1. Terry Glover - Staff, Board Member
2. Bob Foster – Assoc. Wood and Metal Shop Manager
3. Jeremy Briddle - Executive Management Team (EMT)
4. David Lesser- President, EMT
5. Adrian Barton – 3D Print Shop
6. Don Cue - Asst Laser Shop Manager
7. Guy Link - Laser & CNC Shop Manager
8. Candi Carrell – Craft Area Manager
9. Matt Rios – Community Manager
10. John Nicolson – Tool Sales Manager & Shop Staffer
11. Harvey Brown – Wood Shop Manager
12. Kirian Downey – Jewelry Studio Staffer
13. Jason Johnson – returning member.
14. Jason Pigeon – Wed. Evening Staffer
Zoom Meeting Started at 07:00 PM and was monitored by David Lesser
Steering Committee Minutes – Terry Glover announced that he is stepping down as the Steering Committee Meeting Notes monitor. Terry’s last Steering Committee Minutes Publication will be for the 12 June steering committee meeting. Contact the EMT at if you are interested in taking over this task.
Glass Studio Construction Completed – Pat and Terry have completed the Glass Studio construction. Thanks to all the members who helped with the construction work. A special thanks goes to Mike Runde for volunteering his crew to level the floor and David Koenig for all his construction support. Glass and Enamel classes will be held starting this fall after the cooler weather sets in. There is no air conditioning in the Glass Studio and the kilns will add heat to an already hot studio area.
Jason Johnson announced he would now like to get back to volunteering at Xerocraft. His truck was totaled in a car accident so it is hard for him to get to Xerocraft. He is available for off-site volunteer work from home.
WTF - Candi Carrell announced that WTF is still meeting vial Zoom and that she has been very busy supporting with them on the South Tucson Bulletin Board Committee.
Laser Shop - Guy Link – Laser Cutter on “the frits”. The power is low and the gantry is crashing.
Shop Signs – Don Cue is in the process of laser printing new shop signs. [They are very nice Don.]
Open Hacks – David L. announced that we are starting Open Hacks on Saturdays from noon to 4 p.m. Alexis sent out a social media blast, but it did not draw any traffic for the 1st Open Hack.
Agenda Items:
Computer Shop update - Adrian received 5 computers from Rodney Kugizaki. All of them need work. In addition, 2 of the 4 previously received CAD stations are in the N. Mezzanine. All 4 Cad Stations are different requiring different maintenance. Kirian Downey brought in a pen display. [Mike C. and Kirian will be doing a visual arts workshop that includes developing animations] Kirian purchased a 2nd display from eBay. Jason J. has computer parts to donate and will work with Adrian.
CM functions – Harvey wanted a better understanding of what the CM roles and functions are. David L. reported that the CMs are supposed to handle quite a few items such as interface with members, talk to work-trade members to help coordinate them with the shop manager and look for new outside areas of revenue. Alexis’s primarily responsible is Xerocraft bookkeeping.
Terry G. – Requested confirmation that the primary CM responsibilities as written in their contract are Bookkeeping support and Membership communications.
[These are the primary responsibilities of the CMs as agreed to by the Xerocraft Board in November 2020:
Primary CM Responsibilities
Bookkeeping/Accounting (Alexis) – Tasks to be defined after meeting with Pat and Michelle. (See attached Draft XC Accounting Tasks.docx)
· (Alexis) Reimbursement requests processed from receipt to amount owed. (Michelle writes the checks).
· Account for memberships paid.
· Donations documented.
· Bank deposits.
· Task is measured by timely reporting and accuracy.
Paid Members Tracking (Matt) – Compile and maintain a Xerocraft current and in good standing members list. The current members list should be accessible to anyone requiring current member information. Track and report monthly member status to the Executive Management Team (EMT). Follow up with members who are behind on their membership obligations.
· Task is measured by timely reporting and accuracy.
Volunteer Coordinating (Alexis and Matt) – Establish a system to coordinate volunteer tasks. Introduce new volunteers to shop managers. During Covid-19, schedule experienced volunteers to mentor new members.
· Task is measured by satisfaction of the shop managers and members that volunteer rules are consistent, clearly stated and fairly implemented.”
A copy of the complete document will be forwarded to the Shop Managers by Terry Glover]
Open Hacks –Harvey wanted to know what is the CMs Open Hacks responsibility. He also suggested charging a nominal fee for Open Hacks. People are coming into use Xerocraft for free and this is not encouraging people to join. They should be willing to contribute to keep the lights on.
Matt commented that the Open Hack has always been there to provide access to low-income people. Harvey’s response is that is fine, but we are not monetarily sound. Guy understands and agrees and but thinks that Open Hacks does pull in members. [There is no objective data to suggest that this is true since we have never tracked Open Hack members to see if they ever joined Xerocraft.]
Jason J. suggested that Xerocraft can be an intimidating environment. He sees “Pay to Play” as a barrier but does suggest that the Tip or Donation Jar needs to be more prominent.
David thinks that we are undervaluing Xerocraft but is hesitant about having a mandatory Open Hack fee. He feels that like Met Art we need better signage. He says the 2018-2019 donations were higher, but we have no objective data to support that.
Harvey is not about changing the Xerocraft culture but suggest that we need to monitor Open Hacks better. We just restarted Open Hacks and it is a good time to start monitoring it more closely. Can we query people to see if they were drawn in by the Open Hack? [No response.]
Paying Online - Jason J. asked if we have fixed the Website donation problem. Donations online are difficult. Please notify the Website manager using the contact pull down if you have any website issues. Kyle is very good about getting back to members with website issues. Try to be as detailed as possible when communicating your issues.
[Pat Glover tested the website Donation process and it worked. However, the donation button was hard for her to find]
Educational outreach, Jason J. asked if we are still doing educational outreach.
Response from Terry Glover -We would like to restart the Library, TUSD Teachers 3D printer training and Bit Buckets. However, all these programs require a lead member to initiate contacts and follow up with the program. If you would like to volunteer for that task, please contact the EMT at
Cryptocurrency - Jason J. asked if we are accepting crypto currency. David stated that we have had some offered to us, but it requires too much overhead to manage.
Don Cue – Suggested getting a Ven Mall account for the donation box. Guy agreed that the U of A students would use that method of payment.
[We need a lead member to work with the Treasurer, Pat Glover, to set up Ven Mall if we are going to use it.]
Work-Trade Arrangements – Harvey said that we are heavily promoting Work-Trade (W-T) but we may have to curtail this or have Individual managers put out more tasks on the Kiosk. Should we curtail W-T?
Matt Rios - The W-T Dashboard – has a list of all active members on the Manager website. Another control system is being rolled out, such as, a W-T task list on the Kiosk. Some of the kiosk tasks have resetting timers.
[Pat Glover tried to find the W-T Dashboard on the website subsequent to this meeting but could not find it. She sent a contact help request to the webmaster, Kyle on 15 July. Kyle followed up and stated the website list is only available CMs but that the Xerocraft System site has a W-T list that is only available to shop managers that request access.]
Guy – The lowest effort would be to stop advertising W-T to everyone coming in.
Matt Rios – Stated that W-T is not being actively promoted. Furthermore, some W-T colunteers show up and some do not. If the 5 hour requirement is not fulfilled, then the member is taking off the W-T list. [Technically the members W-T status lapses until they work 5 hours on a W-t task.They are not removed from the list.]
Terry G responded that W-T is being promoted by word-of-mouth member conversations. New members sign up as paying and then immediately convert to W-T when they find out they can get the membership for 5 hours of W-T.
[Clarification – W-T is being offered under the Membership Drop Down, 3rd item Volunteer Opportunities. This is a prominent advertising for W-T members. Does the website need to be updated? Terry G. will discuss this with the website committee.]
Harvey- if a W-T member is taken off the list does the RFI Fob still work. Matt says no, but David says yes. The RFID Fob process is more complicated than it seems and in past many people have been accidently kicked off. David (or someone) must change the W-T member status. David is reluctant to change the members fob status.
List of W-T Members - David checked and there are currently 62 Active Members and ½ are W-T members. David suggested that this could be better managed. W-T has lots of sign-ups but then some of them never volunteer. He does not think this is necessarily a problem for member access (no overcrowding). Money is great but we need volunteers. Not crazy if we need to have more of a barrier but it would be hard to manage. David is concerned about denigrating low-income W-T members.
[Correction the Xerocraft System shows 33 W-T members (one is a duplicate.). Only 12 W-T members are listed as current. One of which is a CM and another is a shop manager. Therefore, the current W-T only count is 10.]
Terry G. responded that it is not easy but necessary to track W-T membership. We would not be, or are we currently denigrating low-income W-T members. It is not denigrating to expect payment for services or membership. In fact, we are denigrating the regular income members who work far beyond 5 hours a month to keep Xerocraft staffed and maintained. Most of these members are not low-income. Equating 5 hours a month for a W-T membership to a paying $50 membership ($10/hour) is an insult to both low-income and regular income members. Most of the Board Members, Shop Managers and Shop Staffers work more than 5 hours a month and make donations because they value Xerocraft. Most of them have full time jobs or are retired but certainly are not low-income. Their time and experience are valued far above $10 an hour. These members see the Xerocraft enabling value to the community and are working to keep Xerocraft viable. Allowing some members take advantage of Xerocraft for little or no effort is an insult to all Xerocraft members.
[Xerocraft membership benefits should be valued far above the monthly fee we are asking. Access to use the equipment housed at Xerocraft is a high value commodity. Members do not have to purchase, maintain, or house any of this equipment. If they did, the cost would be far higher than $50 per month. The difference in cost of rent, utilities, insurance, tools, and maintenance, not to mention the networking opportunities, versus the monthly fees we ask is our contribution to the Tucson community as a 501 (c) 3.]
Terry G. suggested assigning new W-T members to a Shop Manager as for initial assignment. This would provide the W-T member a mentor/leader enabling them to contribute to Xerocraft while they are learning the space and the common processes. This helps the new member become part of the team and inspires sense of community involvement. Leaving new volunteers to figure out the Xerocraft environment for themselves leads makes it harder to integrate into the Xerocraft team.
Matt – All for assigning WT to managers because, CM time is limited to 10 hours per week. /he will attempt to assign WTs to specific managers where they best fit.
Don Cue – Do consider assignment to a given manager but don’t make it not a hard and fast assignment where they cannot work anywhere else.
Guy – Try to use volunteers to where their skills are a good match.
Harvey – We don’t want to pigeonhole people but we do need a way for people to get tasks. We also need to update the task lists.
Guy suggested coordinating W-Ts on Discord.
Roof Leak - Jeremy said the water on the floor is most likely a door leak. Mike Runde inspected the Xerocraft section of the roof, and it is fine. David says the roof needs work, but this is a WAMO responsibility for major structural work. WAMO is hiking the rent due to maintenance issue. David would like to coordinate with other tenants to maintain the roof. The EMT will coordinate the effort.
Caterpillar Meeting - Matt is meeting with Caterpillar tomorrow to discuss a Xerocraft partnership. He has a rough idea of what we can provide and what we want in return. Matt asked the group to discuss what we could offer Caterpillar.
-David has been in discussions with Caterpillar and feels they are generally interested in being a good community member by supporting organizations like Xerocraft. He suggested we may be able to offer the following:
-Teaching workshops.
-Discount membership for all Caterpillar employees which could lead to funding shop staffing in one or more of the shops such as Woodworking.
-Guy suggested hosting a 2 meetings per month at Xerocraft for specific maker area training.
Matt is going to the Caterpillar meeting to listen to what their needs are. He likes the idea of the company offering Xerocraft membership as an employee perk similar to some companies offering free Gym memberships to their employees.
Back Door – Harvey reported that the door is being left open and non-members are walking in. Many people are coming and going with keys. David Lesser was unaware of that practice and would like to do something about it. We need to communicate that the back door should be closed when not being monitored. If anyone comes in through the back door, please send a message to Jeremy or David with specifics (date/time/incident) on the occasions that it happens.
Jeremy, Kyle, and Steve Bowtie are working on a front/back door monitoring system that uses the RFID Fobs. Matt suggested that a Ring Camera system is an affordable alternative to a DIY system – $100/year for 2 cameras. Jeremy s R-Pye cameras are recording, and Jeremy can view specific reported times.
John N. – People are leaving the door open. The security block has been taken down for the convenience of members who have a key to the back door. – Why? David said the blocks of wood were put in place due to an issue with a former member. There were no problems and the next-door tenant members complained about having to enter via the front door. [We are supposed to sign in when entering Xerocraft.]. The door block was then removed,
As an interim solution the Steering Committee decided to put up a sign and tell people to watch the door.
Old Business:
Set More – Don believes Set More is poorly used now. Guy suggested we get rid of that booking system and use a new website system. David agreed to get rid of Set More because it is not being effectively used. Set up a website reservation system. Alexis will get rid of Set More with Matt and may be able to use the check in system to get a real time assessment of shop usage.
Mezzanine Space Proposal - David Lesser proposed north mezzanine layout. Management of the Mezzanine space has not been decided. Is this a new shop? Who will manage safety and cleanliness in the area? The EMT will review the plan, decide on the responsible parties for the space and get back to us.
Sanitation Practices – Terry G. requested that we establish a routine to clean the restroom at the end of every staffing shift. Alexis took the action to investigate implementing a volunteer or staffing cleaning plan.
Volunteers (Work-Trade) members list - Matt and Kyle have a work trade list and will grant access to the list when they meet with the shop managers.
24-hour member list - Kyle and David - work in progress.
Website Fob Activation Instructions - work in progress.
Website Committee – Alexis, Don Cue, Jeremy, Kyle, Terry Glover and Terry Nordbrock are working of updating the Website. The next meeting is on 21 July at 7 p.m. with Kyle. The focus of that meeting is Shop website pages.
Old air compressor return - Jeremy will complete some compressor maintenance and return it to the donating family.
Items 4-Sale –
Reopening TO-DO List – EMTs to meet on 5 May to update this list [No feedback received.]
1. Distribute accidental sprinkler activation instructions - Jeremy
2. Purchase cages for the sprinkler heads. – Jeremy Adrian Printing temporary cages.
3. Purchase and install replacement fire extinguishers. – Jeremy Done?
4. Laser Cutter/engraver move - Guy and the EMTs. Estimated electrical and duct cost $500.
5. KMKR Move - work in progress. Everything has been moved to the north mezzanine.
6. Shop Web Page updates – CMs and Shop Managers work in progress. We need a page developed for Welding Shop. Mike Runde is working with WAMO on a welding shop plan.
7. Front door maintenance and update the closure mechanism. Jeremy Briddle
8. Rearrange wood storage area in basement. Alexis and Vashti Raymond.
9. Create a members storage area. Not in David’s N. Mezzanine floor plan(?).
10. Orientation packet for new members to include labeling stored items and closing the building. - Jeremy/Matt.
11. Closing - Matt is developing an infographic sheet that will be posted at the front and back doors.
Next Xerocraft Steering Committee ZOOM Meeting - Monday 26 July 2021 at 7pm.
Topic: Xerocraft Steering Committee Meeting
Time: Every 2 weeks on Monday.
Jul 26, 2021 07:00 PM
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Steering Committee Minutes: The minutes are posted to the Xerocraft Website under the Membership dropdown> Steering Committee Meetings
Terry Glover
Xerocraft Board Member
(520) 907-0404 (Text or Voice)