brought up email confusion from new members. Who should get shop specific emails and who should respond? The consensus is that the Shop Manager should handle these emails when possible and arrange meeting individuals in the shops. Coordination of emails between the CMs and the managers will be reviewed. Are the contact list set up properly? “Reply all” is the best way to coordinate who is taking the action to respond to these emails. Use “Reply” when you wish to converse only with the originator of the previous email.

What are class minimum and maximum age limits? There are no maximum age limitations for classes or attending Xerocraft events. The current rule is that minors (<18 years of age) must be shoulder-to-shoulder with an adult present. [Unsupervised minors running around the facility is dangerous.] There are written exceptions for Bit Buckets, high school interns and some KMKR students. Parents of the minor must sign the Xerocraft Waiver prior to admission.  Xerocraft has a Trade School insurance policy that covers minors while they are being trained at Xerocraft.

Should we require proof of vaccination to enter Xerocraft? – David Lesser submitted a question for the Steering Committee regarding requiring Xerocraft attendees to show proof of vaccination.  Since the Pima County population is 15% vaccinated should we start requiring proof of vaccination.  The general consensus was no. Vaccinated people may be carriers and therefore we should continue to enforce the existing Covid-19 masking, distance and occupancy rules. Revisit the rules when we get closer to herd immunity.

Laser Printer Move Status  Guy and EMTs need to arrange laser blower ventilation from the new location. Terry and Adrian recommended low noise (30db) 4” duct fans sold on Amazon for about $30 each. 

WTF Members are having weekly Tuesday ZOOM classes. They have been doing all of the WTF meetings via ZOOM and using items easily found around the home for their class materials.  Origami is the next class. They are also planning a Japanese drum build collaboration at Xerocraft. New members tend to be followers of new WTF teachers. 

Best time to show up Candi would like to start organizing the Craft Shop and wanted to know when does Xerocraft have the least visitors. She was advised that early morning is best,

Plasma Cutter Caster Wheels   John would like to add wheels on the Plasma Cutter table. He was told that there are 3” wheels on the North Mezzanine. He will pick them up Wednesday. [completed]

Please returning items to the right place Now that the floor renovation is done, John would like to see items returned to their original location at Xerocraft. Adrian, John and Jeremy will start rearranging items on Wednesday at 9am. [Completed 10 Feb.2021]

KMKR Studio Move Jeremy reported that the new KMKR Studio location is ready for occupancy. Thanks to Jeremy the studio has sound isolation and a fresh coat of paint.  Thanks to Adrian, there are also new outlets for the studio equipment. KMKR Volunteers will start moving the studio equipment. Julie and Anthony are planning which items are to be moved into the new studio. Overflow KMKR items will be moved to the mezzanine. The move should be completed in about 2 weeksDJ’s will be broadcasting from the new location after the move is completed and cleaning requirements are established. No guests are allowed in the studio during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Jewelry Studio Status   Pat Glover would like to restart Jewelry classes on the 20th of March. She needs help from the CMs to publicize the opening and the classes. She was advised to discuss publicity with Alexis.

Website Updates Requested – The new Xerocraft website is pretty but it lacks a lot of detail and is harder to navigate than the old Xerocraft Website. It has the following confusing or lack of information:

1.     The Members user lists has 11 paying and 5,263 non-paying members. The nonpaying user list consists of all Xerocraft waiver signers from 2014. It is unrealistic to assume that all waiver signers are members. Membership implies privileges and obligations. Terry will contact Kyle to see if he can pair the list down to paying members and volunteer (Work-Trade) members.

2.     There is no list of Volunteers (Work-Trade) members. The managers have been asking that the CMs or EMTs come up with a valid list of members who wish to earn their memberships through volunteering at Xerocraft.

3.     There is no 24-hour member list. These are members who have access to the facility at any time and are obligated to open or close the facility to support non 24Hour members.

4.     Some shop web pages are missing or require more information. The Jewelry Studio is the most complete Web page. Pat still wants to add some pictures and videos, but it could be used as a model format for setting up the other shop web pages. The shop managers need training or help building these pages unless another group plans to take on this responsibility. This is a complicated process to learn if you are not familiar with setting up “canned format” web pages.

Next Xerocraft Steering Committee ZOOM Meeting - Monday 22 February 2021 at 7pm.

Contact David Lesser if you do ot get an invitation.

The recommended agenda is:

·       EMT/CM status - Financial System Establishment and Membership Support

·       Old Business/ Action Items

·       New Business/ Member concerns or issues

Action Items as of 8 February 2021

1.     Write and distribute Instructions on accidental sprinkler activation - Jeremy

2.     Purchase Cages for the sprinkler heads. – Jeremy

3.     Purchase replacement fire extinguishers. – Jeremy

4.     Update the shop web pages member lists. - CMs and Shop Managers are to address this.

5.     Priority Task List Request – EMTs are to monitor the progress and prioritize the following list:.

            Laser Printer move – Guy and the EMTs are managing this.

            KMKR Move – Jeremy estimated completion is 22-28 February

            Glass Studio Build – Pat and Terry will start this after the old KMKR studio is vacated.

            Shop Web Page updates – CMs and Managers  

6.     The data base does not display 24-hour members – David L., Kyle, Jeremy Steve Bowtie

7.     Write and distribute Instructions on accidental sprinkler activation – Jeremy 

8.     Return items to correct area after the Floor Remodel, Jon Jeremy and Adrian will form on this on Wed. 10 February. [Done]

9.     Install Wheels on Plasma Cutter worktable. John Nicholson [Done]

Steering Commitee Minutes location: Minutes are posted to the Xerocraft Website under the More Links drop down (Steering Committee)

Terry Glover

Xerocraft Board Member

(520) 907-0404 (Text or Voice)

22 February, 2021 Steering Committee Minutes  


1.     Terry Glover - Staffer, Board Member

2.     Pat Glover - Jewelry Studio Manager, Board Member

3.     John Nicholson - Staffer, Tools Sales Manager

4.     Candi Carrell - Craft Area Manager

5.     Adrian Barton - 3D Print Shop Manager

6.     Harvey Brown - Woodshop Assistant Manager

7.     Jeremy Briddle - Board Member, EMT, KMKR Member

8.     Guy Link - Laser Manager

9.     David Lesser - President, Executive Management Team

10.  Cindy Quinn- Sewing Class instructor

11.  Matt Rios - Community Manager (CM)

12.  Dana Poverman - Member, Woodturner

13.  Alexis Lincicome - Community Manager (CM)

14.  Matt Rios - CM

15.  Kyle Fritz - Web Master

Zoom Meeting Started at 07:00 PM and was monitored by David Lesser 

Agenda and discussions:

·       Zoom Meeting suggestions: Mute microphone to minimize background noise

·       Protocol/Expectations – “Be excellent to one another.”

            -Don’t talk over others. 

            -Raise hand to speak. 

            -Moderator will call on you.

                  -Stick to the agenda item 

·       Check In- 

      -State: name and Xerocraft association, 

      -how are you doing today, 

      -any Steering Committee Meeting items?

·       Old Business

·       New Business

·       Xerocraft To Do List

·       Next Meeting

·       Checkout

Old Business:

Returning Items After Floor Remodel - Jeremy, Adrian and John completed the front desk area; thank you very much. Remaining area status: Mezzanine, Craft area, CNC Shop, Main& Mini Conference area are next. Cindi will inventory the craft area on Wednesday. Remaining rearranging work to continue on Wed, at 9 a.m.- Adrian and Jeremy

Website Update Request –The following information confusing or lack of information:

Requested a separate Xerocraft Committee address webpage updates. Open items include:

1.     The Members user lists has 11 paying and 5,263 non-paying members. The nonpaying user list consists of all Xerocraft waiver signers from 2014. It is unrealistic to assume that all waiver signers are members. Membership implies privileges and obligations. Terry will contact Kyle to see if he can pair the list down to paying members and volunteer (Work-Trade) members. 

2.     There is no list of Volunteers (Work-Trade) members. The managers have been asking that the CMs or EMTs come up with a valid list of members who wish to earn their memberships through volunteering at Xerocraft. Matt and Kyle to work.

3.     There is no 24-hour member list. These are members who have access to the facility at any time and are obligated to open or close the facility to support non 24Hour members. Kyle and David – work in progress.

4.     Some shop web pages are missing or require more information. The Jewelry Studio is the most complete Web page. Pat still wants to add some pictures and videos, but it could be used as a model format for setting up the other shop web pages. The shop managers need training or help building these pages unless another group plans to take on this responsibility. This is a complicated process to learn if you are not familiar with setting up “canned format” web pages. Matt to work.

5.     Front page – inefficient – See The Bodgery website at for an excellent layout and cute video of what a makerspace is all about. The milwakee maker space (all volunteer 350 members in 1500 square feet) is also has a nice website (

New Business: 

Biweekly Meetings- David Lesser sent an email to the Xerocraft Discussion List, staff lists and the CMs. He included a ZOOM meeting invitation link valid for every other Monday up to 26 July. If you did get the invitation, please contact David Lesser. Kyle also updated website to reflect that there will be a meeting every other Monday. 

Purchasing authority  - Harvey wanted to know is allowed to purchase items for the woodshop. David - Michelle, Alexis and David are working on a new purchasing system. Some EMTs have credit cards for minor purchases. Harvey is an assistant manager, so he is allowed to purchase minor items and get reimbursed. Others should receive permission form the shop manager’s prior to purchasing items for a particular shop. Each manager has a budget.

Fixing shop manager communications - There was some confusion over who was to walk an individual through the woodshop. Harvey does not want to duplicating people’s efforts.

Do we have a process in place? Matt is walking new members through the facility. New members are told they need to get training to work on tools in each shop. He then emails a shop manager list to new members. Matt notifies the specific shop manager of the new member’s volunteer interest. The the shop managers then vet new member and notifies the CMs to authorize a member Fob. Alexis rewrote some of the Xerocraft rules and they should appear on the website soon.

Resuming Classes - Cindy Quinn would like to start sewing classes using the large conference room tables. She will limit the class size to 4 and keep the students masked and 6’ apart. Cindy does not have a FOB, she would rather have other fob holder members to be present for security and to lock up the facility.  Alexis volunteered to support her. Work-Trade members are also interested in helping in that area. Matt will introduce those members to Cindy.

Pat Glover would also like to restart Jewelry classes. Currently she is holding open shop time if members reserve time on the Set More booking system. Currently she is limited to 2 members and herself at one time in the space. Once the mini conference is cleared of miscellaneous items stored there while the floors were being remodeled, she can train more members at one time. She will then clear and clean the mini conference room tables prior to and after her use. 

Mezzanine Staircase Dust- Jeremy is concerned that dust form the mezzanine stairs is collecting on the on food and supplies in front desk area. No stair riser shields are allowed because they interfere with the water sprinkler system.  Consensus – Use the barrister book cabinets which have glass fold up doors. Move them from the mini conference room. Adrian took the assignment to see that this is done.

Jim Click Raffle – Starts today. We get to keep all the money we collect from the raffle. Jeremy will forward an email discussing the details.

Volunteer Member Tasking - Matt Rios has 3 work-trade members who need tasking. Work-trade member lists discussed. Matt is using an email lists serve. A volunteer orientation is to be held Tuesday at 7 p.m. including a virtual tour through Xerocraft. Please send volunteer task items to Matt.

Booking System Concern – The Set More reservation system does not allow more than one person to book a time slot. Managers are notified but no one else knows who made the reservation. Workarounds were discussed. Class can book more than one at a time. Need to figure how to integrate with the webpage. Set More is temporary, and classes can be set up via website. Tickets. However, training is needed. Matt volunteered to make a short video. Email to be sent.

Donated Trash Cans – John Nicolson brought trash cans to Xerocraft. Two Brutes are for the woodshop dust collection system. One was donated to the Jewelry Studio and one is for Terry Glover. Guy would like wheels on the trash barrels and other members prefer using the red dolly. Wheels on trash cans were not that useful in the past.

Tuesdays Afternoon Staffing Terry Glover is now staffing 1-4 p.m. on Tuesdays. A potential member requested wood lathe training during that time. He will also support Pat in the Jewelry Studio.

Fob policy – What is it and is it prudent? Fobs are now being used to provide access to Xerocraft. Existing members should have a fob which allows access from 9a.m. to 8 p.m. New members are provided a fob after they have been vetted by the CMs and the shop managers.

Shop managers are responsible for their area safety training requirements. The fobs may be activated through the Website. Ignore leading zeros when activating a fob. Matt will add instructions to the Xerocraft Wiki. 

Shop Videos Terry requested video editing, and web page photo placement support. Matt and Kyle to support.

Items 4-Sale - John Nicholson asked if it was time to sell the old Grizzley drum sander, old bandsaw, profile sander. David and Guy still occasionally use the old drum sander downstairs. Dana will be bringing in a drum sander. Keep the old drum sander until the replacement is in place.  David would like to keep the old bandsaw for small blade cuts and reserve the new one for resawing. The profile sander can be sold. In addition, Jeremy would like to fix up the old compressor prior to selling it. The Shop Bot CNC frame and parts can be disposed of. John needs help to identifying all the parts. The Old HandyBot needs to be returned to Carl. Jeremy will call Carl. The metal Lathe in the basement can also be sold.

TO-DO List additions - Adrian Barton added the following items to the TODO list:

            1. Clean and arrange the basement classroom (Pat Glover discussed this as well.) It has     become a dumping ground. As part of the orientation, members should be told to label items they store at Xerocraft. We need to create a storage area. Jeremy has a paper            packet for new members.  

            2. Rearrange wood storage area in basement. There is what appears to be a lot of junk on the floor in this area making it a major trip hazard sone. Jeremy volunteered to help,

            Guy would like a facility clean-up including providing a dumpster. [cost?]

Reopening TO-DO List as of 22 February 2021

1.     Write and distribute Instructions on accidental sprinkler activation - Jeremy

2.     Purchase Cages for the sprinkler heads. – Jeremy

3.     Purchase replacement fire extinguishers. – Jeremy

4.     Laser Cutter/engraver move – Guy and the EMTs

5.     KMKR Move – Jeremy estimated completion is 22-28 February

6.     Glass Studio Build – Pat and Terry will start this after the old KMKR studio is vacated.

7.     Shop Web Page updates – CMs and Managers  

8.     Develop and maintain a 24-hour member list. – Matt Rios

9.     Front door maintenance and update the closure mechanism. Jeremy Briddle

10.  Return items to correct Xerocraft space - John, Jeremy and Adrian

11.  Drum sander pickup, installation and sandpaper maintenance – Dana Poverman

12.  Donation and Receipts Boxes – To be mounted to the front desk Wed.

13.  Clean and arrange the Mini Conference Room - Adrian and Pat

14.  Rearrange wood storage area in basement.

Next Xerocraft Steering Committee ZOOM Meeting - Monday 8 March 2021 at 7pm.

Steering Committee Minutes: These minutes are posted to the Xerocraft Website under the More Links drop down (Steering Committee)

Terry Glover

Xerocraft Board Member

(520) 907-0404 (Text or Voice)

8 March, 2021 Steering Committee Minutes  


1.     Terry Glover - Staffer, Board Member

2.     Pat Glover - Jewelry Studio Manager, Board Member

3.     John Nicholson - Staffer, Tools Sales Manager

4.     Candi Carrell - Craft Area Manager

5.     Adrian Barton - 3D Print Shop Manager

6.     Harvey Brown - Woodshop Assistant Manager

7.     Jeremy Briddle - Board Member, EMT, KMKR Member

8.     David Lesser - President, Executive Management Team

9.     Matt Rios - Community Manager (CM)

10.  Alexis Lincicome - Community Manager (CM)

11.  Matt Rios - CM

12.  Don Cue – New volunteer member

Zoom Meeting Started at 07:00 PM and was monitored by David Lesser 

Agenda and discussions:

·       Zoom Meeting Expectations: 

·       “Be excellent to one another.”

            -Mute microphone to minimize background noise 

                     (Suggestion – Use space bar as a push-to-talk button)

            -Don’t talk over others. 

            -Raise hand to speak. 

            -Moderator will call on you.

                  -Stick to the agenda item 

·       Check In- 

      -State: name and Xerocraft association, 

      -how are you doing today, 

      -any Steering Committee Meeting items?

·       Old Business

·       New Business

·       Xerocraft Pre-Opening To Do List

·       Next Meeting

·       Checkout

Old Business:

Fob Access Correction - Fobs are now being used to provide access to Xerocraft from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Volunteers (Work-Trade) members list - The managers have been asking that the CMs or EMTs come up with a valid list of members who wish to earn their memberships through volunteering at Xerocraft. Matt and Kyle to work.

 24-hour member list – These members have access to the facility at any time and are obligated to open or close the facility to support non-24Hour members. Kyle and David – work in progress.

Website Fob Activation Instructions – Written instructions were requested so that the Staffers and Shop Managers could activate vetted members Fobs. Matt has reviewed the procedure and found some issues that he is correcting with Kyle. Once corrections are made, he will write the procedure.

Returning Items After Floor Remodel - Jeremy, Adrian and John have completed the front desk area. Adrian, Pat and Chris rearranged the Mini conference room; thank you very much. Candi is labeling the craft area this week. Remaining rearranging work to continue on Wed, at 9 a.m.- Adrian and Jeremy will complete the internet wiring and raise the light over north mezzanine stairs.

Website Update Request – Terry G is not seeing much progress on the website. He reports any website issues to the website manager (Kyle Fritz). However, Kyle is not in a position to unilaterally make layout decisions. Jeremy will form a Website Committee to address webpage concerns. Jeremy, Pat, Kyle, Alexis, Matt and others mayvolunteer to join the committee.

The following are some examples of confusing parts of the website:

1.     Front page – inefficient – See the Bodgery website at for an excellent layout and cute video of what a makerspace is all about. The milwakee maker space (all volunteer 350 members in 1500 square feet) is also has a nice website < >

2.     The 5000+ nonpaying user list consists of all Xerocraft waiver signers from 2014. It is unrealistic to assume that all waiver signers are members. Membership implies privileges and obligations. Terry suggest the 2 list should be paying members and volunteer (Work-Trade) members. 

3.     Some shop web pages are missing or require more information. The Jewelry Studio is the most complete Web page. Pat still wants to add some pictures and videos, but it could be used as a model format for setting up the other shop web pages. The shop managers need training or help building these pages unless another group plans to take on this responsibility. This is a complicated process to learn if you are not familiar with setting up “canned format” web pages. Matt to work.

Resuming Classes - Alexis volunteered to support Cindy Quinn. Cindy will be out of town for a few months and will resume sewing classes when she returns. Pat will be fully vaccinated as of the 18th plans to start informal classes on 20 March. For social distancing reasons, she may need to use the mini conference room during classes.

Jim Click Raffle –Jeremy sent an email discussing the details was delivered to those who requested information. [Item closed]

Booking System Concern – The Set More reservation system does not allow more than one person to reserve priority in any shop time slot. Matt looked booking more than one person to a shop time slot, but it is complicated and will cost money to update the system. Set More is temporary, and classes can be set up via website. For now, only 1 person may reserve time a shop time slot. [Note up to 2 people allowed in a shop. Only the 3D print and Laser Shop are limited to 1.]

In the meanwhile, the 3D print shop was added to the booking system. 

Shop Videos - Don Cue is now supporting the Jewelry Studio video editing, and web page photo placement support.

Items 4-Sale – John is our equipment sales manager

1.     Old Grizzley drum sander - Dana brought in a purchased used drum sander. Harvey will be replacing the drum and feed sandpaper next week. John will discuss sale of the Grizzley drum sander with David and Guy who still occasionally use it.

2.     The profile sander is sold. 

3.     The old air compressor will be returned to the donating family after Jeremy does some maintenance on it.

4.     The Shop Bot CNC frame and parts will be picked up next week after all the parts are identified. 

5.      The HandyBot has been donated to Xerocraft. Jeremy and Adrian plan on upgrading it. 

6.     The metal Lathe in the basement can also be sold.

7.     Pat has an Old enameling Kiln in the Jewelry Studio for sale.

Reopening TO-DO List as of 22 February 2021

1.     Write and distribute Instructions on accidental sprinkler activation - Jeremy

2.     Purchase Cages for the sprinkler heads. – Jeremy

3.     Purchase replacement fire extinguishers. – Jeremy

4.     Laser Cutter/engraver move – Guy and the EMTs

5.     KMKR Move – Jeremy and the DJ’s

6.     Glass Studio Build – Pat and Terry (Starts this after KMKR vacates old studio.

7.     Shop Web Page updates – CMs and Shop Managers

8.     Develop and maintain a 24-hour member list. – Matt Rios

9.     Front door maintenance and update the closure mechanism. Jeremy Briddle

10.  Return items to correct Xerocraft space - John, Jeremy and Adrian.

11.  Donation and Receipts Boxes – To be permanently mounted to the front desk 

12.  Rearrange wood storage area in basement. Jeremy and …

13.  Create a members storage area. David Mezzanine floor plan(?) Orientation packet for new members to include labeling stored items- Jeremy/Matt

14.  Secure donation and receipt boxes sitting in the front desk area. 

New Business:

Discuss Old Steering Committee Business First – For the benefit of writing the meeting minutes, Terry G. requested that the Steering Committee discuss old business first at all future meetings. This will be a quick status of items members have volunteered to work on. Many new item discussions may also benefit from discussing these items first.

CNC Shop Upgrade– The Large Format CNC Machine has been upgraded and is working. Thank you David Lesser and Guy Link. 

Donations and Purchase Receipts Process – Alexis has been working on streamlining the financial system. Some members are not following the purchase receipt instructions, so she has several mystery receipts. These cannot be paid until the cash recipient; shop allocation and authorizing manager are provided. Please follow the instructions on the Receipt Box. Alexis is thinking about a better system to electronically document donations and purchase receipts.  In the meanwhile, the donation and receipt boxes need to be secured rather than just sitting on the front desk. 

Back Door Left Open - Jeremy reported the back door was open after members left Xerocraft on several occasions. The last one out of the building is supposed to lock the back door. There may also be a lack of handoff between members as to who is responsible to check the doors when they leave. If you are the last one in the building, please make sure both doors are secure.  Matt is developing an infographic sheet that will be posted at the front and back doors.

Email Contacts. John reported that the website email system does not seem to be working properly. Terry also pointed out that the ANNOUNCE LIST SUBSCRIBE WITH MAILMAN BLOCK HERE and the DISCUSSIONS LIST SUBSCRIBE links seem to be broken. Kyle was notified. Jeremy will be checking on this.

Non-members Accessing/borrowing tools - Matt had a request from Tucson Tyco to borrow some welding equipment. The rule is no one is to borrow tools from Xerocraft unless authorization is provided by the shop manager. David Lessor is the Welding shop Manager. David and Matt will work on this request off line.

Vacating Old KMKR Space – Pat would like to get started on building the Glass/Enameling studio in the old KMKR area. Jeremy has been doing most of the KMKR move on his own. Please help him in any way you can. Most KMKR items have been is moved to the mezzanine. The plan was to move everything into the office, however, there may not be room for a recently donated record and CD collection. KMKR may request secure storage space on the mezzanine.            

Next Xerocraft Steering Committee ZOOM Meeting - Monday 22 March 2021 at 7pm. 

Steering Committee Minutes: The minutes are posted to the Xerocraft Website under the More Links> Steering Committee drop down.

Terry Glover

Xerocraft Board Member

(520) 907-0404 (Text or Voice)

22 March 2021 Steering Committee Minutes  


1.     Terry Glover - Staffer, Board Member

2.     Pat Glover - Jewelry Studio Manager, Board Member

3.     John Nicholson - Staffer, Tools Sales Manager

4.     Candi Carrell - Craft Area Manager

5.     Harvey Brown - Woodshop Assistant Manager

6.     David Lesser - President, Executive Management Team

7.     Alexis Lincicome - Community Manager (CM)

8.     Don Cue – New Member

9.     Terry Nordbrock – Board Member, WTF and KMKR Manager

10.  Julie Jennings Patterson -KMKR Supervisor

Zoom Meeting Started at 07:00 PM and was monitored by David Lesser 

Agenda and discussions:

·       Check In- 

      -State: name and Xerocraft association, 

      -how are you doing today, 

      -any Steering Committee Meeting items?

·       Old Business

·       New Business

·       Xerocraft Pre-Opening To Do List

·       Next Meeting

·       Checkout

Old Business:

Volunteers (Work-Trade) members list – No Status. Matt and Kyle to work.

24-hour member list –Kyle and David – work in progress.

Website Fob Activation Instructions – work in progress.

Returning Items After Floor Remodel - work in progress.

Website Committee Formed – work in progress.

Booking System Concern – To be replaced by calendar when website is finished.

Items 4-Sale – John is our equipment sales manager

1.     Old Grizzley drum sander - Sold 

2.     The old air compressor will be returned to the donating family after Jeremy does some maintenance on it.

3.     The Shop Bot CNC frame and parts sold

4.     The HandyBot - Jeremy and Adrian plan on upgrading it. 

5.     The Metal Lathe in the basement can also be sold.

Reopening TO-DO List as of 22 February 2021

1.     Write and distribute Instructions on accidental sprinkler activation - Jeremy

2.     Purchase cages for the sprinkler heads. – Jeremy

3.     Purchase replacement fire extinguishers. – Jeremy

4.     Laser Cutter/engraver move – Guy and the EMTs

5.     KMKR Move – Jeremy continuing work in progress.

6.     Glass Studio Build – Pat and Terry (Starts this after KMKR vacates old studio.)

7.     Shop Web Page updates – CMs and Shop Managers work in progress.

8.     Front door maintenance and update the closure mechanism. Jeremy Briddle

9.     Rearrange wood storage area in basement. Jeremy and …

10.   Create a members storage area. David’s Mezzanine floor plan(?) Orientation packet for new members to include labeling stored items- Jeremy/Matt

Back Door Left Open - Matt is developing an infographic sheet that will be posted at the front and back doors.

New Business:

Staffing – Terry Glover is now staffing on Tuesdays and Saturday afternoons. Pat Glover will Staff the Jewelry Studio at the same time. Alexis staffed today (one walk-in). She will staff on Monday and Wednesday in the future.  John Nicholson will staff Wednesdays from 8-12. Harvey Brown will staff on Friday mornings. During Harvey’s Friday Staffing a young couple came in and are receptive to joining.

David Dresser may offer public time for vaccinated people. Classes sizes may increase slightly. Harvey would like members only for now. Positivity rate too high (9%) for public access. There is no requirement to show ID and vaccination card.

Email Groups reinstatement - Email groups, Boss email and shop emails are still active. We are encouraging people to use the shop specific lists. We need to tell People how to go about it. Email List will be moved from Other to the emails Lists. 

Replace Toilet- Pat Glover volunteered to pay for a new toilet. The existing toilet always looks soiled due to rust stains. CM’s will arrange for the volunteer labor to install the toilet.

Woodshop – Dust collection extension added to new sander. Replacement drum sander paper requested. Harvey is the Woodshop assistant manager, so he has the authority to make small purchases.

John – Thanks for fire extinguishers. Kudos to Jeremy

Alexis – Inclusion Programs came up during the Website committee meeting. WTF meant to provide welcome area for women. How do we bring in the disabled or handicapped? Study on ADA requirements needed. Access to lower area is an issue. Terry N. discussed steam punk wheelchair.   Profile related items. Bring items to the main floor for an Electronics or Jewelry maker night. In the meantime, start on the main floor.  Bring in or go to Tucson assisted living facilities. Harvey cautioned liability and ADA requirements. Study the project prior to implementation. A stairwell wheelchair lift cost ~$4000. The key any program is to finding good partners to run with it. The key to WTF was finding the people to run the program. Society of Hispanic engineers. UA Women in engineering are other good examples. Tabled this item until more information is available. 

Terry N. – KMKR is now live broadcasting in the Studio.  Kudos to Jeremy.

Next Xerocraft Steering Committee ZOOM Meeting - Monday 22 March 2021 at 7pm.

Steering Committee Minutes: The minutes are posted to the Xerocraft Website under the More Links> Steering Committee drop down.

Terry Glover

Xerocraft Board Member

(520) 907-0404 (Text or Voice)

5 April 2021 Xerocraft Steering Committee Minutes  


1.     Terry Glover - Staffer, Board Member

2.     Pat Glover - Jewelry Studio Manager, Board Member

3.     John Nicholson - Staffer, Tools Sales Manager

4.     Candi Carrell - Craft Area Manager

5.     Harvey Brown - Woodshop Assistant Manager

6.     David Lesser - President, Executive Management Team

7.     Alexis Lincicome - Community Manager (CM)

8.     Connor Barickman – Member 

9.     Adrian Barton – 3D Print Shop Manager

10.  Guy Link – Laser Shop Manager

11.  Andrew Mc Gill – Member

Zoom Meeting Started at 07:00 PM and was monitored by David Lesser 

Agenda and discussions:

·       Check In- 

      -State: name and Xerocraft association, 

      -how are you doing today, 

      -any Steering Committee Meeting items?

·       New Business

·       Old Business

·       Xerocraft Pre-Opening To Do List

·       Next Meeting

·       Checkout

Agenda Items:

[Name, Action, who will administer the effort, what will it cost in space time and money? Outside support?]

3D Print Lab filament – Adrian will add Xerocraft filament cost to the 3D Print Lab webpage The filament charge is  $0.10/gram or $0.05/gram for members. The cash for this filament charge does not have to be labeled just placed in the donation box. If the member wants to use their own filament, then they should use the recommended brands as stated on the 3D web page. Adrian is in the process of replacing a controller card for one of the 3D printers.  

Robot Arm needs to be moved. Is there a more appropriate spot too put it? David will put it away or we can help once he identifies a location.

Cleaning up the Welding Area – Andrew will be reorganizing the welding area which includes some sand blaster media. There is CNC parts in the back yard. Are there plans to make use of the CNC items? No plans yet. The Xerocraft welding shop is on hold until WAMO builds a ramp along the courtyard north wall.  We do not know what the area will look like and therefore we cannot make plans. Andrew will move items we do not want to throw away (Silicon Carbide donation). He will use volunteers where appropriate. David is looking for a better sand blasting cabinet. 

Back Door Fob SystemThis is on hold until we get the front door system has been revamped.

Set More - John and other members like the appointment system especially for the laser. 

Staffing- John recommended staffing as a preferred way of helping new members. 

Are previous members available to staff on Sunday, Mondays, and Thursdays? 

Currently we have staffing as follows: 

                        Tuesday – the Glovers ~12-4

                        Wednesday – John Nicolson 8-12

                        Friday Harvey Brown 9:30 – 2:30 Wood Shop

                        Saturday Chuck Wacker 9-12; the Glovers ~12-4

David will look into taking a weekend shift. Curtis had asked (Terry G.) if the staff member had to be vaccinated. The consensus was is no vaccination requirement as long as members are masked and socially distanced. No one else volunteered any additional comments.

Events List – John requested that any passed events be deleted from the website list. Alexis will see if we can delete old events. 

Discord Application  Alexis and Guy have been exploring “Discord” for organizing volunteers and organizing volunteers via email. Discord is a messaging system that can be used to set up separate permissions and tiers of users. It is similar to Slack, social medial and rooms. It also has a voice channel capability. Guy and Alexis think it is easier to communicate things like “This saw was left on.” or “Lost and found.”.  Discord is website based. They are pushing to get Discord live. This would provide “younger members” a social media platform. Guy would like to be the Discord administrator/manager. He says it will be cost free except for time to set up. 

Terry G. commented that setting up a new communication system is premature since we have not finished implementing the existing email group lists. There are still lots of things to do on the website to improve communications without going to a new system. He would like to see if we could do a better job of implementing the existing email group list. After some discussion Connor asked us to take the discussion offline. Alexis will set up a meeting with Guy and Terry to discuss the benefits of using Discord versus the existing email lists and Google Drive.

Organizing Basement wood storage - Alexis has volunteers who could help reorganize the 3-4 south west bays of the basement. The material in that area is primarily wood. Guy and Alexis would like to organize a Xerocraft cleaning day that would include a renting a roll off dumpster rental. Some of this area was used for Pandemic storage. Picking through other people’s stuff may be an issue. We need to reinstitute parking passes. Most items are unlabeled. Alexis needs knowledgeable help as well as volunteers to implement any wood storage reorganization since she does not know what to keep and what to throw out. She will come up with a plan and work the plan but still needs help implementing the wood storage implementation plan.

Xerocraft Annual Meeting – David sent out an announcement to the discussion list and to the members. The meeting will be held Saturday 10 April at 1 p.m. Elections were done remotely last year due to Covid-19.  We are in the middle of the Board 2-year term of office. Therefore, there will not be board elections this year. David is developing an agenda to cover last year financials and major events moving forward. Here is the Zoom invitation:

Topic: Xerocraft Annual Meeting
Time: Apr 10, 2021 01:00 PM Arizona

Join Zoom Meeting

Sanitation Practices – Terry G. requested that we establish a routine to clean the restroom at the end of every staffing shift. In addition, we should establish a practice of sweeping the main floor and stairways. John pointed out that this use to be a staffers responsibility to empty the trash and check on the restroom prior to closing. Alexis took the action to look into implementing a volunteer or staffing cleaning plan.

Glass/Enamel Studio – Terry G. needs to start on the glass and enameling space by 15 April to have it finished and opened by 1 June. He needs area cleared first so that he can level the floor erect walls and doors. There was no discussion since the KMKR members were not present at the meeting.          

Old Business:

Volunteers (Work-Trade) members list - Matt and Kyle were not present therefore, no status. 

24-hour member list –Kyle and David - work in progress.

Website Fob Activation Instructions - work in progress.

Returning Items After Floor Remodel - work in progress.

Website Committee - Alexis and Don Cue are populating web pages. The next meeting is on 19 April. Terry G’s “all are welcome” action item was competed.

HandyBot Upgrade - Jeremy and Adrian plan on upgrading the controller card so that it can be used as a stand-alone mobile CNC machine. 

Old air compressor returned - Jeremy will complete some compressor maintenance and return it to the donating family.

Items 4-Sale –

1.     A Metal Lathe in the basement can also be sold.

Reopening TO-DO List -

1.     Distribute accidental sprinkler activation instructions - Jeremy

2.     Purchase cages for the sprinkler heads. - Jeremy

3.     Purchase and install replacement fire extinguishers. - Jeremy

4.     Laser Cutter/engraver move - Guy and the EMTs. Estimated electrical and duct cost $500.

5.     KMKR Move - work in progress. 

6.     Glass Studio Build - Pat and Terry (Starts this after KMKR vacates old studio.) Mike Runde will provide a floor modification cost estimate starting on Tuesday 7 April.

Terry is requesting space access by 15 April to complete the Glass/Enamel studio by 1 June 2021

7.     Shop Web Page updates – CMs and Shop Managers work in progress.  The 3D Print Shop and Craft Area are completed. We need a page developed for the wood, metal, laser and CNC Shops.

8.     Front door maintenance and update the closure mechanism. Jeremy Briddle

9.     Rearrange wood storage area in basement. Jeremy and …

10.   Create a members storage area. David’s Mezzanine floor plan(?). Community member.

11.   Orientation packet for new members to include labeling stored items- Jeremy/Matt\

12.  Matt is developing an infographic sheet that will be posted at the front and back doors.

Next Xerocraft Steering Committee ZOOM Meeting - Monday 19 April 2021 at 7pm.

Topic: Xerocraft Steering Committee Meeting
Time: Every 2 weeks on Mon, until Jul 26, 2021
    Apr 19, 2021 07:00 PM
    May 3, 2021 07:00 PM
    May 17, 2021 07:00 PM
    May 31, 2021 07:00 PM
    Jun 14, 2021 07:00 PM
    Jun 28, 2021 07:00 PM
    Jul 12, 2021 07:00 PM
    Jul 26, 2021 07:00 PM
You may download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Join Zoom Meeting Here:

Steering Committee Minutes: The minutes are posted to the Xerocraft Website at the bottom of the Home Page under Steering Committee Meetings

Terry Glover

Xerocraft Board Member

(520) 907-0404 (Text or Voice)

19 April 2021 Steering Committee Minutes  


1.     Terry Glover – Shop Staffer, Board Member

2.     David Lesser - President, Executive Management Team

3.     John Nicholson – Shop Staffer, Tools Sales Manager

4.     Connor Barickman – Member 

5.     Adrian Barton – 3D Print Shop Manager

6.     Don Cue – Active Member

7.     Joel Brodsky - Active Member

8.     Candi Carrell - Craft Area Manager

9.     Alexis Lincicome - Community Manager (CM)

10.  Guy Link - Laser Shop Manager

11.  Jeremy Briddle – Board and EMT Member

12.  Michael Bryan -Member

13.  Nyx Penn-Member

14.  Matt Rios - Community Manager (CM)

15.  Michelle Ferman – Board Treasurer, EMT member

Zoom Meeting Started at 07:00 PM and was monitored by David Lesser 

Agenda and discussions:

·       Check In- 

      -State: name and Xerocraft association, 

      -how are you doing today, 

      -any Steering Committee Meeting items?

·       New Business

·       Old Business – Please review the Steering Committee minutes to update old items off line.

·       Xerocraft Pre-Opening To-Do-List - Please review the Steering Committee minutes and contact Terry Glover (rtglover69@gmail,com) to update the old business/Opening To-Do-List offline.

·       Next Meeting - May 3, 2021 07:00 PM

·       Checkout

Agenda Items:

Red Plastic Chairs – Adrian recommended selling the plastic chairs that do not have wheels and are currently on a roll around cart.  John feels we have too many chairs and seconded Adrian’s motion. David wants to check to see if the North bay tenants want to borrow and store the chairs. Jeremy suggested storing them under the mezzanine stairs. If we get rid of the Bit Buckets items near the kitchen they could be stored there. Consensus – Store plastic chairs under the mezzanine stairs until a better place to store them is found.[Name, Action, who will administer the effort, what will it cost in space time and money? Outside support?]

Old Air Filters – One large and one 10” small air filters are in the basement. Adrian would like to place the large one in the Woodshop cantilevered off the South mezzanine and the other one near the CNC. Consensus was this is a good idea and John offered to help. [ Completed  on 21 April]

3D Print Lab – Donated large printer cable burned out. Adrian repaired the 3D printer with $85 worth of parts and 40 hours. He also needs the donations form letter. Terry G. will forward the form to Adrian. [Completed on 21 April]

Courtyard Gate Procedures. Who responsible to unlock/lock the back gate? The unofficial policy is last car out locks the gate. What information is being provided to members? There is a shutdown procedure on the Kiosk, but does it include the gate? New members are told by David to lock the gate and back door when they leave. Alexis and Matt are rewriting the closing procedure. Terry requested that securing the lock and chain when the gate is opened should be included in the procedure.  Some people are using the courtyard for overnight parking.

Nyx commented that vagrants are coming into the space at night. David will investigate with other tenants. John offered that if the back gate is open then back door should be locked to prevent theft. Some of the members work in the north bay and like the door open. Buying  a buzzer was discussed as well as putting up a Do not Lock Flag. Consensus is to err on the side of locking the door. Jeremy Lyle and Steve are working on a back door RFID system which will resolve the issue.

Staffer Contact Information. Matt said various volunteers are looking for access to the space and would like to know how to contact the staffers. John, Terry, Bob Foster, Chuck, Pat, and Craig have each created staffing events. Consensus – Staffers and instructors will add their contact information to the calendar. [Completed on 21 April]

Call for returning Staffers- Are there previous members available to staff on Sunday, and Thursdays? 

Currently we have staffing as follows: 

  Monday – Craig Sorensen Woodshop 10-2

Tuesday – Terry Glover & Curtis Carsten Main Floor; Pat Glover – Jewelry Studio ~12-4

                Wednesday – John Nicolson 8-12

                Friday Harvey Brown Wood Shop 9:30 – 2:30 

                Saturday Chuck Wacker Metal shop 9-12; 

                Terry Glover, main floor; Pat Glover Jewelry Studio ~12-4

Terry Glover recommend we move the responsibility to walk prospective members around the Xerocraft space to the staffers. This was done in the past and can conserve CM hours for other tasks. Matt concurred and said he was already taking advantage of some of the staffers.

Key Lock Box - Jeremy would like to relocate the Xerocraft indoor/outdoor keys to a key lock box. A combination lock is preferred. Jeremy took the action to research and procure the combination lock box.

KMKR Studio Move – Jeremy reported that he is disposing of items from the old KMKR space. A desk will be put out to the street with a Free sign. The 19’ server rack will be taken by Joel Brodsky. The popcorn machine will be disposed of after a discussion with Terry Nordbrock. [Completed on 21 April 2021]

Xerocraft Hours – Joel requested the current access rules. Xerocraft is open to active members from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and fobs are used to gain entry to the space.

Emergency contact for water shut off – John requested the North Bay contact information be posted in case the water needs to be shut off. Jeremy said a Xerocraft emergency “Hot Line” is in operation. It can be used to contact key Xerocraft personnel in cases of emergency. Jeremy will make a sign and post it near the front door.

Items 4-Sale - A metal Lathe in the basement can disposed of by Chuck Whacker. He can donate it to PCC in exchange for some used metal shop equipment or Matt Rios will trade a large vacuum former for the metal lathe.

PayPal Dues Paying – Members should stop paying their dues through PayPal/Credit card. Instead, they should purchase their membership on the Webpage in the future. This will help us recognize them as an Active member. Administering the membership system through PayPal is too cumbersome. Contact the EMT at if you need current payments credited to your account. 

Old Business:

1.     Volunteers (Work-Trade) members list - Kyle was not present therefore, no status. 

2.     24-hour member list –Kyle and David - work in progress.

3.     Website Fob Activation Instructions - work in progress.

4.     Returning Items after floor remodel - work in progress.

5.     HandyBot Upgrade - Jeremy and Adrian plan on upgrading the controller card so that it can be used as a stand-alone mobile CNC machine. 

6.     Old air compressor returned - Jeremy will complete some compressor maintenance and return it to the donating family.

7.     Sanitation Practices –Alexis took the action to investigate implementing a volunteer or staffing cleaning plan.

8.     Organizing Basement wood storage - Alexis has volunteers who could help reorganize the 3-4 south west bays of the basement.

9.     Back Door Fob System. This is on hold until we get the front door system has been revamped.

10.  Discord Application –Terry Glover met with the EMT. Michelle did a very good job of explaining what Discord is and that it will not replace the Xerocraft email system. Discord participation is not required. CM hours will not be used to set up, train or maintain Discord. Guy Link will be the administrator and is responsible for any Discord training and maintenance. (items closed on 16 April)

11.  Events List – John requested that any passed events be deleted from the website list. Alexis will see if we can delete old events. 

12.  3D Print Lab filament – Adrian will add Xerocraft filament cost to the 3D Print Lab webpage The filament charge is $0.10/gram or $0.05/gram for members. 

13.  Robot Arm needs to be moved. Is there a more appropriate spot too put it? David will put it away or we can help once he identifies a location.

14.  Cleaning up the Welding Area – Andrew will be reorganizing the welding area which includes some sand blaster media.

Reopening TO-DO List -

1.     Distribute accidental sprinkler activation instructions - Jeremy

2.     Purchase cages for the sprinkler heads. - Jeremy

3.     Purchase and install replacement fire extinguishers. - Jeremy

4.     Laser Cutter/engraver move - Guy and the EMTs. Estimated electrical and duct cost $500.

5.     KMKR Move - work in progress. 

6.     Glass/Enamel Studio – Terry G. and David Koenig have started building the glass and enameling space. Pat would like to have opened by 1 June. Contact Terry glover if you would like to help.

7.     Shop Web Page updates – CMs and Shop Managers work in progress. We need a page developed for the wood, metal, laser and CNC Shops. Will be discussed at the next Website meeting. The next meeting is on 12 May. The focus will be on completing the Shop Pages.

8.     Front door maintenance and update the closure mechanism. Jeremy Briddle

9.     Rearrange wood storage area in basement. Jeremy and …

10.   Create a members storage area. David’s Mezzanine floor plan(?). Community member.

11.   Orientation packet for new members to include labeling stored items- Jeremy/Matt\

12.  Matt is developing an infographic sheet that will be posted at the front and back doors.

Next Xerocraft Steering Committee ZOOM Meeting - Monday 3 May 2021 at 7pm.

Topic: Xerocraft Steering Committee Meeting
Time: Every 2 weeks on Mon, until Jul 26, 2021
    May 3, 2021 07:00 PM
    May 17, 2021 07:00 PM
    May 31, 2021 07:00 PM
    Jun 14, 2021 07:00 PM
    Jun 28, 2021 07:00 PM
    Jul 12, 2021 07:00 PM
    Jul 26, 2021 07:00 PM
You may download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Join Zoom Meeting Here:

Steering Committee Minutes: The minutes are posted to the Xerocraft Website at the bottom of the Home page under Steering Committee Meetings

Terry Glover

Xerocraft Board Member

(520) 907-0404 (Text or Voice)

3 May 2021 Steering Committee Minutes  


1.     Terry Glover - Staffer, Board Member

2.     Pat Glover - Jewelry Studio Manager, Board Member

3.     John Nicholson - Staffer, Tools Sales Manager

4.     Candi Carrell - Craft Area Manager

5.     Harvey Brown - Woodshop Assistant Manager

6.     David Lesser - President, Executive Management Team

7.     Alexis Lincicome - Community Manager (CM)

8.     Connor Barickman – Member 

9.     Adrian Barton – 3D Print Shop Manager

10.  Guy Link – Laser Shop Manager

11.  Joel Brodsky- Machine Shop Instructor

12.  Kyle Fritz - Webmaster.

13.  Michelle Ferman - Treasurer

14.  Bob Foster – Assoc. Wood and Metal Shop lead

15.  Don Cue - Member

16.  Matt Rios - CM

17.  Jeremy B. - Executive Management Team (EMT)

18.  Andy Barss - Member

Zoom Meeting Started at 07:00 PM and was monitored by David Lesser 

Agenda and discussions:

Rolling Over Work-Trade Hours - The EMT has not published the work-trade hours roll over policy. Kyle F. has programed the website as follows:

·       Hours are managed through the Kiosk and on the Website if a member has volunteer hours permissions.  

·       The first 5 hours earned per month is used to purchase the next month’s membership. 

·       Up to 5 hours more may be carried over without expiration. 

·       Any additional hours beyond 10 in are dropped and not rolled over.

·       The Executive Management Team (EMT) may add additional hours to a members account for any reason. The EMT will meet and publish their policy soon. 

Staffing – We would like the Facility staffed as much as possible for 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. each day. Craig will be leaving for Colorado mid-May and we would like a Monday woodshop replacement. Nyx would like to staff on Monday evenings. 

Harvard Business School – Community Partners (HBS-CP) is a consulting group in Tucson that does pro-bono business consulting to Non-Profits. They have agreed to consult with the Xerocraft Board. The product of the consulting will be a 3-to-5-year plan to grow Xerocraft as a Tucson Community asset. Terry Glover and Rodney Kugizaki are working directly with HBC-CP. Terry G. will keep the Steering Committee posted.

Mini Conference Room – Pat Glover requested that she be allowed to manage the Mini Conference Room. It is next to the Jewelry Studio where she staffs on Tuesdays and Saturdays so she can easily monitor and maintain that space. The EMT will consult with Terry Nordbrock who also requested management of that space.

Dumpster Lock - The dumpster lock went missing. Jeremy will replace the lock and provide extra keys for the North Bay neighbors. 

New Volunteer Systems – Kyle announced the launch of a new volunteer management system that will go live on 4 May. The system will be managed through the Kiosk. Tasks will be loaded onto the website and active members will be able to claim the tasks. Anyone can claim a tasks but only work-traders will get a benefit. Work-trade members will be able to claim hours worked against the tasks. Shop managers and the EMT will be able to add or subtract tasks. Periodic tasks will renew automatically. Experienced members can certify themselves as self-managing volunteers. The EMT will meet with the Shop managers to provide them with work-trade member list access and Volunteer Task System training.

Organizing Basement wood storage (Continued) Alexis has started a project to catalog materials in the basement. Vashti Raymond has cataloged the parking tickets and what items are where. Alexis said she did an amazing job including a map. Alexis would like to have a monthly material inventory process and standardize tickets and cycling. Starting with the existing Vashti management system she wants to call members and ask them to remove old items. Then establish a storage policy. She would also like to clear out and reorganize the basement for safety reasons. A dump$ter may be required.

Terry G. – We had a past policy that was working until just before Covid. Check the Google Drive for the write up. It already includes most of what Alexis would like to see. Please contact Candice Hill to pick up her jig that is near the power panel in the basement.

David - Consider a warning but not promising. Send out an email and let people know and then do a purge, monthly. 

Michelle - the process in the past was a mass email sent 2 months in advance and then another email the week before the purge. We had a 2-month max storage rule. 

Social Media- A new Xerocraft Video is on Facebook and YouTube. Alexis would like Individual videos for each shop. Email CMs if you need assistance with a shop video. 

Open Hours - Harvey asked, “When can active member with fobs access the building?”. The current answer is they can all enter between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. We are slowly Increasing numbers of staffers and should be able to then accommodate more members. 

Vetting Process – Harvey also asked - How are we making sure that members are vetted. 

David- The current policy is that the member is to meet one on one with shop the managers [or their designated staffer]. Once they are vetted, they can have a key fob. Liberal access has safety and security issues. David would like to wait until Covid goes away and then tighten up access. 

Bob - Harvey is an optimist. Bob has seen too many unsafe practices in the woodshop. Bob had to stop at least one member and do some training. New members should only be allowed to work in the shops when the shop is staffed. [Example – The SawStop does not protect against kickback only limb loss.]

John like Bob does not like to see a member with a fob unless they can be trusted. The member needs orientation and some experience prior to getting a fob. Guy regular members only when the staffers are there. 

Alexis sees the main issue is unsafe use of tools. CMs are trying to make it clear that members need to contact the managers to get instruction prior to working on certain tools. We do not have a tool certification system. The problem is the key fob gives universal access. If a member consistently uses tools in an unsafe manner, then their membership needs to be revoked. Having a way to sign people off would be great. Staffing 8-8 staffing is another approach.

Kyle believes the future door system ties perfectly into redoing door and having a machine usage identification system. It would not be all that big a deal to control machines [Cost?]. Kits can be bought. The value of a lock out system sounds valuable but not a great idea if it takes a massive amount of time.  Setting up a fob scanning system would take man-years of integration and a maintenance manager. This would be great for future 24-hour membership. However like all projects it takes a committed leader. Matt and Alexis want to see if they can find a volunteer.  

Consensus - Time spent on lock out tools should be spent on other priorities.  In the short term we are an 8 to 8 facility. Improve the safety processes in the short term. Return to staff member only times for new members. Be more cautious. Staffing times were originally curtailed due to Covid. We are staffing enough times that members should be able to get their projects done during staffing times.

David thinking – This needs to be solved immediately. Short term solution is to train more staffers.

1. Restrict new members to staffing times until the vetting is provided. 

2. Solutions is to use the key fob to restrict access during understaffed times. [Needs oversight]

3. Restrict fobs distribution until 2 [or more] sessions with designated shop staffers. 

We can you have a system that states what are you signed off on and what you need to be signed off on. [More internet programing and oversight?] 

Oliver Lathe - Bob Foster announced that the Oliver Lathe is very functional. He is interested in doing some Oliver lathe or wood shop video.  Bob is a video editor but needs help with the camera work. Local woodworking clubs are more than interested in helping with the Oliver lathe videos. Alexis volunteered to show Bob the Xerocraft Go Pro equipment stored at the front desk on Tuesday [Done as promised.].

Pima Board Visit - Matt Rios announced that the Pima Community College board will be visiting Xerocraft on 18 May (Tuesday). Chuck Wacker works at PCC and is also involved in the meeting. Matt was asked to contact Board Member Rodney Kugizaki since he has worked closely with PCC in the past.

Kitchenette - Jeremy announced that Terry Nordbrock will be managing the Kitchenette as part of the man conference room.  

Mezzanine Space Proposal - David Lesser proposed north mezzanine layout. The plan shows space for 4 CAD stations, storage space for small projects and a KMKR storage space.   David’s Vision is a co-working area with small working tables. David is recommending custom tables and storage space cubbies be built. He is also proposing adding a projection screen to compensate for the loss of the small conference table area to the Laser Shop. The CAD/member storage space needs to allow access to KMKR. Cubbies would not a flexible storage area but an adjacent CAD design project storage area. Management of the Mezzanine space has not been decided. Is this a new shop? Who will manage safety and cleanliness in the area.

Guy requested that one CAD computer be placed downstairs for handicapped computer workstations access. He is working on an Autodesk SW Licenses for Xerocraft and would like to teach classes. He would also like to manage the computers. Our current computer manager is Adrian Barton. Adrian’s Computer area no longer exist but the computers are still distributed around Xerocraft. He is doing a good job, and some would like him to continue managing the computers and the workstations. 

Approach - The EMT will review the plan, decide on the responsible parties for the space and get back to us. 

Table Request – Guy needs sturdy tables for the Laser Shop. If anyone know of a source of inexpensive tables, please let him know.

Open Hacks – When should we start being open to the public? Reason given by David is the potential source of membership. College students are returning and the EMT is working on a potential Pima County Contract. Alexis commented that the Covid-19 numbers are starting to go green (<3%). She suggested starting with one-time per week and cap the number of people allowed in. Mask restrictions would still be in place.

Question – Parking situation. City still allowing parking across the street in the Franklyn parking lot. There is a fear that 9th street will be closed for sewar pipe upgrades and the parking lot will be cut off by the construction. Parking next door would cost $1,000 per month. This level of parking cost would have to be presented to the Board for a spending decision. David plans to update the website to show Xerocraft parking and access. He would like a map updated weekly. 

Suggestion: Develop a plan for and August Open Hack given the numbers and the parking is opened. We currently do not have the staff to support a public open hack. The facility still needs safety upgrades, signage and cleaning.

Approach: Talk open hacks over with the EMT. Have an opening plan. Decide with the EMT what the real plan is and lay the groundwork for safety, maximum number allowed in and staffing requirements. 

Glass/Enamel Studio – Terry G. and David K. started working on the glass and enameling studio. They and Mike Runde will be leveling the basement floor this week and could use help on Friday, the task involves lifting and mixing self-leveling cement.

Old Business:

Sanitation Practices – Terry G. requested that we establish a routine to clean the restroom at the end of every staffing shift. In addition, we should establish a practice of sweeping the main floor and stairways. John pointed out that this use to be a staffers responsibility to empty the trash and check on the restroom prior to closing. Alexis took the action to investigate implementing a volunteer or staffing cleaning plan.

Volunteers (Work-Trade) members list - Matt and Kyle have a work trade list and will grant access to the list when they meet with the shop managers. 

24-hour member list - Kyle and David - work in progress.

Website Fob Activation Instructions - work in progress.

Returning Items After Floor Remodel - work in progress.

Website Committee – Alexis, Don Cue, Jeremy, Kyle, Terry Glover and Terry Nordbrock are working of finalizing the Website. The next meeting is on 12 May at 7 p.m. with Kyle. The focus of that meeting is Shop website pages.

HandyBot Upgrade - Jeremy and Adrian plan on upgrading the controller card so that it can be used as a stand-alone mobile CNC machine. 

Old air compressor returned - Jeremy will complete some compressor maintenance and return it to the donating family.

Items 4-Sale –

Reopening TO-DO List – EMTs to meet on 5 May to update this list

1.     Distribute accidental sprinkler activation instructions - Jeremy

2.     Purchase cages for the sprinkler heads. - Jeremy

3.     Purchase and install replacement fire extinguishers. - Jeremy

4.     Laser Cutter/engraver move - Guy and the EMTs. Estimated electrical and duct cost $500.

5.     KMKR Move - work in progress. All materials are on the Mezzanine

6.     Glass Studio Build - Pat and Terry have started. The west wall is up and the cement floor is in the process of being leveled.

7.     Shop Web Page updates – CMs and Shop Managers work in progress.  The 3D Print Shop and Craft Area are completed. We need a page developed for the wood, metal, laser and CNC Shops.

8.     Front door maintenance and update the closure mechanism. Jeremy Briddle

9.     Rearrange wood storage area in basement. Jeremy and others.

10.   Create a members storage area. David’s Mezzanine floor plan(?). Community member.

11.   Orientation packet for new members to include labeling stored items- Jeremy/Matt\

12.  Matt is developing an infographic sheet that will be posted at the front and back doors.

Next Xerocraft Steering Committee ZOOM Meeting - Monday 19 April 2021 at 7pm.

Topic: Xerocraft Steering Committee Meeting
Time: Every 2 weeks on Mon, until Jul 26, 2021
    May 17, 2021 07:00 PM
    May 31, 2021 07:00 PM
    Jun 14, 2021 07:00 PM
    Jun 28, 2021 07:00 PM
    Jul 12, 2021 07:00 PM
    Jul 26, 2021 07:00 PM
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Join Zoom Meeting Here:

Steering Committee Minutes: The minutes are posted to the Xerocraft Website under the Membership dropdown> Steering Committee Meetings

Terry Glover

Xerocraft Board Member

(520) 907-0404 (Text or Voice)

17 May 2021 Steering Committee Minutes  


1.     Terry Glover - Staffer, Board Member

2.     Pat Glover - Jewelry Studio Manager, Board Member

3.     John Nicholson - Staffer, Tools Sales Manager

4.     Candi Carrell - Craft Area Manager

5.     David Lesser - President, Executive Management Team

6.     Connor Barickman – Member 

7.     Adrian Barton – 3D Print Shop Manager

8.     Guy Link – Laser Shop Manager

9.     Kyle Fritz - Webmaster.

10.  Bob Foster – Assoc. Wood and Metal Shop lead

11.  Don Cue - Member

12.  Matt Rios - CM

13.  Jeremy B. - Executive Management Team (EMT)

14.  Vashti Raymond- Member

15.  Andrew McGill – Member

16.  Jason Pigeon – 3D Printer instructor and Staffer

Zoom Meeting Started at 07:00 PM and was monitored by David Lesser 

Agenda and discussions:

·       Check In- 

      -State: name and Xerocraft association, 

      -how are you doing today, 

      -any Steering Committee Meeting items?

Agenda Items:

Steering Committee Facilitating Process – David would like a consensus on better SC meeting process. He asked that we all use the raise hand button under participants if we had something to say.  Not always possible, if a member is too enthusiastic. He would like everyone to try to come to consensus. The objective is to communicate and adapt to everyone’s concerns. If serious objection then say so. Use hand jesters to signal what you feel. Everyone has an equal vote.

Long term parking   Connor commented on his and Mike Runde’s discussions with WAMO. The current parking situation is unmanageable. After the construction there will be a paid parking lot north of the building. WAMO is very resistant to providing free parking. There is a parking on the southside of Steinfeld but the owners want $1000 per month. Steinfeld tenants collectively paying for the south parking lot was suggested but we may have to raise dues. When the construction is done parking along the building will be street parking. WAMO non tenants board members are at logger heads with the Tenant board members. Other tenants need to chime in on rental or making Town West a Formal proposal for the lot. Town West is speculating on the land. We have only talked to the low-level person and may elevate the conversation. Matt suggested it might be a tax right off for them. 

Terry suggested looking at other property. If we are going to be limited on parking it will stymie our growth. Andrew would not like to make a big move. Matt and David to make an enquiries with Town West parking first. 

Vashti would like the short-term parking information updated. David and Kyle will work on that.

Downstairs Reorganization - Vashti presented a provided a potential layout of the basement map. Guy asked about the financial impact. A committee is to decide on cost. Keep out areas will be highlighted in the next map. It was suggested they start at one side and work to the other side when done. Strategy would be to start with material we own on the east side and move forward. The cost of concrete is too high to level the floor. Terry suggested they work on CNC and Electronics areas first. David suggested they could work on shop functionality in parallel with reorganizing storage. Don asked if we need to bring the building up to code. 

CNC Shop Update - CNC shop re-laid out. Guy asked to be the CNC manager.

Front Door Fixed - Don Cue reported he adjusted the front door latch.

List of community Events – Kyle is compiling a list of community events that Xeocraft has supported, Please pass any information you have on to him.

Staffing – Clarification – What is a Staffer and why are they assigned to shops?

Kyle requested that someone explain what the current staffing procedure is so that he could incorporate changes to the website.  

Terry G. explained that current staffing is different than in the past. We no longer need a staffer to open the facility, mind the door and then close the facility. This is all being handled by the key fobs and training all members on how to close the Xerocraft. What staffers are doing now is monitoring a shop or set of shops to support members. The staffer must be approved by the shop related boss. Their first responsibility is safety of equipment and personnel. They are also volunteering to help members find items and help the members when asked or the member is attempting an unsafe operation. This is a way of better supporting the membership, All staffers are independent operators and “own” the time they agreed to staff. If they cannot work their staff time then they are responsible to find a suitable replacement using an informal email group or cancel the staffing. The only website tool necessary is the ability to post their staffing time on the website

Kyle – Staffing is a resource then not a necessity for Xerocraft entry. Yes, all Active Xerocraft Members have access from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. 365 days a year. 

Guy would like to see 3 member levels new members, Intermediate members and 24-hour members, this can be handled by the key fobs. 

Don wanted to know if he had to stay beyond his shift if a new member is in the shop. Do we want new members to stay in the shop? It is up to the staffer as to whether they want to stay. All Active Members should be trained on how to close the building. (See Re-Opeing Action items 10 & 11.)

PCC Chancellor Visit – Matt announced that there will be a Pima Community College walk through on Tuesday at 3 PM. David and others doing the presentation to PCC. Please clean all areas and keep the noise down.

Mini Conference Room – Pat requested that she be made the mini Conference Room Boss. She staffs 2 times per week and will keep the area clean and clear of projects,

Reopening - Andrew would like to see open hack as soon as we can but limit the capacity, maybe have 1 or 2 per month. Parking is the limiting factor. This would be a mandatory staffing situation since we would have unknown users in the building. David L. would like to see us continue the way we are.

Masking Policy Discussion -  

Guy keep masks and allow more people to enter. Guy has seen a number of people without masks.

Connor, vaccination should be mandatory if no mask.

Andrew, keep masks mandatory. Better safe than sorry. 

Jason, masks slow the spread but does not stops it. He has had Covid twice.

Vashti – Masks this past week were dropping. Are we going to ask people to leave. No, not asking people to leave. 

Don is willing to go without a mask but will go with the consensus. 

Consensus - The quantity of people of people allowed in may be increased but we need to wait on allowing eating in the building. It is best to wait on changing the rules. We tabled the reopening because the rules would be too difficult to enforce.

(Old Business action item - Open Hacks –Approach: Talk open hacks over with the EMT. Have an opening plan. See list below. Decide with the EMT what the real plan is and lay the groundwork for safety, maximum number allowed in and staffing requirements.)

Vetting Process – some new members are still not being properly vetted prior to being allowed to worm in the shops. Saturday a member in the woodshop wanted help with the SawStop and had the safety class. Please help members realize we require safety training prior to using the equipment.

Mini Conference Room – Pat Glover requested that she be allowed to manage the Mini Conference Room. It is next to the Jewelry Studio where she staffs on Tuesdays and Saturdays so she can easily monitor and maintain that space. The EMT will consult with Terry Nordbrock who also requested management of that space.

Glass/Enamel Studio – Terry G. and David K. continued working on the glass and enameling studio framing. All of this is temporary and not nailed in place yet. They and Mike Runde will be leveling the basement floor when Mike is available.

Old Business:

Mezzanine Space Proposal - David Lesser proposed north mezzanine layout. The plan shows space for 4 CAD stations, storage space for small projects and a KMKR storage space.   David’s Vision is a co-working area with small working tables. David is recommending custom tables and storage space cubbies be built. He is also proposing adding a projection screen to compensate for the loss of the small conference table area to the Laser Shop. The CAD/member storage space needs to allow access to KMKR. Cubbies would not a flexible storage area but an adjacent CAD design project storage area. Management of the Mezzanine space has not been decided. Is this a new shop? Who will manage safety and cleanliness in the area.

Approach - The EMT will review the plan, decide on the responsible parties for the space and get back to us. 

Rolling Over Work-Trade Hours - The EMT will meet and publish their policy soon.

Sanitation Practices – Terry G. requested that we establish a routine to clean the restroom at the end of every staffing shift. Alexis took the action to investigate implementing a volunteer or staffing cleaning plan.

Volunteers (Work-Trade) members list - Matt and Kyle have a work trade list and will grant access to the list when they meet with the shop managers. 

24-hour member list - Kyle and David - work in progress.

Website Fob Activation Instructions - work in progress.

Returning Items After Floor Remodel - work in progress.

Website Committee – Alexis, Don Cue, Jeremy, Kyle, Terry Glover and Terry Nordbrock are working of finalizing the Website. The next meeting is on 9 June at 7 p.m. with Kyle.

HandyBot Upgrade - Jeremy and Adrian plan on upgrading the controller card so that it can be used as a stand-alone mobile CNC machine. 

Old air compressor returned - Jeremy will complete some compressor maintenance and return it to the donating family.

Items 4-Sale – Router Table with Lift and router - $60.

Reopening TO-DO List – EMTs to meet on 5 May to update this list

1.     Distribute accidental sprinkler activation instructions - Jeremy

2.     Purchase cages for the sprinkler heads. - Jeremy

3.     Purchase and install replacement fire extinguishers. - Jeremy

4.     Laser Cutter/engraver move - Guy and the EMTs. Estimated electrical and duct cost $500.

5.     KMKR Move - work in progress. 

6.     Glass Studio Build - Pat and Terry (Starts this after KMKR vacates old studio.) Mike Runde will start leveling the floor this week 

7.     Shop Web Page updates – CMs and Shop Managers work in progress.  We need a page developed for the Metal and Welding  Shops.

8.     Front door maintenance and update the closure mechanism. Jeremy Briddle

9.     Rearrange wood storage area in basement. Jeremy and …

10.   Create a members storage area. David’s Mezzanine floor plan(?). Community member.

11.   Orientation packet for new members to include labeling stored items and closing,- Jeremy/Matt\

12.  Closing - Matt is developing an infographic sheet that will be posted at the front and back doors.

Next Xerocraft Steering Committee ZOOM Meeting - Monday 19 April 2021 at 7pm.

Topic: Xerocraft Steering Committee Meeting
Time: Every 2 weeks on Mon, until Jul 26, 2021
    May 31, 2021 07:00 PM
    Jun 14, 2021 07:00 PM
    Jun 28, 2021 07:00 PM
    Jul 12, 2021 07:00 PM
    Jul 26, 2021 07:00 PM
You may download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Join Zoom Meeting Here:

Steering Committee Minutes: The minutes are posted to the Xerocraft Website under the Membership dropdown> Steering Committee Meetings

Terry Glover

Xerocraft Board Member

(520) 907-0404 (Text or Voice)

29 May 2021 Steering Committee  


1.     Terry Glover - Staffer, Board Member

2.     Bob Foster – Assoc. Wood and Metal Shop lead

3.     Jeremy Briddle - Executive Management Team (EMT)

Zoom Meeting Started at 07:12 PM and was monitored by Jeremy Briddle 

Agenda and discussions:

·       Check In- 

      -State: name and Xerocraft association, 

      -how are you doing today, 

      -any Steering Committee Meeting items?

Agenda Items:

Staffing – Terry and Jeremy discussed a STAFF EMAIL LIST. The plan is to use the old email for staffing business. Terry Glover and Harvey Brown will manage the list until the shop managers are comfortable managing that list.

Front/Rear Door - Some members are bypassing the front door and not signing in. Terry Requested we place a higher priority on getting the rear door security system working.

Fobs - Fobs being issued prior to vetting- Some new members are still not being properly vetted prior to getting the appropriate safety classes. Terry requested that Fob issuing be managed by the Shop Managers rather than being issued by the CMs. Shop managers are responsible for equipment and personnel safety.

This was a short meeting and adjourned at 7:20 due to the poor level of attendance. 

Old Business:

Mezzanine Space Proposal - David Lesser proposed north mezzanine layout. The plan shows space for 4 CAD stations, storage space for small projects and a KMKR storage space.   David’s Vision is a co-working area with small working tables. David is recommending custom tables and storage space cubbies be built. He is also proposing adding a projection screen to compensate for the loss of the small conference table area to the Laser Shop. The CAD/member storage space needs to allow access to KMKR. Cubbies would not be a flexible storage area but an adjacent CAD design project storage area. Management of the Mezzanine space has not been decided. Is this a new shop? Who will manage safety and cleanliness in the area.

Approach - The EMT will review the plan, decide on the responsible parties for the space and get back to us. 

Sanitation Practices – Terry G. requested that we establish a routine to clean the restroom at the end of every staffing shift. Alexis took the action to investigate implementing a volunteer or staffing cleaning plan.

 Volunteers (Work-Trade) members list - Matt and Kyle have a work trade list and will grant access to the list when they meet with the shop managers. 

24-hour member list - Kyle and David - work in progress.

Website Fob Activation Instructions - work in progress.

Website Committee – Alexis, Don Cue, Jeremy, Kyle, Terry Glover and Terry Nordbrock are working of updating the Website. The next meeting is on 17 June at 7 p.m. with Kyle. The focus of that meeting is Shop website pages.

HandyBot Upgrade - Jeremy upgraded the controller card so that it can be used as a stand-alone mobile CNC machine.

Old air compressor returned - Jeremy will complete some compressor maintenance and return it to the donating family.

Items 4-Sale – 

Reopening TO-DO List – EMTs to meet on 5 May to update this list

1.     Distribute accidental sprinkler activation instructions - Jeremy

2.     Purchase cages for the sprinkler heads. – Jeremy Adrian Printing temporary cages.

3.     Purchase and install replacement fire extinguishers. – Jeremy 

4.     Laser Cutter/engraver move - Guy and the EMTs. Estimated electrical and duct cost $500.

5.     KMKR Move - work in progress. 

6.     Glass Studio Build - Mike Runde leveled the Glass studio cement floor. He is sealing it this week. 

7.     Shop Web Page updates – CMs and Shop Managers work in progress.  We need a page developed for Welding Shop.

8.     Front door maintenance and update the closure mechanism. Jeremy Briddle

9.     Rearrange wood storage area in basement. Alexis and …

10.   Create a members storage area. David’s Mezzanine floor plan(?). 

11.   Orientation packet for new members to include labeling stored items and closing the building.- Jeremy/Matt\

12.  Closing - Matt is developing an infographic sheet that will be posted at the front and back doors.

Next Xerocraft Steering Committee ZOOM Meeting - Monday 19 April 2021 at 7pm.

Topic: Xerocraft Steering Committee Meeting
Time: Every 2 weeks on Mon, until Jul 26, 2021
    Jun 14, 2021 07:00 PM
    Jun 28, 2021 07:00 PM        
    Jul 12, 2021 07:00 PM
    Jul 26, 2021 07:00 PM
You may download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Join Zoom Meeting Here:

Steering Committee Minutes: The minutes are posted to the Xerocraft Website under the Membership dropdown> Steering Committee Meetings

Terry Glover

Xerocraft Board Member

(520) 907-0404 (Text or Voice)

14 June 2021 Steering Commitee Minutes  


1.     Terry Glover - Staff, Board Member

2.     Bob Foster – Assoc. Wood and Metal Shop Manager

3.     Jeremy Briddle - Executive Management Team (EMT)

4.     David Lesser- President, EMT

5.     Adrian Barton – 3D Print Shop

6.     John Nicholson- Staff Member

7.     Harvey Brown – Wood Shop 

8.     Vashti Raymond- Member

9.     Don Cue - Asst Laser Shop Manager

10.  Connor Barickman, Member

11.  Terry Nordbrock WTF, KMKR Classroom Shop manager

12.  Pat Glover, Jewelry Studio Manager

Zoom Meeting Started at 07:00 PM and was monitored by David Lesser 

Agenda and discussions:

·       Check In- 

      -State: name and Xerocraft association, 

      -how are you doing today, 

      -any Steering Committee Meeting items?


STAFF EMAIL LIST – Jeremy set up the email for staffing business. Terry Glover and Harvey Brown will manage the list until the shop managers are comfortable managing that list. Access will be granted to all staffers and Shop Managers

Assistant Laser Shop Manager - Don Cue has been appointed.

Rolling Over Work-Trade Hours – Policy is that no more than 10 work-trade hours can be accumulated each month.

New Discussion Items:

3D Print Equipment - Should we keep a lot of different printers. Up to Adrian but it was suggest that we standardize. Creator Pros is failing, may sell or repair. Guy likes Presa but Dr. Vax site says differently because the maintenance is high. Adrian prefers Artillery printers and will probably use those for his shop.

3D Print Classes - Curt Loumann may teach 3D classes. Says he loves to teach.

GuyShould we have a committee to handle classes – David, Normally, shop classes are the Shop Manager’s responsibility.

Woodshop –A bearing on the Drum Sander has gone bad and have been ordered and Bob is asking for help to replace the bearing. Until then watch the warnings on the signs. A lot of user error. New table sander is up to spread, the planer is working and the 14” band saw alignment. All the manuals found. The 14 in Bandsaw switches are intermittent. EM brake. Good practice is to turn the key switch off when not in use and use the foot switch and engage the brake to shut off the machine. David does not want to change the switches just yet. Router Table- SawStop getting clogged. Hanging bar clamps- Need a better way of hanging the clamps. Meeting to follow.

Work Trade Hour’s corrections- If anyone needs a work-trade hours adjustment, contact the CMs

Shop Classes – Should we resume the old set of monthly class shops. These are normally taught by the shop managers. Shop managers are encouraged to teach or get someone to teach these classes. Please add the class to the calendar. If you want to add the reservations for the classes that can be done on the website. New website has new features to which can be used by the shop managers. You can also block out times on the set more reservation system. We are not yet open to non-members. Terry requested that Woodshop Safety Training be done on a periodic rather than anytime a new member wants to be vetted. 

Consensus - Move forward with work-shop classes and use volunteer time more effectively by having scheduled times. 

Mask Restrictions – Can we start following the Mask Optional for vaccinated personnel as recommended by the CDC?

Almost everyone not vaccinated chooses not to be vaccinated. Safeway and other stores have signs and should allow people to police themselves. 

Connor feels vaccines should be mandatory, Businesses are allowed to set their own rules. Xerocraft should set one standard. Everyone vaccinated at Xerocraft is a safer rule. 

Guy feels we cannot police that policy is almost impossible. Some don’t want to promote the vaccine. 

David is suggesting we follow CNC recommendations. If not enforcing vaccination then can at least allow food in the building? 

Connor – Compromise is not good.  Firmly in the camp that vaccine should be mandatory. 

Terry N. - U of A and airplanes proof is required, then most common policy is honor system. Not too many places required show vaccination.  

Conor - If we do the CNC guidelines, we will be alienating those who are not OK with it. 

Vashti – ask to see vaccinated cards of new members. 

Don – Could we set up a Google Doc List? 

Covid Restrictions – Mask policy. CDC recommendations are that if you are vaccinated should be able to not wear a mask. When? Guy thinks a plan for when AZ is at some level of vaccination would be appropriate.

The Consensus is that we do not agree. We cannot make exceptions, too many problems. Stay the course on the current mask requirements. 

David will put together a coherent policy with another group.

Summer Concerts – Vinyl wizard stage series of local band concerts on Saturdays 7-10 p.m. A crew is replacing the stage on the 3rd week of June. People will be working the doors and doing tours during the concerts. Parking will be blocked in the courtyard. 

David - WAMO has put together rules for Covid Events.

Guy – Requested that people be asked to use the north bay space restrooms. Terry N. replied people will be escorted.

WTF Update –WTF invited to build a bulletin board for another organization. Holding weekly WTF meetings until September installation.

PCC Engineering Club Access – The PCC Engineering Club members are not Active Xerocraft Members and yet they are meeting in the Craft Area. How does this fit into our current public access policy? They are also not following the social distancing standards. This is true for some Active members as well especially in the woodshop. When are we considered to open to members? David thinks they should be grandfathered in. At some point they need to group together to see the computer screen he was working on,

Active Membership – Pat asked, “What defines an active member?”. When paying or volunteering you are an active member.  CMs are providing Volunteer orientations and meeting or 2 to be set up for being a volunteering member.  If you log-in you can see active members. However, the list is not accurate. Classes can be set up to have separate rules for members and non-members by the shop managers. Active Members may become eligible aftger they meet with the shop manager for shop certification. Then the individual can get a fob. 

Non-Member Access – We want to come up with a policy. PCC Engineering club is one exception made by David. Teachers are willing to allow non-members to come in. Shoule ne stick with policy? 

Guy - One time a week for non-members is a good start.

No consensus reached.

When will North Mezzanine CAD Stations be available?  Mike and Kurian are developing Digital Art & Animation Workshops and need CAD computers access to the new. Jeremy and David. Draft floor plan presented. David looking for volunteers. Rodney has 3 CAD computers available. One down and 2 up. Terry N. would like other software on the computers for video and audio processing to support video classes etc. David is working with Jeremy on getting the N. Mezzanine organized.

Front/Rear Door Update – Should we raise the rear door update priority to make sure the facility is secure? Some members are bypassing the front door and not signing in. Terry G. requested we place a higher priority on getting the rear door security system working. Kyle has a software update that David wants to test. Jeremy and David are designing hardware to use for multiple doors. Work is in process and will be done soon. 

Front desk printer The printer needs Color and B&W cartridges. Adrian and Terry G. will check the printer. Jeremy will order cartridges.

Fobs - Fobs are being issued prior to vetting- Some new members are still not being properly vetted prior to getting the appropriate safety classes. Terry G. requested that Fob issuing be managed by the Shop Managers rather than being issued by the CMs. Shop managers are responsible for equipment and personnel safety. No consensus reached.

Old Business:

Mezzanine Space Proposal - David Lesser proposed north mezzanine layout. The plan shows space for 4 CAD stations, storage space for small projects and a KMKR storage space.   David’s Vision is a co-working area with small working tables. David is recommending custom tables and storage space cubbies be built. He is also proposing adding a projection screen to compensate for the loss of the small conference table area to the Laser Shop. The CAD/member storage space needs to allow access to KMKR. Cubbies would not a flexible storage area but an adjacent CAD design project storage area. Management of the Mezzanine space has not been decided. Is this a new shop? Who will manage safety and cleanliness in the area?

Approach - The EMT will review the plan, decide on the responsible parties for the space and get back to us. 

Sanitation Practices – Terry G. requested that we establish a routine to clean the restroom at the end of every staffing shift. Alexis took the action to investigate implementing a volunteer or staffing cleaning plan.

Volunteers (Work-Trade) members list - Matt and Kyle have a work trade list and will grant access to the list when they meet with the shop managers. 

24-hour member list - Kyle and David - work in progress.

Website Fob Activation Instructions - work in progress.

Returning Items After Floor Remodel - work in progress.

Website Committee – Alexis, Don Cue, Jeremy, Kyle, Terry Glover and Terry Nordbrock are working of updating the Website. The next meeting is on 17 June at 7 p.m. with Kyle. The focus of that meeting is Shop website pages.

Old air compressor returned - Jeremy will complete some compressor maintenance and return it to the donating family.

Items 4-Sale – 

Reopening TO-DO List – EMTs to meet on 5 May to update this list

1.     Distribute accidental sprinkler activation instructions - Jeremy

2.     Purchase cages for the sprinkler heads. – Jeremy Adrian Printing temporary cages.

3.     Purchase and install replacement fire extinguishers. – Jeremy Done?

4.     Laser Cutter/engraver move - Guy and the EMTs. Estimated electrical and duct cost $500.

5.     KMKR Move - work in progress. 

6.     Glass Studio Build - Mike Runde leveled the cement floor. He is sealing it this week. 

7.     Shop Web Page updates – CMs and Shop Managers work in progress.  We need a page developed for Welding Shop. Mike Runde is working with WAMO on a plan.

8.     Front door maintenance and update the closure mechanism. Jeremy Briddle

9.     Rearrange wood storage area in basement. Alexis and Vashti Raymond.

10.   Create a members storage area. Not in David’s N. Mezzanine floor plan(?). 

11.   Orientation packet for new members to include labeling stored items and closing the building. - Jeremy/Matt\

12.  Closing - Matt is developing an infographic sheet that will be posted at the front and back doors.

Next Xerocraft Steering Committee ZOOM Meeting - Monday 19 April 2021 at 7pm.

Topic: Xerocraft Steering Committee Meeting
Time: Every 2 weeks on Mon, until Jul 26, 2021
    Jun 28, 2021 07:00 PM        
    Jul 12, 2021 07:00 PM
    Jul 26, 2021 07:00 PM
You may download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Join Zoom Meeting Here:

Steering Committee Minutes: The minutes are posted to the Xerocraft Website under the Membership dropdown> Steering Committee Meetings

Terry Glover

Xerocraft Board Member

(520) 907-0404 (Text or Voice)

28 June 2021 Steering Committee Minutes  


1.     Terry Glover - Staff, Board Member

2.     Bob Foster – Assoc. Wood and Metal Shop Manager

3.     Jeremy Briddle - Executive Management Team (EMT)

4.     David Lesser- President, EMT

5.     Adrian Barton – 3D Print Shop

6.     John Nicholson- Staff Member

7.     Vashti Raymond- Member

8.     Don Cue - Asst Laser Shop Manager

9.     Connor Barickman, Member

10.  Pat Glover, Jewelry Studio Manager, Treasurer

11.  Guy Link, Laser & CNC Shop Manager

12.  Annette Sostarich - Member

13.  Rebecca Prievo - Member

14.  Candi Carrell– Craft 

15.  Matt Rios-CM

Zoom Meeting Started at 07:00 PM and was monitored by David Lesser 

Agenda and discussions:

·       Check In- 

      -State: name and Xerocraft association, 

      -how are you doing today, 

      -any Steering Committee Meeting items?

Agenda Items:


Treasurer - Pat Glover is assuming the Xerocraft Treasurer role. She thanked Michelle Ferman for her years of service as our Treasurer. Pat also requested that the members send suggestions to the Xerocraft Board on how to increase our revenues. We are currently running in a deficit spending mode and need to increase our revenues.

New Discussion Items:

3D Print and CAD Computers – Adrian Barton reported that he reorganized the 3D printer shop and brought in another very reliable computer. The Creator Pros is failing, and Adrian may sell or repair that 3D printer.  

3D Printing Class - Curt Loumann will be teaching a 3D print class on 19 July. Check the calendar for details.

CAD Computers – 2 new CAD CPU now have operating systems and will be moved to Xerocraft this week. Kirian received an animation display for her class. David suggested installing SSD drives. They may or may not make a difference. The consensus was to use the existing CAD drive and wait a month and see how they work. 

Public Space Maintenance - Terry asked if there are Janitorial duties on the task list. Alexis said there is a list but not prioritized. We need to talk to Kyle. Terry G. requested that  we assign specific janitorial tasks to specific volunteers.  Alexis will get with Matt and bring up at a volunteer meeting. David liked having a specific task assigned to a specific person.

CDC Guidelines – David followed up with others and is now proposing a no mask required if vaccinated and mask required for non-vaccinated but no enforcement.  Guy not in support of it but concedes it is the least bad option. A notice should go out to the membership list stating the new making policy. We need a volunteer to make a sign for the new policy [No one volunteered.]. Masks are still preferred for non-vaccinated but will not be enforced. Would anyone prefer capping open hacks, self-regulating?  Formally occupancy set by fire department [No number stated.]. Reimplement the mask rule during open hacks? [No response noted]

Social Distancing – Do we abandon the social distancing rule? Recommend social distancing but do not enforced. Alexis stated social distancing is an individual responsibility. The number of people in a shop may be an issue. Open hours for members numbers has not been an issue but we need to cap the number of people in the building during Open Hacks.

Set More – Don believes Set More is poorly used now. Guy suggested we get rid of that booking system and use a new website system. David agreed to get rid of Set More because it is not being effectively used. Set up a website reservation system. Alexis will get rid of Set More with Matt and may be able to use the check in system to get a real time assessment of shop usage.

Open Hacks – David suggested restarting open hacks this or next week. Times would be Saturday from 12-4. David believes Open Hacks encourages a sense of community. 

Saturday afternoon is currently our busiest member time and members may object to being overcrowded. John wants to know what is required during open hack times. That is, he would like to see a structure for open Hacks. David will communicate the requirements in an open Hack Announcement (Action Item). 

Matt suggested we start on a Thursday evening and wanted to start off with one Free Open Hack each week. What about Sunday or Friday or Friday afternoon? Recommended restarting Open Hacks in 1-1/2 weeks.? Harder on family if we do it on Friday when school starts. Sunday is a better time. David like Saturday for community engagement and did not see a burden on members. He also believes keeping the open hack on the same day of the week is better for consistency. Pat and Guy think Friday and Sunday would be better since they are least used times by the current members. Matt says there is a previous community of open hack Saturday users. Extending the hours to noon to 8 p.m. was discussed but we do not have the members to support those times. 

The current Shop Staffers are dedicated to a shop for a specific time. David did not understand the new role for staffers. The post Covid-19 was discussed and recorded from a previous Steering Committee. Terry requested a meeting with the EMT to discuss the Staff members roles during open hacks (Action Item). 

There was no proposal to have someone in each shop to support nonmembers who have not been shop certified.  No consensus was reached. Adrian suggested do the original time on Saturday 12-4. Alexis, Matt, and David will take this offline.

[Editor’s note: The EMT scheduled and held the first post Covid-19 closure Open Hack on 10 July from 12-4 p.m. No non-members attended. Saroosh and Rebecca hosted the session supported by staffers Adrian Barton, Terry Glover, Pat Glover, and David Tosoff. Don Cue, Alexis, and Bob Foster were also present to support for a portion of the 1st Open Hack. Alexis posted a new masking recommendation sign.]

Old Business:

Mezzanine Space Proposal - David Lesser proposed north mezzanine layout. Management of the Mezzanine space has not been decided. Is this a new shop? Who will manage safety and cleanliness in the area?

Approach - The EMT will review the plan, decide on the responsible parties for the space and get back to us. 

Sanitation Practices – Terry G. requested that we establish a routine to clean the restroom at the end of every staffing shift. Alexis took the action to investigate implementing a volunteer or staffing cleaning plan.

Volunteers (Work-Trade) members list - Matt and Kyle have a work trade list and will grant access to the list when they meet with the shop managers. 

24-hour member list - Kyle and David - work in progress.

Website Fob Activation Instructions - work in progress.

Website Committee – Alexis, Don Cue, Jeremy, Kyle, Terry Glover and Terry Nordbrock are working of updating the Website. The next meeting is on 17 June at 7 p.m. with Kyle. The focus of that meeting is Shop website pages.

Old air compressor return - Jeremy will complete some compressor maintenance and return it to the donating family.

Items 4-Sale – 

Reopening TO-DO List – EMTs to meet on 5 May to update this list [No feedback received.]

1.     Distribute accidental sprinkler activation instructions - Jeremy

2.     Purchase cages for the sprinkler heads. – Jeremy Adrian Printing temporary cages.

3.     Purchase and install replacement fire extinguishers. – Jeremy Done?

4.     Laser Cutter/engraver move - Guy and the EMTs. Estimated electrical and duct cost $500.

5.     KMKR Move - work in progress. Everything has been moved to the north mezzanine.

6.     Glass Studio Build – Terry and Pat will complete construction of the Glass studio by 1 August.

7.     Shop Web Page updates – CMs and Shop Managers work in progress.  We need a page developed for Welding Shop. Mike Runde is working with WAMO on a welding shop plan.

8.     Front door maintenance and update the closure mechanism. Jeremy Briddle

9.     Rearrange wood storage area in basement. Alexis and Vashti Raymond.

10.   Create a members storage area. Not in David’s N. Mezzanine floor plan(?). 

11.   Orientation packet for new members to include labeling stored items and closing the building. - Jeremy/Matt\

12.  Closing - Matt is developing an infographic sheet that will be posted at the front and back doors.

Next Xerocraft Steering Committee ZOOM Meeting - Monday 19 April 2021 at 7pm.

Topic: Xerocraft Steering Committee Meeting
Time: Every 2 weeks on Mon, until Jul 26, 2021  
    Jul 12, 2021 07:00 PM
    Jul 26, 2021 07:00 PM
You may download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Join Zoom Meeting Here:

Steering Committee Minutes: The minutes are posted to the Xerocraft Website under the Membership dropdown> Steering Committee Meetings

Terry Glover

Xerocraft Board Member

(520) 907-0404 (Text or Voice)

12 July 2021 Steering Committee Minutes  


1.     Terry Glover - Staff, Board Member

2.     Bob Foster – Assoc. Wood and Metal Shop Manager

3.     Jeremy Briddle - Executive Management Team (EMT)

4.     David Lesser- President, EMT

5.     Adrian Barton – 3D Print Shop

6.     Don Cue - Asst Laser Shop Manager

7.     Guy Link - Laser & CNC Shop Manager

8.     Candi Carrell – Craft Area Manager 

9.     Matt Rios – Community Manager

10.  John Nicolson – Tool Sales Manager & Shop Staffer

11.  Harvey Brown – Wood Shop Manager

12.  Kirian Downey – Jewelry Studio Staffer

13.  Jason Johnson – returning member.

14.  Jason Pigeon – Wed. Evening Staffer

Zoom Meeting Started at 07:00 PM and was monitored by David Lesser 


Steering Committee Minutes – Terry Glover announced that he is stepping down as the Steering Committee Meeting Notes monitor. Terry’s last Steering Committee Minutes Publication will be for the 12 June steering committee meeting. Contact the EMT at if you are interested in taking over this task.

Glass Studio Construction Completed – Pat and Terry have completed the Glass Studio construction. Thanks to all the members who helped with the construction work. A special thanks goes to Mike Runde for volunteering his crew to level the floor and David Koenig for all his construction support. Glass and Enamel classes will be held starting this fall after the cooler weather sets in. There is no air conditioning in the Glass Studio and the kilns will add heat to an already hot studio area.

Jason Johnson announced he would now like to get back to volunteering at Xerocraft. His truck was totaled in a car accident so it is hard for him to get to Xerocraft. He is available for off-site volunteer work from home.

WTF - Candi Carrell announced that WTF is still meeting vial Zoom and that she has been very busy supporting with them on the South Tucson Bulletin Board Committee.

Laser Shop - Guy Link – Laser Cutter on “the frits”. The power is low and the gantry is crashing.

Shop Signs – Don Cue is in the process of laser printing new shop signs. [They are very nice Don.]

Open Hacks – David L. announced that we are starting Open Hacks on Saturdays from noon to 4 p.m.  Alexis sent out a social media blast, but it did not draw any traffic for the 1st Open Hack.

Agenda Items:

Computer Shop update - Adrian received 5 computers from Rodney Kugizaki. All of them need work. In addition, 2 of the 4 previously received CAD stations are in the N. Mezzanine. All 4 Cad Stations are different requiring different maintenance. Kirian Downey brought in a pen display.  [Mike C. and Kirian will be doing a visual arts workshop that includes developing animations] Kirian purchased a 2nd display from eBay.  Jason J. has computer parts to donate and will work with Adrian. 

CM functions – Harvey wanted a better understanding of what the CM roles and functions are. David L. reported that the CMs are supposed to handle quite a few items such as interface with members, talk to work-trade members to help coordinate them with the shop manager and look for new outside areas of revenue. Alexis’s primarily responsible is Xerocraft bookkeeping. 

Terry G. – Requested confirmation that the primary CM responsibilities as written in their contract are Bookkeeping support and Membership communications.

[These are the primary responsibilities of the CMs as agreed to by the Xerocraft Board in November 2020:

Primary CM Responsibilities

Bookkeeping/Accounting (Alexis) – Tasks to be defined after meeting with Pat and Michelle. (See attached Draft XC Accounting Tasks.docx)

·       (Alexis) Reimbursement requests processed from receipt to amount owed. (Michelle writes the checks).

·       Account for memberships paid.

·       Donations documented.

·       Bank deposits.

·       Task is measured by timely reporting and accuracy.

Paid Members Tracking (Matt) – Compile and maintain a Xerocraft current and in good standing members list. The current members list should be accessible to anyone requiring current member information. Track and report monthly member status to the Executive Management Team (EMT). Follow up with members who are behind on their membership obligations.

·       Task is measured by timely reporting and accuracy.

Volunteer Coordinating (Alexis and Matt) – Establish a system to coordinate volunteer tasks. Introduce new volunteers to shop managers. During Covid-19, schedule experienced volunteers to mentor new members.

·       Task is measured by satisfaction of the shop managers and members that volunteer rules are consistent, clearly stated and fairly implemented.”

A copy of the complete document will be forwarded to the Shop Managers by Terry Glover]

Open Hacks –Harvey wanted to know what is the CMs Open Hacks responsibility. He also suggested charging a nominal fee for Open Hacks. People are coming into use Xerocraft for free and this is not encouraging people to join. They should be willing to contribute to keep the lights on. 

Matt commented that the Open Hack has always been there to provide access to low-income people. Harvey’s response is that is fine, but we are not monetarily sound. Guy understands and agrees and but thinks that Open Hacks does pull in members. [There is no objective data to suggest that this is true since we have never tracked Open Hack members to see if they ever joined Xerocraft.]  

Jason J. suggested that Xerocraft can be an intimidating environment. He sees “Pay to Play” as a barrier but does suggest that the Tip or Donation Jar needs to be more prominent.

David thinks that we are undervaluing Xerocraft but is hesitant about having a mandatory Open Hack fee. He feels that like Met Art we need better signage. He says the 2018-2019 donations were higher, but we have no objective data to support that. 

Harvey is not about changing the Xerocraft culture but suggest that we need to monitor Open Hacks better. We just restarted Open Hacks and it is a good time to start monitoring it more closely. Can we query people to see if they were drawn in by the Open Hack? [No response.]

Paying Online - Jason J. asked if we have fixed the Website donation problem. Donations online are difficult. Please notify the Website manager using the contact pull down if you have any website issues. Kyle is very good about getting back to members with website issues. Try to be as detailed as possible when communicating your issues.

[Pat Glover tested the website Donation process and it worked. However, the donation button was hard for her to find]

Educational outreach, Jason J. asked if we are still doing educational outreach. 

Response from Terry Glover -We would like to restart the Library, TUSD Teachers 3D printer training and Bit Buckets. However, all these programs require a lead member to initiate contacts and follow up with the program. If you would like to volunteer for that task, please contact the EMT at

Cryptocurrency - Jason J. asked if we are accepting crypto currency. David stated that we have had some offered to us, but it requires too much overhead to manage. 

Don Cue – Suggested getting a Ven Mall account for the donation box. Guy agreed that the U of A students would use that method of payment. 

[We need a lead member to work with the Treasurer, Pat Glover, to set up Ven Mall if we are going to use it.]

Work-Trade Arrangements – Harvey said that we are heavily promoting Work-Trade (W-T) but we may have to curtail this or have Individual managers put out more tasks on the Kiosk. Should we curtail W-T?

Matt Rios - The W-T Dashboard – has a list of all active members on the Manager website. Another control system is being rolled out, such as, a W-T task list on the Kiosk. Some of the kiosk tasks have resetting timers. 

[Pat Glover tried to find the W-T Dashboard on the website subsequent to this meeting but could not find it. She sent a contact help request to the webmaster, Kyle on 15 July. Kyle followed up and stated the website list is only available CMs but that the Xerocraft System site has a W-T list that is only available to shop managers that request access.]

Guy – The lowest effort would be to stop advertising W-T to everyone coming in. 

Matt Rios – Stated that W-T is not being actively promoted. Furthermore, some W-T colunteers show up and some do not. If the 5 hour requirement is not fulfilled, then the member is taking off the W-T list. [Technically the members W-T status lapses until they work 5 hours on a W-t task.They are not removed from the list.]

Terry G responded that W-T is being promoted by word-of-mouth member conversations. New members sign up as paying and then immediately convert to W-T when they find out they can get the membership for 5 hours of W-T.

[Clarification – W-T is being offered under the Membership Drop Down, 3rd item Volunteer Opportunities. This is a prominent advertising for W-T members. Does the website need to be updated? Terry G. will discuss this with the website committee.]

Harvey- if a W-T member is taken off the list does the RFI Fob still work. Matt says no, but David says yes. The RFID Fob process is more complicated than it seems and in past many people have been accidently kicked off. David (or someone) must change the W-T member status. David is reluctant to change the members fob status.

List of W-T Members - David checked and there are currently 62 Active Members and ½ are W-T members. David suggested that this could be better managed. W-T has lots of sign-ups but then some of them never volunteer. He does not think this is necessarily a problem for member access (no overcrowding). Money is great but we need volunteers. Not crazy if we need to have more of a barrier but it would be hard to manage. David is concerned about denigrating low-income W-T members. 

[Correction the Xerocraft System shows 33 W-T members (one is a duplicate.). Only 12 W-T members are listed as current. One of which is a CM and another is a shop manager. Therefore, the current W-T only count is 10.]

Terry G. responded that it is not easy but necessary to track W-T membership. We would not be, or are we currently denigrating low-income W-T members. It is not denigrating to expect payment for services or membership. In fact, we are denigrating the regular income members who work far beyond 5 hours a month to keep Xerocraft staffed and maintained. Most of these members are not low-income. Equating 5 hours a month for a W-T membership to a paying $50 membership ($10/hour) is an insult to both low-income and regular income members. Most of the Board Members, Shop Managers and Shop Staffers work more than 5 hours a month and make donations because they value Xerocraft. Most of them have full time jobs or are retired but certainly are not low-income. Their time and experience are valued far above $10 an hour. These members see the Xerocraft enabling value to the community and are working to keep Xerocraft viable. Allowing some members take advantage of Xerocraft for little or no effort is an insult to all Xerocraft members. 

[Xerocraft membership benefits should be valued far above the monthly fee we are asking. Access to use the equipment housed at Xerocraft is a high value commodity. Members do not have to purchase, maintain, or house any of this equipment. If they did, the cost would be far higher than $50 per month. The difference in cost of rent, utilities, insurance, tools, and maintenance, not to mention the networking opportunities, versus the monthly fees we ask is our contribution to the Tucson community as a 501 (c) 3.]

Terry G. suggested assigning new W-T members to a Shop Manager as for initial assignment. This would provide the W-T member a mentor/leader enabling them to contribute to Xerocraft while they are learning the space and the common processes. This helps the new member become part of the team and inspires sense of community involvement. Leaving new volunteers to figure out the Xerocraft environment for themselves leads makes it harder to integrate into the Xerocraft team.  

Matt – All for assigning WT to managers because, CM time is limited to 10 hours per week. /he will attempt to assign WTs to specific managers where they best fit. 

Don Cue – Do consider assignment to a given manager but don’t make it not a hard and fast assignment where they cannot work anywhere else. 

Guy – Try to use volunteers to where their skills are a good match. 

Harvey – We don’t want to pigeonhole people but we do need a way for people to get tasks. We also need to update the task lists. 

Guy suggested coordinating W-Ts on Discord. 

Roof Leak - Jeremy said the water on the floor is most likely a door leak. Mike Runde inspected the Xerocraft section of the roof, and it is fine. David says the roof needs work, but this is a WAMO responsibility for major structural work. WAMO is hiking the rent due to maintenance issue. David would like to coordinate with other tenants to maintain the roof. The EMT will coordinate the effort.

Caterpillar Meeting - Matt is meeting with Caterpillar tomorrow to discuss a Xerocraft partnership. He has a rough idea of what we can provide and what we want in return. Matt asked the group to discuss what we could offer Caterpillar.

-David has been in discussions with Caterpillar and feels they are generally interested in being a good community member by supporting organizations like Xerocraft. He suggested we may be able to offer the following:

-Teaching workshops.

-Discount membership for all Caterpillar employees which could lead to funding shop staffing in one or more of the shops such as Woodworking. 

-Guy suggested hosting a 2 meetings per month at Xerocraft for specific maker area training.

Matt is going to the Caterpillar meeting to listen to what their needs are. He likes the idea of the company offering Xerocraft membership as an employee perk similar to some companies offering free Gym memberships to their employees. 

Back Door – Harvey reported that the door is being left open and non-members are walking in. Many people are coming and going with keys. David Lesser was unaware of that practice and would like to do something about it. We need to communicate that the back door should be closed when not being monitored. If anyone comes in through the back door, please send a message to Jeremy or David with specifics (date/time/incident) on the occasions that it happens.

Jeremy, Kyle, and Steve Bowtie are working on a front/back door monitoring system that uses the RFID Fobs. Matt suggested that a Ring Camera system is an affordable alternative to a DIY system – $100/year for 2 cameras. Jeremy s R-Pye cameras are recording, and Jeremy can view specific reported times. 

John N. – People are leaving the door open. The security block has been taken down for the convenience of members who have a key to the back door. – Why? David said the blocks of wood were put in place due to an issue with a former member. There were no problems and the next-door tenant members complained about having to enter via the front door. [We are supposed to sign in when entering Xerocraft.]. The door block was then removed,

As an interim solution the Steering Committee decided to put up a sign and tell people to watch the door.

Old Business:

 Set More – Don believes Set More is poorly used now. Guy suggested we get rid of that booking system and use a new website system. David agreed to get rid of Set More because it is not being effectively used. Set up a website reservation system. Alexis will get rid of Set More with Matt and may be able to use the check in system to get a real time assessment of shop usage.

 Mezzanine Space Proposal - David Lesser proposed north mezzanine layout. Management of the Mezzanine space has not been decided. Is this a new shop? Who will manage safety and cleanliness in the area? The EMT will review the plan, decide on the responsible parties for the space and get back to us. 

Sanitation Practices – Terry G. requested that we establish a routine to clean the restroom at the end of every staffing shift. Alexis took the action to investigate implementing a volunteer or staffing cleaning plan.

Volunteers (Work-Trade) members list - Matt and Kyle have a work trade list and will grant access to the list when they meet with the shop managers. 

24-hour member list - Kyle and David - work in progress.

Website Fob Activation Instructions - work in progress.

Website Committee – Alexis, Don Cue, Jeremy, Kyle, Terry Glover and Terry Nordbrock are working of updating the Website. The next meeting is on 21 July at 7 p.m. with Kyle. The focus of that meeting is Shop website pages.

Old air compressor return - Jeremy will complete some compressor maintenance and return it to the donating family.

Items 4-Sale – 

Reopening TO-DO List – EMTs to meet on 5 May to update this list [No feedback received.]

1.     Distribute accidental sprinkler activation instructions - Jeremy

2.     Purchase cages for the sprinkler heads. – Jeremy Adrian Printing temporary cages.

3.     Purchase and install replacement fire extinguishers. – Jeremy Done?

4.     Laser Cutter/engraver move - Guy and the EMTs. Estimated electrical and duct cost $500.

5.     KMKR Move - work in progress. Everything has been moved to the north mezzanine.

6.     Shop Web Page updates – CMs and Shop Managers work in progress.  We need a page developed for Welding Shop. Mike Runde is working with WAMO on a welding shop plan.

7.     Front door maintenance and update the closure mechanism. Jeremy Briddle

8.     Rearrange wood storage area in basement. Alexis and Vashti Raymond.

9.     Create a members storage area. Not in David’s N. Mezzanine floor plan(?). 

10.   Orientation packet for new members to include labeling stored items and closing the building. - Jeremy/Matt.

11.  Closing - Matt is developing an infographic sheet that will be posted at the front and back doors.

Next Xerocraft Steering Committee ZOOM Meeting - Monday 26 July 2021 at 7pm.

Topic: Xerocraft Steering Committee Meeting
Time: Every 2 weeks on Monday.
    Jul 26, 2021 07:00 PM
You may download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Join Zoom Meeting Here:

Steering Committee Minutes: The minutes are posted to the Xerocraft Website under the Membership dropdown> Steering Committee Meetings

Terry Glover

Xerocraft Board Member

(520) 907-0404 (Text or Voice)

9 August 2021 Steering Committee Minutes  

7:02pm to 8:05pm

In Attendance

Jeremy B, Adrian B, Bob F, Terry N, John N, Vashti, Julie P, Kirian, Candi C, Pat G, Terry G


  1. Terry N: WTF Updates
  2. Julie: KMKR Update, fundraiser
  3. John N: Water fountain
  4. Kirian: Updates on CAD software
  5. Vashti: HYH next week
  6. Terry G: Espresso machine
  7. David L: Bring back mask requirement due to the Delta variant?


1.) Terry N: WTF Updates

  • Maintained over Zoom
  • Building a bulletin board project for YWCA
  • WTF beginning again Aug 17, 2021with previous rules back in place: space exclusivity to women and trans people every Tuesday from 6pm to 10pm.
  • Our WTF is based on Bicas’s WTF. Also being done at the UA Science Library. 
  • This was cleared through the EMT.
  • WTF handles their own staffers and enforce our normal safety rules. 
  • Preferably no males in the space during the open hack. A staff member can come out and get things for you while you remain outside. Exceptions can be made on a one-by-one basis as long as the attendees that night are ok with it. 
  • Vashti recommends adding WTF info on the website. Terry N will share with Kyle.
  • Kirian recommends that also be added to the calendar (i.e. WTF access hours)

2.) Julie: KMKR Update, fundraiser

  • Friday night, convert fundraiser. Very successful! Our first time compensating the bands. KMKR brought in $250 profit! Polite crowd. Several people interested in Xerocraft. Great sound in the back yard! KMKR will help others put on concerts out there if anyone is interested.
  • We were short-staffed for concert. Julie mostly handled it on her own. Would’ve been helpful to have someone else to “sell” Xerocraft, give tours, etc.
  • Julie is also running a Facebook fundraiser for Xerocraft. So far she’s raised $466! They also ran another one a week earlier that made about $200.
  • Facebook fundraisers are a promising and easy way to make some money. 
  • The back door was left open, and discovered on Saturday by staff!
  • When Bob came in on Sunday, all of the lights were on.
  • KMKR is going to schedule future events to coincide with Saturday art walks.

3.) John N: Water fountain

  • Water cooler in the basement. Can we get rid of it?
  • If David doesn’t want it, then yes!
  • David has setup the water cooler in the kitchenette

4.) Kirian: Updates on CAD software

  • She got us 3 activation licenses for CAD software! She will add them within a week. She will have to continue her correspondence with the company to maintain the licenses.
  • Mike is working on content for an animation workshop.

5.) Vashti: HYH next week

  • Last time: Matt and Vashti had a miscommunication about sending out the email. They ended up concentrating on cleaning the kitchenette. They made space for the espresso machine.
  • Next HYH: Thur, Aug 19, Vashti: 5pm to 8pm, someone else until 10pm? She will send out email, Discord on Mon, Aug 16 and the morning of. 
  • Vashti is looking for advice on what to do for future HYHs.
  • Tasks to do?: Basement cleaning, clean north bay for CAD stations, more?

6.) Terry G: Espresso machine

  • Issue with maintaining cleanliness. 
  • Do we want to return it?
  • Julie says we allow it conditionally. Several volunteers really love the espresso machine. 
  • Can we test it for 30 days?
  • Vahti recommends we run this by Joe, the donor, first.
  • Bob: Can we store it and bring it out for special events?
  • Terry G: We don’t have a food license.
  • Julie: Make it a teaching tool?
  • Bob votes “no” for routine use.
  • Terry N: Health Dept is not involved as long as coffee is not sold.
  • Terry G: Kick it back to EMT.
  • Jeremy will speak to Matt

7.) David L: Bring back mask requirement due to the Delta variant?

  • Terry G: In favor (doesn’t mind if others don’t wear theirs’)
  • Bob: in favor
  • Vashti: in favor
  • Terry N: If you’re vaccinated, consider wearing a mask in businesses with others around. 
  • Vashti: Who are we asking to enforce it? Staffers shouldn’t have to put up with unruly attendees. 
  • Bob: People should already be prepared to be asked to wear a mask. Tracking unvaccinated people is impossible. It should be posted. 
  • Julie: More than 6 people in the building at the same time, wear a mask. Think of it the same way as using safety equipment. Encourage it for Open Hacks. 
  • Terry N: Require a picture of vaccination card in order to reactivate keyfob?
  • CONSENSUS: Put the masks required signs back up. Require masks again.
  • Vashti: Additional signage like “This is a safe space to ask others to put their masks on”. Vashti will create it, send it to EMT to confirm.